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Compliance & review content

File NameTitle
110-02000000Income, assets and vacation of home reviews
110-02010000General Pension reviews
110-02010020Actioning return of an Income and Assets Review (SA220 and AUS220)
110-02010030Assessing an Income and Assets Update (SA220) form
110-02010040Assessing an overseas Income and Assets Review (AUS220)
110-02060000Income stream reviews
110-02060010February income stream reviews
110-02060020August income stream reviews
110-02060030Income stream indexation review
110-02060040Review of income stream products with a residual capital value
110-02060050Reviewing actuarial certificates for lifetime or life expectancy asset test exempt income streams from Self Managed or Small APRA Super Funds
110-02090000Vacation of home to enter care situation (INH) reviews
110-03000000Member of a couple reviews
110-04000000Pension Reviews
110-05000000Rent Assistance reviews
110-05010000Rent Assistance (RA) Profile reviews
110-06010000Prioritising interventions
110-06030000Online Search (OLS) facility
110-06070000Customer Identity Matching for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs data exchange
110-06080000Using the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080010Navigating in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080020Searching for Service Updates and Reviews in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080030Manually loading a Service Update or Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080040Manually loading a Partner Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080050Finalising and attributing actions to a Service Update or Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080060Actioning a Service Update or Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080070Cancelling a Service Update or Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080080Extracting Service Update and Review data in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080090Review Types and Review Reasons in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080100Combining a Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080110Linking reviews in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080120Attributing Other Review Outcomes in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080130Calculating a Review Result and Restoration Processing in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06080140Manually attributing a debt to a finalised Service Update or Review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-06090020Ripple manager consequences
110-06090030How to code and action a manual review
110-06090050Review of Homelessness Indicator and referral for a wellbeing assessment
110-06090160Reviewing nominee arrangements
110-07000000Reviews and Service Updates for job seekers, students, trainees or Australian Apprentices
110-07010000General reviews and Service Updates for job seekers, students, trainees or Australian Apprentices
110-07010010Digital Study Load Declaration (DSLD) online reviews
110-07020000Reviews of independence for job seekers, students or Australian Apprentices
110-07020010Reviews of independence for Youth Allowance
110-07020020Reviews of independence for ABSTUDY
110-07030000Centrelink Academic Reassessment Transformation (CART) reviews
110-07030010Processing Centrelink Academic Reassessment Transformation (CART) reviews
110-07040000End of course reviews for students
110-07040010Processing end of course reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and PES students
110-07040020Processing end of course and intention to study reviews for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA)
110-07060000ABSTUDY annual Parental Income Test (PIT) reviews
110-07060050Dealing with ABSTUDY customer enquiries about annual Parental Income Test (PIT) reviews
110-07060060Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY Parental Income Test (PIT) reviews
110-07070000Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) End of Year (EOY) reviews
110-07070010Reissuing an Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) End of Year (EOY) review form
110-07070040Receiving and assessing Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) End of Year (EOY) review forms
110-07070060Assessing Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) End of Year (EOY) review forms where additional information has been requested
110-07080000End of Year (EOY) processing for ABSTUDY students
110-07080010Actioning Reviews and Manual Follow-ups (MFUs) associated with End of Year (EOY) processing
110-07090000Youth Allowance (YA) annual Parental Income Test (PIT) reviews
110-08030000Employment Services Provider reports job seeker commenced employment but income not declared
110-08040010General notification provisions and exceptions
110-08040020Notification provisions for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
110-0804004028 day rule for Centrelink International Services (CIS) customers
110-0804005028 day rule for bereavement
110-08040060Disability notification issues
110-08040070Carer notification issues
110-09000000Data matching
110-09010000Information for Service Delivery and Smart Centres about Compliance Intervention Processes
110-09020000Accelerated Claimant Matching (ACM) System
110-09020010Accessing and navigating the Accelerated Claimant Matching (ACM) system
110-09020020Selections and matching triggers for Accelerated Claimant Matching (ACM) reviews
110-09050000Defence Housing Authority (DHA) interventions
110-09110000Report suspected fraud and corruption
110-09110040Initial processing of reports of suspected fraud and corruption
110-09110100Identity fraud
110-10000000Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10010000Arranging access to the Integrated Review System (IRS), Random Review Results System (RRRS) and RSS/MND Review Initiation Workflow for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10010010Locating Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) within the Integrated Review System (IRS) and Random Review Results System (RRRS)
110-10010020Locating Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) in the Random Review Results System (RRRS)
110-10020000Tasks to be undertaken prior to commencement of a new Trimester for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) interviews
110-10020010Arranging replacement reviews and transfers for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10020020Examining records in preparation for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) interviews
110-10020030Arranging Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) interviews
110-10020040Determining interview and module requirements for partners of customers selected for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10030000Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) interviews and Intensive Desktop Reviews (IDR)
110-10030010Conducting face-to-face interviews for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) in a service centre
110-10030030Requesting and conducting Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) telephone interviews
110-10030040Requesting and conducting an Intensive Desktop Review (IDR) for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10030050Recording information, scanning review packages to the customer's record and destruction of packages for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10030070Failure to attend a Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) interview
110-10040000The Quality Process for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10040010Quality checking of Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10040020Quality Assurance (QA) of Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10040030External Validation (EV) of Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-10040040Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) reports
110-11010000Planning, commencement and critical decision recording for fraud investigations
110-11010010Receipt of case
110-11010020Creating or reviewing the investigation plan
110-11010030Critical case reporting
110-11010040Critical decision recording
110-11020010Liaison with the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP)
110-11020020Prosecution referral or non-referral
110-11020030Brief of evidence preparation
110-11020040Prosecution charges, summons, court proceedings and result
110-11020050Prosecution case reporting
110-11030000Gathering information and evidence for fraud investigations
110-11030010Gathering information from internal sources
110-11030020Requesting information from other Commonwealth Government agencies
110-11030030Requesting information from customers or their partners
110-11030040Requesting information from third parties
110-11030050Witness statements
110-11030060Obtaining expert evidence
110-11030070Record of Interview (ROI)
110-11040000Optical surveillance
110-11040010Requesting referral for optical surveillance
110-11040020Referring a case to a provider for optical surveillance
110-11040030Optical surveillance report received from provider
110-12150000Study Load Interventions
110-12150040Actioning Study Load Interventions
110-13000000Customer compliance interventions
110-13010000Earned Income Intervention (EII)
110-13010010Initiation and customer contact for Earned Income Interventions (phone based) (EIIP)
110-13010030Assessing and finalising Employment Income Interventions (phone based) (EIIP)
110-13020000Unearned Income Intervention (UII)
110-13020010Initiation and customer contact for Unearned Income Interventions (UII)
110-13020020Requesting verification for Unearned Income Interventions (UII)
110-13020030Assessing and finalising Unearned Income Interventions (UII)
110-13050000Qualification Interventions
110-13050030Initial compliance checks for Registrar-General's Office Interventions (RGO)
110-13050040Initiating and assessing Registrar-General’s Office Interventions (RGO)
110-13050050Finalising Registrar-General's Office Interventions (RGO)
110-13050110Corrective Services interventions (COR)
110-13050120Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) Interventions
110-13050200Carer Consolidated interventions
110-13060020Coding the contact screen in the Integrated Review System (IRS)
110-13060040Recovery Fee Workload Management for Compliance Interventions
110-13060050Adding a Manual Partner Intervention
110-13060060Compliance intervention referral for Case Selection or escalation
110-13060070Actioning Identity Mismatches for Compliance interventions
110-13060090Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) Interventions
110-13080000Relationship Status Interventions (RSI)
110-13080010Initiation and customer contact for Relationship Status Intervention (RSI)
110-13080030Assessing and finalising Relationship Status Interventions (RSI)
110-13090000EIC online compliance interventions
110-14040000Post interview verification and finalising Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040010Verification of information for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040020Verification of independence categories for Youth Allowance (YA) for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040030Verification of Away from Home rate categories for Youth Allowance (YA) for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040040Verification of Away from Home rate categories for ABSTUDY for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040050Verification of Independence categories for ABSTUDY (ABY) for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040060Verification requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040070Coding changes to customer information and claiming errors within Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040080Reassessing entitlements for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040100Finalising the Integrated Review System (IRS), Random Review Results System (RRRS) and recording debts in RRRS
110-14040110Verification of employment income for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-14040120Verification of income (excluding employment income) for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)
110-15000000Health compliance
110-15030000Suspected Medicare fraud and Business Integrity (BI) flags
110-15040000Payment Accuracy Review (PAR) process
110-15100000Travelling with or sending medicines overseas
110-15130000Unauthorised Medicare activity
110-17060700Current Earnings Confirmation (CEC) reviews
110-17090100Registered mail processing for compliance interventions
110-17102300Reporting employment income self service troubleshooting
110-18020700Manual Income Confirmation (MIC) interventions
110-18020701Initiation and customer contact for MIC interventions
110-18020702Assessing and finalising MIC interventions
110-18071723Identity Matching - Automation of Income Stream Reviews
110-18071729Product Matching - Automation of Income Stream Reviews
110-18080647Medicare Business Integrity (BI) flag
110-18100129Check and update past income (CUPI) service
110-18100838Automated income stream review handoffs for manual processing
110-18120553Reporting overview
110-18120555Reporting screens
110-18121104Initiation and customer contact for Business Income and Bank Interest (BIBI) interventions
110-18121110Assessing and finalising Business Income and Bank Interest (BIBI) interventions
110-18121429Using Assessment Assist
110-19011120Income stream customer reviews - defined benefit or military invalidity pension income streams
110-19011125Income stream reviews - coding accuracy
110-19021337Initiation and customer contact for Automation of Income Stream (AoIS) interventions
110-19021342Assessing and finalising Automation of Income Stream (AoIS) interventions
110-19021426Accommodation Circumstance Intervention (ACI)
110-19021446Completing work items for the Rent Assistance (RA) Profile reviews
110-19061825Customer contact about compliance intervention decision
110-19062145Using the Generate Outcome Letter workflow
110-19081346Proof of Life interventions
110-19082246Automated income stream review handoffs for manual processing - account-based and market-linked products
110-19082252Automated income stream review handoffs for manual processing - defined benefit and military invalidity pension income streams
110-19082838Using Earnings Apportion
110-19111307Member of a couple reviews - Section 24
110-19111344Member of a couple reviews - Separated Under One Roof (SUOR)
110-20040148Income stream customer reviews – account-based and market-linked income streams
110-20050703Income compliance program class action
110-20051817Initiation and customer contact for JobKeeper compliance interventions
110-20052106Assessing and finalising JobKeeper compliance interventions
110-20070738Income compliance refunds
110-20081124Return to sender (RTS) mail for investigation teams
110-20082022Income compliance remediation initial assessment
110-20082025Income compliance remediation processing
110-20100737Processing income compliance refunds for customers with manual exceptions
110-21012926Vacation of home reviews
110-21021508Customer contacts non-investigation staff about an investigation
110-21071208Family Day Care (FDC) interventions
110-21071220Initiation and customer contact for Family Day Care (FDC) interventions
110-21071243Assessing and finalising Family Day Care (FDC) interventions
110-21081000Customer contact and processing income compliance refunds for incarcerated customers
110-21083102Income compliance program
110-21120238Emergency payments - preventing fraud
110-22081650Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme
110-22092117Initiation and customer contact for Farm Household Allowance (FHA) interventions
110-22092128Farm Household Allowance (FHA) interventions
110-22092142Assessing and finalising Farm Household Allowance (FHA) interventions
110-23012514Compliance intervention - assessing additional risk
110-23072527Initiation and customer contact for Self-employment Income interventions
110-23072545Assessing and finalising Self-employment Income interventions