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Disability notification issues 110-08040060

This document outlines how to identify instances where recipients of a disability payment may have difficulty complying with their notification requirements.

Notification provisions

People with a disability who receive payments must comply with their notification requirements. Most customers have 14 days to notify Services Australia of a change in circumstances. Exceptions apply to Centrelink International Services (CIS) customers, and customers notifying of bereavement events. In both these cases, the notification period is 28 days.

Ability to comply

It is important to be aware of the type of disability, illness or injury a person has and the impacts, as it may affect their ability to comply with notification requirements. For example, an intellectual disability may affect a customer's ability to remember to advise a change of circumstances, or a physical injury may prevent a person from attending an office. In these cases it may be necessary to offer the customer alternative ways of complying with their notification obligations taking into account their circumstances (for example, online services, phone, fax, post, email, or by appointing a correspondence nominee).

General notification provisions and exceptions

28 day rule for Centrelink International Services (CIS) customers

28 day rule for bereavement

Change of circumstances for Mobility Allowance (MOB) customers

Customers claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP)/Youth Allowance (YA) (Incapacitated)

JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (YA) (Provisional)