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Non-income tested (NOI) concession cards 101-06140000

This page contains information relating to non-income tested Low Income Health Care Card (LIC) and non-income tested Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) and non-pensioner Pensioner Concession Card (PCC).

On this page:

Re-grant of non-income tested concession cards after cancellation

Claim requirements for non-income tested concession cards

Updating grandfathering status for non-income tested concession cards

Re-grant of non-income tested concession cards after cancellation

Table 1: This table describes information relating to processing for non-income tested cards after a cancellation occurs.




Re-grant of non-income tested concession cards after a portability cancellation + Read more ...

The portability of the non-pensioner Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) and non-income tested (NOI) Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) remain in line with income tested cards, that is:

  • PCC is portable for up to 6 weeks from date of departure, subject to continuing eligibility
  • CSHC is portable for up to 19 weeks from date of departure, subject to continuing eligibility

See Portability of concession cards.

Cancelled due to portability

Both non-income tested cards will automatically reissue if the customer returns to Australia within 13 weeks of cancellation.

Customers who return to Australia outside the 13 weeks of card cancellation will need to contact when they return in order to have their card/s reinstated.


Re-grant of pension and effect on non-income tested card/s + Read more ...

Customers who have their pension restored from reason 'ASS', with a date of effect of 1 January 2017, for example, because of an appeal, reduction of assets, Asset Hardship provisions - manual rate reason 'HAR' etc. will have their grandfathering status revoked. The customer will lose their entitlement to the non-income tested card/s. Upon restoration of the customer's pension, their grandfathering status will be updated with 'NOT-Not Grandfathered'.


The non-pensioner PCC will be cancelled with the reason 'GFR - Grandfathering Revoked'. This cancellation reason is not restorable.


The CSHC will automatically cancel with the reason code 'CPP' - Customer on a precluding payment.

Grant of pension from 1 January 2017 onwards

Customers who are granted a pension from 1 January 2017 onwards (not a reversal of CAN/ASS decision), will retain their grandfathering status for non- income tested cards. If a person becomes eligible for pension payments after this date, they will qualify for a regular PCC. If their eligibility for payment ceases they will retain entitlement to the non-pensioner PCC through their grandfathered status. The customer's non-income tested CSHC will cancel with the reason code 'CPP' - Customer on a precluding payment from the date the pension is granted. The non-income tested CSHC will be automatically re-granted if the customer's pension is then cancelled for any reason.

Claim requirements for non-income tested concession cards

Table 2: This table describes information relating to the need for a claim after the cancellation of non-income tested cards.




Cancellation of the card/s + Read more ...

Eligibility for the non-income tested card/s will be lost when the customer ceases to meet any eligibility criteria (excluding the CSHC income requirements) for the relevant card. Customers will retain grandfathering if eligibility is lost and can re-apply for the non-income tested card/s when their circumstances change.

If the non-income tested card/s were cancelled for portability reasons, see Item 1 in Table 1.

The identifier '2017 Rebalance Assets Cards' on the GFS screen will remain on the customer's record.

Customers who qualify for:

  • a non-income tested CSHC on 1 January 2017 and are later disqualified because an income support payment is granted will be automatically re-granted a non-income tested CSHC if the income support payment is then cancelled for any reason
  • the non-pensioner PCC on 9 October 2017 and then receive a normal PCC because a pension payment is granted will be automatically re-qranted a non-pensioner PCC if the pension payment is then cancelled for any reason


Normal claim provisions apply + Read more ...

Normal claim provisions for both LIC and CSHC apply. However, for customers entitled to a non-income tested CSHC, a message will display on the SHC Income Details (SHID) and SHC Income Summary (SHIS) screens indicating that any income recorded is disregarded for the purposes of determining CSHC eligibility.

For information on how a customer can claim, see:

Updating grandfathering status for non-income tested concession cards

Table 3: This table describes information on the manual update of the GFS/GFD screens for non-income tested concession cards.




Manually adjusting the GFS/GFD screen to add '2017 Rebalance Asset Cards' (RAC) + Read more ...

Customers may require an update to their grandfathered status where '2017 Rebalance Asset Cards' (RAC) has not be added automatically.

A manual adjustment to the Grandfathering Summary/Grandfathering Override (GFS/GFD) screen can only be updated by Service Officers at the APS5 level and above.


Grandfathering DVA customers + Read more ...

Adding manual grandfathering for a DVA customer will not automatically trigger the issue of non-income tested card/s. All grandfathered DVA customers are required to lodge a claim with Services Australia to apply for the non-income tested CSHC.

There are limited cases where this is required because veterans whose service pension, income support supplement or Age Pension was cancelled due to the asset test changes with a date of effect of 1 January 2017, who were pension age, automatically received a non-income tested DVA CSHC. In addition, from 9 October 2017, DVA automatically reinstated and reissued PCCs to veterans whose income support pension was cancelled on 1 January 2017 due to changes to the assets test.

Select the system being used.

Process Direct + Read more ...

Key GFS in Super Key:

  • on The Grandfathering Summary/Override (GFS) screen select the Add icon
  • on Create Grandfathering Summary / Override, update these fields:
    • Start Date, must be 1 January 2017
    • Benefit Type, select DVA – Service Pension
    • Change Reason Code, select DVT (DVA transfer w/ Issue or Limit)
    • Grandfathering Status, select GRF (Grandfathered)
    • Type, select RAC - 2017 Rebalance Assets Cards
  • select Save
  • complete the Receipt Date and Channel > Save
  • select Assess and address any errors/warning
  • select Assess > Finish. Record details of the update
  • select Finalise to complete the transaction

Customer First + Read more ...

In the PEN system go to the GFS screen and in the Add Grandfathering Type field select RAC and continue.

On the GFD screen, update these fields:

  • Date of effect, must be 1 January 2017
  • Benefit Group, DVA
  • Status, GRF - Grandfathered
  • Reason, DVT - DVA transfer with issue or limitation
  • Source and Receipt date and continue

Complete the activity and document the update including information to support why grandfathering was added manually.


Grandfathering Services Australia customers + Read more ...

Adding manual grandfathering for a Services Australia customer who is in Australia will automatically trigger the issue of a non-pensioner PCC and a non-income tested CSHC if the customers is over Age Pension age. If the customer is not yet Age Pension age when manual grandfathering is added, they can lodge a claim for the CSHC once they reach Age Pension age.

In the PEN system go to the GFS screen and in the 'Add Grandfathering Type' field select code RAC and continue.

On the GFD screen, update these fields:

  • Date of effect, must be 1 January 2017
  • Benefit Group, PEN
  • Status, GRF - Grandfathered
  • Reason, APL - Appeal, POL - Policy decision or SYS - System error or omission
  • Source and Receipt date and continue

Complete the activity and document the update including information to support why grandfathering was added manually.


Manually adjusting the GFD screen to remove or reinstate the '2017 Rebalance Asset Cards' (RAC) grandfathering status + Read more ...

Customers may require an update to their grandfathered status where the status is not automatically removed or where grandfathering needs to be reinstated. This may occur due to:

  • a pension cancellation being reversed:
    • as a result of an appeal, a reduction of assets or asset hardship provisions
    • incorrectly and grandfathering is still applicable
  • system limitations
  • DVA customers being incorrectly identified

Only Service Officers at the APS5 level and above can update a manual adjustment to the GFD screen.

Select the system being used.

Process Direct + Read more ...

Key GFS in Super Key:

  • on the Grandfathering Summary/Override (GFS) screen, select the EDIT icon on the relevant entry
  • on Change Grandfathering Summary / Override update these fields:
    • Start Date, must be 1 January 2017
    • Benefit Type, select relevant option
    • Change Reason Code, select relevant option APL (Appeal), DVT (DVA transfer w/ issue or limit), POL (Policy decision) or SYS (System error or omission)
    • Grandfathering Status, select either NOT (Not Grandfathered) or GRF (Grandfathered)
    • Type, select RAC – 2017 Rebalance Assets Cards
  • select Save
  • complete the Receipt Date and Channel > Save
  • select Assess and address any errors/warning
  • select Assess > Finish. Record details of the update
  • select Finalise to complete the transaction

Customer First + Read more ...

In the PEN system go to the GFS screen and select 2017 Rebalance Assets Cards.

On the GFD screen update these fields:

  • Action, C to correct an existing entry
  • Status, NOT - Not Grandfathered or GRF - Grandfathered
  • Reason, APL - Appeal, DVT - DVA transfer with issue or limitation, POL - Policy decision or SYS - System error or omission
  • Source and Receipt date and continue

Complete the activity and document the update including information to support why grandfathering was revoked or reinstated.