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Initial contact & POI content

File NameTitle
106-01000000About Initial contact and Identity Confirmation
106-01010000Contact in relation to an intended claim (CLK)
106-01020010Guidelines for using interpreters
106-01020020Accessing translated information
106-01020030Translation of documents
106-01020040Community Language Allowance (CLA)
106-01030000Identifying entitlements and services for the customer (CLK)
106-01030010Identifying a package of services for vision impaired customers
106-01030030Australian South Sea Islander customers
106-01030040Identifying and assisting individuals who experienced institutional care as children
106-01040000Using the National Relay Service (NRS)
106-02000000Delivery standards for Centrelink payments and services (CLK)
106-02010000Timeliness standards - Claims processing
106-02020000Centrelink service standards and procedures for pre-release and post-release prison customers
106-02030000Standards for helping customers complete claims and forms
106-03010000First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow
106-03020000Claim lodgement of Centrelink claims
106-03020010Backdating provisions for claim lodgement
106-03020060Claims received that are incomplete or incorrect
106-03030010Identifying a package of services for rural customers
106-03040010Calculating the deemed date of claim manually
106-03040020Early claims
106-03040030Incorrect claims
106-03040040Inappropriate claims
106-03040050Withdrawal of claims
106-03050060Booking an interpreter for an appointment
106-03070180Completing the Study Details MOD St
106-04000000International Social Security Agreements
106-04005000Review and appeal procedures for Agreement decisions
106-04006000Austria Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04007000Belgium Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04008000Canada Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04009000Chile Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04010000Claims for Australian payments under International Agreements
106-04011000Cyprus Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04012000Czech Republic Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04013000Denmark Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04014000Finland Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04015000Germany Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04016000Greece Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04017000Hungary Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04018000Ireland Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04019000Italy Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04020000Agreement liaisons, NZ CICs and exchange of information
106-04021000Latvia Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04022000Malta Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04023000The Netherlands Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04024000New Zealand Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04025000Norway Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04026000Poland Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04027000Portugal Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04028000Republic of Korea Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04029000Slovak Republic Agreement and foreign pension Information
106-04030000Closing dates for lodgement of student and Australian Apprentice claims
106-04031000Slovenia Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04032000Spain Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04033000Switzerland Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04034000United Kingdom former Agreement information
106-04035000United States of America Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04036000North Macedonia Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04037000Croatia Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04038000Japan Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04039000India Agreement and foreign pension information
106-04040000Foreign pension medical assessments
106-05000000Start Day and Waiting Periods (CLK)
106-05010000Start Day
106-05010010Calculating the start day general rule
106-05010020Calculating the start day for a transferee
106-05010030Calculating the start day for an incapacitated customer
106-05010040Calculating the start day for a claim made after partner's claim
106-05010050Calculating the start day soon after a partner's death
106-05010060Calculating the start day soon after child birth
106-05010070Multiple entitlement exclusions
106-05010080Start day for Parenting Payment (PP)
106-05010100Calculating the start day for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES
106-05010110Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims
106-05010120Late commencement of course for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), Austudy, PES, and Youth Allowance (YA)
106-05010130Determining the Entitlement Start date for the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme
106-05010140Determining the Entitlement End date for the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme
106-05010150Calculating the start day for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) students and Australian Apprentices claims
106-05010160Date of receipt
106-05020000Waiting periods for income support payments
106-05020010Ordinary Waiting Period (OWP)
106-05020020Income Maintenance Period (IMP)
106-05020030Assessment of hardship for Income Maintenance Period (IMP)
106-05020040Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP)
106-05020050Assessment of hardship for Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP)
106-05020070Assessment of hardship for Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP) for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) students
106-05020080Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP)
106-05020090Assessment of hardship for Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP)
106-05020100Unemployed Due to Industrial Action (UDIA)
106-05020110Unemployed due to stand down
106-05020120Interaction between waiting and preclusion periods
106-05020130Unemployed due to a major business closure or disruption
106-05020140Deferment, non-payment period or rate reduction period for Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP)
106-06000000Residence requirements
106-06010000Australian residence requirements for payment
106-06010010Assessing if a customer is an Australian resident
106-06010020Australian residence rules for New Zealand citizens
106-06010030New Zealand 10 year residence exemption
106-06010040Requesting and coding additional residence data for Norfolk Island claims
106-06020000Updating residence screens (CLK)
106-06020010Coding the CRES, ARD and RSS screens
106-06020020Residence and Portability screens
106-06020030Activating the Department of Home Affairs datalink and contingency procedures if datalink is unavailable
106-06020040Residence assessment for customers claiming Austudy
106-06020050Recording legal residence status
106-06020060Proof of Australian citizenship
106-06020080Referring inconsistencies in overseas departure and arrival information to Centrelink International Services (CIS)
106-06020110Residence assessment for customers claiming Parenting Payment (PP)
106-06020130Residence assessment for customers claiming Youth Allowance (YA) and/or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)
106-06020150Residence assessment for customers claiming Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)
106-06030000Working Life Residence (WLR)
106-07000000Claiming income support payments from Centrelink
106-07030000Search for existing and adding new records to the Income Security Integrated System (ISIS)
106-07030010Searching for a customer on the system
106-07030030Adding a customer to the system
106-07030050Indexing, re-indexing, and cancelling claim activities
106-07040010Coding the legacy Proof of Identity (POI) screen
106-07040040Identity Review contact
106-07040050Alternative Identity
106-07040060Alternative Identity reviews
106-07040070Commencement of Identity
106-07040080Amending Proof Of Identity (POI) documents that have already been recorded
106-07060000Documents required for Centrelink new claims
106-07060010Sighting, recording and returning original documents
106-07060020Requesting a Tax File Number (TFN)
106-07060030Tax File Number (TFN) for ABSTUDY
106-07060040Verifying the date of birth or age of a customer or child
106-07060050Employment Separation Certificate (SU001)
106-07060060Request to reassess a rejected claim
106-07080000Identity documents A to Z
106-07080001Legacy Proof of Identity (POI) tiered model A to Z documents
106-07090000Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) or Update (PPU) authority
106-07100000Common modules and forms
106-07100070Assessing and coding the Income and Assets Mod iA
106-07100080Completing Parent(s)/Guardian(s) details for the Base Tax Year and Current Tax Year (MOD JY)
106-07100090Completing, assessing and coding the Residence in Australia and other countries Mod O
106-07100100Assessing the Partner details (MOD P)
106-07100130Assessing and coding real estate details
106-07100140Assessing the Separation details MOD S and online updates
106-07100160Assessing and coding the Study details MOD (ST)
106-07100180Assessing the Income and Assets (SA369)
106-07110000Completing modules and forms
106-07110010Completing the Statement form (SS075)
106-07110040Completing the Income and Assets Mod iA
106-07110070Completing the Real estate details MOD R
106-07110090Completing the Income and Assets (SA369)
106-07120000Assessment of relationship status - processes, roles and responsibilities
106-07120010Member of a Couple (MoC) and Separated under one roof (SUOR) assessments
106-07120020Interviewing a customer about relationship details
106-07120040Customer is separated from their partner – temporarily or due to respite care
106-07120050Assessment of circumstances for customers with partner in prison
106-07120060Customer or partner under the age of consent
106-07120080Treatment of a partnered person as single under Section 24 new determinations
106-07130000Rejecting a Centrelink claim
106-07130010Rejecting an ABSTUDY claim
106-07130210Rejecting a claim for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker)
106-07130220Rejecting a Parenting Payment (PP) claim
106-08000000Foreign pensions
106-08010000Foreign pension claims
106-08010010Assisting customers to claim a foreign pension
106-08010020Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension
106-08010030Processing a foreign pension claim
106-08010040Foreign Pension System (FPS) status and reviews
106-08020000Foreign currency and exchange rates
106-08020010Reviews of foreign exchange rates
106-08020020Cancellation due to foreign exchange processing
106-08030000Foreign pension coding
106-08040000International Data Exchange Program and auto indexation of foreign pensions
106-08050000Eligibility and coding of foreign pensions from non-agreement countries
106-09000000Confirming a customer's identity
106-09010000Identity Confirmation
106-09010010Coding identity documents
106-09010050Supporting Identity Confirmation for customers unable to attend in person
106-10010000Immediate new claim and non-new claim priority processing
106-17061300Actioning Immigration Datalink activities
106-17111500Estonia Agreement and foreign pension information
106-18031300Visual comparison of a customer who wears a facial covering and their photo identification
106-18032700Intent to claim and vulnerable customers
106-19071608Confirming the need for a Member of a Couple (MoC) assessment
106-19082648Progress of claim
106-19111309Contacting an on-demand telephone interpreter (Interpreter Connect)
106-21021130myGov - Centrelink identity verification
106-21041320Agreement Liaison Details (ALD)
106-22011747Coding and viewing the RSCD, TOAD and TOAS portability screens
106-23053114Coding cruise travel
106-24011225Serbia Agreement and foreign pension information
106-24011531Former Yugoslavia mailout
106-24021543Medicare identity documents A to Z
106-24022000Medicare Identity
106-24022002Identity requirements for Medicare, AIR and IHI customers
106-24022042Identity documents for Medicare, AIR (including CVCS) and IHI customers