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Centrelink Confirmation eServices 101-09010000

Promotional resources

The Third Party Programs team leads stakeholder engagement for CCeS and can engage with businesses who are new to, or interested in, applying for CCeS.

There are a number of resources and information points available for staff to use in promotional activities and engagement with businesses:

  • The Services Australia website has information for businesses and customers including:
    • general information
    • the CCeS business application (SA391)
    • the CCeS policy, terms and procedural guide

See the Services Australia website twisty for relevant links.

  • The CCeS intranet page contains promotional products including a CCeS factsheet, CCeS Video On Demand (VOD) and Business Obligations poster
  • YouTube contains a CCeS VOD (for businesses)

FAQ about CCeS

This table contains frequently asked questions about CCeS.




What are the benefits of CCeS? Is it easy to use?

CCeS provides many benefits and efficiencies to a business such as:

  • improved verification of customer details
  • immediate responses (no wait time) - for single and webservice enquiries
  • increased customer satisfaction
  • simple, convenient and secure
  • reliable information direct from Services Australia
  • time efficient
  • reduced administrative costs
  • dedicated helpdesk support
  • protects the customer’s personal information by delivering, through a secure online system, only the minimum amount of customer information required for confirmation of eligibility for a concession, rebate or service with informed consent from the customer


Can the testing fees for CCeS be waived?

No, testing fees cannot be waived. Testing fees only apply for batch and web services, not single entry.

If a business is using an off-the-shelf IT product that has already gone through the testing process and is being used successfully by other, similar businesses, the requirement to test may be waived.

If a business is requesting the testing requirements or testing fee to be waived, they should contact the CCeS helpdesk to discuss further.


Can a business check if a customer holds a current concession card?

Yes. The service can confirm what type of card the person has and whether it is current.

The business can submit an enquiry using CCeS (single, batch or webservice enquiry). Businesses can refer to the CCeS User Guide that prescribes the steps to complete an enquiry.


Are there any screenshots of what CCeS looks like? And instructions on how to use it?

Yes, in the CCeS User Guides. Approved businesses can access the User Guides from within Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS). Or businesses can request it from the CCeS Helpdesk.


What level of access do users need for CCeS?

The business reports which of its staff need access to CCeS and the appropriate access type - Single or Batch Entry - on the SA445 User Details form.


How many staff (users) can a business register for CCeS?

There is no limit on the number of users a business can register to use CCeS.

Businesses must tell Services Australia when any of its users no longer need access. For example, an employee has left the business. The agency will then remove the user’s access to CCeS to reduce the risk of unauthenticated access to customer information.


Does every business get the same information using CCeS?

No. Each business will get a standard set of customer information known as a ‘characteristic set’ depending on the CCeS category for which it has been approved. A business only gets the minimum amount of customer information required for confirmation of an eligibility for a concession, rebate or service.

For example, a business may wish to use CCeS to confirm if a customer has a current concession card (such as a Pension Concession Card (PCC)) before providing the customer with a concessional rate for travel or transport. CCeS will confirm if the customer has a current PCC by providing a Yes/No response, however the business would not get details such as the customer’s payment type as it is not required for the concession being provided.

See the Resources page in Add or remove characteristics for CCeS businesses for a list and descriptions of the CCeS characteristics.


How can consent be collected for customers who cannot give consent themselves, for example, due to medical incapacity?

If a customer does not have the capacity to manage their own affairs, a person or third party who is authorised by the customer, or by law, can represent the customer or manage the customer’s affairs.

A third party would usually be someone who can verify that the person does not have capacity to manage their own affairs, for example doctor, social worker, solicitor. It could also be a Centrelink nominee.

When accessing and using customer information it is the responsibility of a business to confirm the authority of any person claiming to be a customer representative before allowing that person to take any action on behalf of the customer.


Can CCeS be used if a customer does not know their CRN?

No. The CRN is mandatory to use CCeS.

Customers must obtain their CRN and provide it to the business or provide the required information to the business by alternative means.


Can CCeS be used for customers with a single name or a name composed of ethnic naming practices (one name composed of multiple words)?

Yes. CCeS can accept single name customer details (for example, Mary, Mary Jane or Mary-Jane) and names composed of ethnic naming practices.

Single names must be recorded as a surname/last name in CCeS.

Customers with one name composed of multiple words (ethnic naming practices) may also need to have all the words in their name entered as a surname/last name.


Is CCeS a view only access or can businesses print Income and Asset Statements?

The CCeS-Income Confirmation service provides approved businesses an Income Statement electronically which they can print using a Single Enquiry Service (one customer at a time) or a Batch Service (multiple customers at once).


Can a business print an income statement for a customer so they can give it to another business?

While an income statement can be printed by a business and given to the customer who is able to use or share the income statement however, they wish, this is not the intended purpose of CCeS. Customers can print income statements using online services. Businesses should encourage customers to use online services rather than assisting customers to provide income statements for another business.

If a business does not require access to the income statement to confirm eligibility for a concession, rebate or service and only wants to use the CCeS to print income statements, its application to use CCeS would be rejected.


Can CCeS confirm if a customer is getting an income support payment?

Yes. CCeS provides consistent customer information to a business based on the business category it belongs to. Some business categories will allow a business to confirm the type and status of the relevant payment type the concession provider is enquiring about. For example, active, suspended, or cancelled.


How is CCeS different to being a correspondence nominee, and is it an easier process to just be a nominee?

The purpose and eligibility requirements for each service (correspondence nominee and CCeS) are different. CCeS is a service to confirm customer information only. It does not provide a channel for a business to make updates or act on behalf of the customer like an appointed nominee is able to do.


When requesting an income statement why does a business get the message stating the customer is not a resident (of the State the request is made in) when the address is correct?

Note: this occurs when customers are seeking assistance with accommodation from welfare agencies.

CCeS cannot resolve this issue. CCeS confirms details on current customer records. The customer may need to contact Services Australia to confirm or update their residential address on agency records.


What information cannot be obtained via CCeS?

CCeS does not provide information such as the below examples:

  • Reason/s why a customer’s payment stopped
  • When a medical certificate will expire
  • Debt details and information
  • How customers can apply for income support payments
  • New claim status
  • Nominee details or status
  • Payment destination or individual payment status (for example, pending stimulus)
  • Appointment details
  • Job network or disability service provider details
  • The date a customer became deceased


Can CCeS update information in customer records?

No. CCeS is a confirmation service only - it does not make updates to customer records.

CCeS cannot be used to:

  • grant, suspend or restore customer payments
  • update contact details
  • update address or rent details
  • update earnings and/or other income or asset information
  • update medical information


Which should a business use in the DVA Customer Confirmation service - the DVA CRN or UIN?

CCeS can be used for Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) customers. DVA customers have 2 numbers - a DVA file number and a Unique Identification Number (UIN).

The UIN should be used (if known) instead of DVA file number to increase the likelihood of matching the correct customer record.

The UIN is shown on DVA Pensioner Concession Cards (as well as the DVA file number) but is not displayed on DVA Health Cards (like Gold Card). If a business is unable to validate concession eligibility automatically in CCeS, DVA can issue letters to clients instead.


Hospital type facilities - how do they register and use CCeS?

The hospital must download, read and agree to the CCeS policy, Terms and Procedural Guide then complete and sign a CCeS business application (SA391) to be approved for CCeS.

The agency must have a contract with the hospital itself which would then take responsibility for individual staff members using the service. Authorised officers of the hospital must co-sign SA445 - User Details forms before individual users would be granted access to use CCeS in CBOS via unique User IDs and passwords.

Some staff may not be an employee of the hospital but work out of a hospital or clinic. For example, a social worker who may work from several facilities. Only staff who are direct employees or sub-contracted employees of a business can access CCeS to perform their duties. These staff must sign the user application form before using the CCeS service.

Contact details

National Business Gateway > Confirmation Services Helpdesk

Deduction and Confirmation Branch

Third Party Programs Team

Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS)


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