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Start day for Parenting Payment (PP) 106-05010080

This document outlines the general rules and exceptions to these rules when calculating the start day for a claim for Parenting Payment (PP).

Start day rule

The general rule is that if a person claims PP and is qualified on the day the claim is made, that day is the start day.

Exceptions to start day rule


  • Early claim - qualification: If the customer is not qualified for PP on the day they claim but will become qualified within 13 weeks, the start day is the date they become qualified. It is not possible for early claims for PP to be lodged in expectation of the birth of a child. See Early claims
  • Advanced start day - payability: The start date may be after the claim date where a customer is qualified but PP is not payable at the date the claim was made, yet has become payable within 13 weeks after the claim was made. See Calculating the start day general rule.
  • Backdated start day: If the customer claims PP within 4 weeks after giving birth to a child or after the date a PP child became a dependent child of the customer, the start day is the first day the customer is qualified for PP from the date the PP child became a dependent. This applies whether the child is the first PP child of the customer or a subsequent PP child. It does not apply when a child who is already a dependent child of the customer becomes a PP child of the customer (for example, due to an increase in shared care arrangements)
  • Claim made after partner’s claim: a customer’s start date may be earlier. See Calculating the start day for a claim made after partner’s claim
  • Partner died: If the customer is claiming within 4 weeks after their partner's death. See Calculating the start day soon after a partner's death
  • Parental Leave Pay (PPL): If PP was previously cancelled due to income during a PPL period, check if the customer is eligible for PP to be resumed. See Resumption of income support payments (ISP) after the end of Parental Leave Pay (PPL).
  • Transferees: If a customer transfers to PP from another income support payment, the start day for PP is the date the previous income support payment ceased if PP claim is lodged within 14 days after that date. If the transfer is due to the birth of a child, or a PP child becoming the dependent child of the customer the backdated start day rules will apply
  • Transfer from Carer Payment (CAR) after death of partner: In this case, the customer is not required to lodge a claim for PP. The start day for PP is the day following the end of the bereavement period. See Death of an adult or child care receiver and the effect on Carer Payment (CP)
  • Intent to claim provisions may apply to customers in vulnerable circumstances

The Resources page contains examples of calculating the start day when a customer claims PP.

Start Day

Contact in relation to an intended claim

Intent to claim and vulnerable customers

Claiming Parenting Payment (PP)

Assessment of dependent children, additional income free area and child income under social security law

Calculating the start day for a claim made after partner’s claim

Calculating the start day soon after a partner’s death