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Actioning Business Hub requests 101-20073121

For Income Management Contact Officers (IMCOs) only.

This document outlines procedures to assist Income Management Contact Officers (IMCO) in actioning requests generated by the relevant Income Management (IM) and enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM) referring authorities through the Business Hub.

Cape York enhanced Income Management

On this tab:

Processing requests from the Family Responsibilities Commission

Personal Information Disclosure request from the Family Responsibilities Commission

Extending period of enhanced Income Management request from the Family Responsibilities Commission

Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management from the Family Responsibilities Commission

This page contains information to assist the IMCO when a request is received from the Family responsibilities Commission in the Business Hub.

Processing requests from the Family Responsibilities Commission

Table 1: this table outlines the steps to action a request from the FRC that relates to the enhanced Income Management program.




Request received + Read more ...

Requests for enhanced IM are submitted by referring authorities through the Business Hub.

The IMCO can view all requests sent by a referring authority by going to the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen in Customer First.

Note: the TPISO screen must only be viewed in Environment 'B'. If an attempt is made to view via any other system or environment, the information shown may be incomplete or incorrect.


Searching for a request + Read more ...

To search for a request on the TPISO screen, complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select 'Welfare Payment Reform'
  • Business Function: select 'Cape York'
  • Information Type: select the desired search function from the drop down list
  • Status: select the desired search function (for examples, 'Pending', 'Processed', 'Unprocessed') or:
  • Organisation CRN: enter the Organisation Customer Reference Number (CRN) for the referring authority
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range

Select Search


Actioning a CYeIM request + Read more ...

To view any request, including detailed information within the request, select the hypertext under the Information Type heading.


Undertaking a Find Mutual Client search + Read more ...

In some cases, when the referring authority undertakes a Mutual Client search, it results in a 'no' match. The referring authority will then refer it to Services Australia for follow up.

The IMCO will investigate the request and provide a response to the referring authority.

A Mutual Client search that has returned a 'no' match will show as 'unprocessed'.

To view all unprocessed Mutual Client searches submitted by the referring authority, go to the TPISO screen:

  • Complete the following fields:
    • Information Type: select 'Find Mutual Client'
    • Date Range: enter the desired date range
    • Status: select 'Unprocessed'
    • Select Search

A list of results will then show for this period

Go to Step 5.


Actioning an unprocessed Find Mutual Client search + Read more ...

Select the Find Mutual Client hyperlink text in the Information Type column for the unmatched customer. This will load the Find Mutual Client screen.

This screen shows the details entered into the Business Hub by the referring authority to locate a customer. Take note of the ‘Mutual Client Summary’ details on the screen.

Go to the Index (IN) screen to conduct an Index Search in Customer First for this person, using details from the ‘Mutual Client Summary’ details (such as the person’s first name, last name, and date of birth).

Tip: 2 Customer First windows can be opened on 2 separate screens.

Has the customer been identified via the Index Search?


Advice outcome sent to the referring authority - no match + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed ‘Find Mutual Client’ hyperlink for the unmatched customer.

In the Record Outcome section of the Find Mutual Client screen:

  • select 'no' as the response to the question 'Did you uniquely match the Client?'
  • add any additional notes
  • tick the declaration box and select Submit

An 'Advice Outcome' will be sent to the referring authority via their daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, indicating that the client has not been matched to Services Australia.

Procedure ends here.


Advice outcome sent to the referring authority - match + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed ‘Find Mutual Client’ hyperlink for the unmatched customer.

In the Record Outcome section of the Find Mutual Client screen:

  • select 'yes' as the response to the question 'Did you uniquely match the Client?'
  • type in the CRN, and add any additional notes
  • tick the declaration box and select Submit

An ‘Advice Outcome’ will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, indicating that the client has been matched to Services Australia.

A PID will also be sent to the referring authority through the Business Hub as part of this process.

Personal Information Disclosure request from the Family Responsibilities Commission

Table 2: this table outlines the steps to action a request from the FRC for a Personal Information Disclosure.




Personal Information Disclosure (PID) + Read more ...

The PID is an exchange of information from Services Australia to the FRC. The PID provides the referring authority the information required to make a decision about whether the customer is eligible for enhanced IM and whether it may be appropriate for the mutual client.

To search for a PID, go to the TPISO screen in Customer First.

Complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘Cape York
  • Information Type: select ‘Personal Information Disclosure
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range
  • Select Search

A list of PIDs will show for this period.

Select the ‘Personal Information Disclosure’ hyperlink text, in the ‘Information Type’ column for the relevant PID. This will load the Personal Information Disclosure screen.

This screen confirms if the customer is eligible for enhanced IM.

Check the Client Eligibility Status section of the screen for the Eligibility Result.

  • If the eligibility result is 'yes', the PID will be automatically issued to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day). Procedure ends here
  • If the eligibility result is 'no', further investigation is required, go to Step 2

Note: the TPISO and TPIS screens can be accessed from both the customer's and organisation's record. Any activity that shows on the TPISO screen and that is relevant to a specific customer will also show on that customer's record.


Actioning an eligibility 'no' result + Read more ...

If an eligibility check returns a 'no' result, the IMCO must investigate this further and provide a response to the referring authority.

To search for the PID, go to the TPISO screen in Customer First.

Complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘Cape York
  • Information Type: select ‘Personal Information Disclosure
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range
  • Select Search

A list of PIDs will show for this period.

Select the ‘Personal Information Disclosure’ hyperlink text, in the ‘Information Type’ column for the relevant PID. This will load the Personal Information Disclosure screen.

Go to Step 3.


Manual check of eligibility + Read more ...

Take note of the customer's details on the Personal Information Disclosure screen, and then go to the customer’s record.

Complete a manual check of the customer’s eligibility for the CYeIM measure. Check, for example, if the customer or their partner receive a category A welfare payment, or the customer has an excluded Payment Nominee arrangement, or have or are residing in the Cape York and Doomadgee region.

For more details on enhanced IM eligibility, see Enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM).


Confirm eligibility results + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed 'Personal Information Disclosure' to load the Business Hub - CY Disclosure of Information screen.

  • Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as the responses to the question ‘Is the client eligible under Cape York Welfare Payment Reform
  • Add information that supports the eligibility outcome in the ‘Notes’ free text box
  • Complete the activity

An 'Advice Outcome' will be automatically sent to the referring authority through their daily report advising the customer's actual eligibility for the enhanced IM program.

Procedure ends here.

Extending period of enhanced Income Management request from the Family Responsibilities Commission

Table 3: this table outlines the steps to extend the period of enhanced Income Management, when a request is received from the FRC.




Continuation Notice + Read more ...

The referring authority may lodge a new Notice to Commence Income Management or enhanced Income Management to extend the customer's CYeIM participation beyond the expiry date for the customer's current enhanced IM Notice.

A continuation Notice is created automatically when a new Notice is received for a customer within 60 days of the expiry date of the customer's current Notice.

Note: the status of the continuation Notice will be ‘inactive’ because there can only be one ‘active' Notice on a customer's record at any given time.

When the customer's current Notice expires, the continuation Notice will become ‘active’ automatically. Therefore, the customer’s CYeIM participation will continue uninterrupted.

A message will show in the ‘Description’ column on the TPISO screen, which will show the results of the automated processing, including if the automated process was unsuccessful. If the automated processing was unsuccessful, manual processing will be required.

Was the processing of the continuation Notice completed automatically?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, record the continuation Notice manually. Go to Step 2


Manually coding a Continuation Notice + Read more ...

If auto processing fails, manual processing must be completed to record the continuation Notice. Go to Process Direct to add the Notice details manually.

  • Go to the Enhanced Income Management Summary (EIMS) screen
  • Go to the Cape York box and select Add to create a Notice
  • Complete the following fields in the Create Cape York Notice screen:
    • Receipt date: start date of continuation Notice is determined based on the End Date of the existing parent Active Notice
    • FRC Reference number: enter the FRC reference number
    • Status: select ‘inactive’
    • SmartCard Issuer: TCU or Indue
    • Quarantine percentage: select the appropriate percentage from the dropdown list
    • Contact: select the appropriate contact from the dropdown list
    • End Date: specified by the FRC
  • Select Save to finalise the updates
  • Add any additional information that is provided on the Notice, in the ‘Finalise' note before finalising the workflow
  • Select 'Finalise' to complete the activity

This will place an automated DOC on the customer's record.

Note: if the case worker provided information in the Notice that refers to the reasons why the customer was referred to the enhanced IM Program, the IMCO must contact the case worker to request for the Notice to be re-sent without this information.

The customer's enhanced IM status will be updated on the TPISO screen automatically, and the Notice changed from 'unprocessed' to 'processed'.

Note: an 'Advice Outcome' will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report.

Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management from the Family Responsibilities Commission

Table 4: this table outlines the steps to action a Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management that is received from the FRC.




Actioning a Notice to Revoke of enhanced M + Read more ...

When a referring authority lodges a Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management Notice (revoke Notice) through the Business Hub, the system sends the details to Customer First automatically, and the status of the Notice is set to 'auto processing'. The system will revoke any ‘inactive’ Notice(s) on the customer's record automatically.

If automatic processing fails, the Notice is set to 'unprocessed' and the rejection reason shows why the Notice could not be revoked.

Where the revoke Notice is not automatically processed, the revoke Notice must be manually recorded:

  • search the TPISO screen for unprocessed Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management Notices, and select the relevant Notice from the search results
  • An Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO) must edit the status of any Notice from that authority to 'Revoke' in Process Direct. This will end the customer's Cape York enhanced IM. See Ending enhanced Income Management
  • An IMCO will run the Child Protection Assessment workflow and update the 'active' notice to 'revoked'. This will end the customer's Child Protection Income Management and, if applicable will transfer the customer to another Income Management Measure. If the customer is not eligible for a compulsory measure of enhanced Income Management, customers should be offered Voluntary enhanced Income Management if appropriate

Revoking the customer’s Notice will automatically update the status of the Notice on the TPISO screen to ‘processed’.

Was the processing of the revoke Notice completed automatically?

  • Yes, procedure ends here.
  • No, update the Notice in the Business Hub manually. Go to Step 2


Manually updating the revoke Notice + Read more ...

Process Direct:

  • Key EIMS in the Super Key
  • Cape York Notice field, select the Edit icon under Action
  • Status: Revoke
  • Record details in the ‘Finalise' note modal before finalising the workflow:
    • End date requested by:
    • Reason:
  • Finish

Do not record an outcome until a formal decision has been made about revoking the customer’s enhanced IM participation (that is, the revocation has been coded on the customer’s record).

Go to the TPISO screen to find and then select the relevant Notice from the list of search results.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the Notice, to the Record Outcome section
  • Select 'Yes' as the response to the question 'Has the client's Income Management been revoked?'

Tick the Declaration.

Note: an ‘Advice Outcome’ will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, advising that the customer’s enhanced IM participation has been revoked. Procedure ends here.

Child Protection enhanced Income Management

On this tab:

Processing requests from a Child Protection Authority

Disclosure of Information request from a Child Protection Authority

Referral for Voluntary enhanced Income Management from a Child Protection Authority

Extending enhanced Income Management request from a Child Protection Authority

Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management from a Child Protection Authority

This page contains information to assist the Income Management Contact Officer when a request is received from a Child Protection Authority in the Business Hub.

Processing requests from a Child Protection Authority

Table 1: this table outlines the steps to action a request from a Child Protection Authority that relates to the enhanced Income Management program.




Request received + Read more ...

Requests for enhanced IM are submitted by referring authorities through the Business Hub.

The IMCO can view all requests sent by a referring authority by going to the TPISO screen in Customer First.

Note: the TPISO screen must only be viewed in Environment ‘B.’ If an attempt is made to view through any other system or environment, the information shown may be incomplete or incorrect.


Searching for a request + Read more ...

To search for a request on the TPISO screen, complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘Child Protection
  • Information Type: select the desired search function from the drop down list
  • Status: select the desired search function (for example, ‘Pending,’ ‘Processed,’ and ‘Unprocessed


  • Organisation CRN: enter the Organisation Customer Reference Number (CRN) for the referring authority
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range

Select Search.


Actioning a CPeIM request + Read more ...

To view any request, including detailed information within the request, select the hypertext under the Information Type heading.


Undertaking a Find Mutual Client Search + Read more ...

In some cases, when the referring authority undertakes a Mutual Client search, it results in a 'no' match. The referring authority will then refer it to Services Australia for follow up.

The IMCO will investigate the request and provide a response to the referring authority.

A Mutual Client search that has returned a 'no' match will display as 'unprocessed'.

To view all unprocessed Mutual Client searches submitted by the referring authority, go to the TPISO screen.

  • Complete the following fields:
    • Information Type: select 'Find Mutual Client'
    • Date Range: enter the desired date range
    • Status: select 'Unprocessed'
    • Select Search

A list of results will show for this period.

Go to Step 5.


Actioning an unprocessed Mutual Client Search + Read more ...

  • Select the ‘Find Mutual Client’ hyperlink text in the ‘Information Type’ column for the unmatched customer. This will load the Find Mutual Client screen.
  • This screen shows the details entered into the Business Hub by the referring authority to locate a customer. Take note of the ‘Mutual Client Summary’ details on the screen.
  • Go to the Index (IN) screen to conduct an Index Search in Customer First for this person, using details from the ‘Mutual Client Summary’ details (such as the person’s first name, last name, and date of birth).
    • Tip: 2 Customer First windows can be opened on 2 separate screens

Has the customer been identified through the Index Search?


Advice outcome sent to the referring authority - no match + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed ‘Find Mutual Client’ hyperlink for the unmatched customer.

In the ‘Record Outcome’ section of the Find Mutual Client screen:

  • select 'no' as the response to the question 'Did you uniquely match the Client?
  • add any additional notes
  • tick the declaration box and press Submit

An 'Advice Outcome' will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, indicating that the client has not been matched to Services Australia.

Procedure ends here.


Advice outcome sent to the referring authority - match + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed ‘Find Mutual Client’ hyperlink for the unmatched customer.

In the ‘Record Outcome’ section of the Find Mutual Client screen:

  • select 'yes' as the response to the question 'Did you uniquely match the Client?
  • type in the CRN and add any additional notes
  • tick the declaration box and press Submit

An 'Advice Outcome’ will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, indicating that the client has been matched to Services Australia.

A DOI will also be sent to the referring authority through the Business Hub as part of this process.

Disclosure of Information request from a Child Protection Authority

Table 2: this table outlines the steps to action a request from a Child Protection Authority for a Disclosure of Information.




Disclosure of Information (DOI) + Read more ...

The Disclosure of Information (DOI) is an exchange of information from Services Australia to the Child Protection Authority. The DOI provides the referring authority the information required to make a decision about whether the customer is eligible for enhanced IM and whether it may be appropriate for the mutual client.

To search for a DOI, go to the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen in Customer First.

Complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘Child Protection
  • Information Type: select ‘Disclosure of Information
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range
  • Select Search

A list of DOIs will show for this period.

Select the ‘Disclosure of Information’ hyperlink text in the ‘Information Type’ column for the relevant DOI. This will load the Disclosure of Information screen.

This screen confirms if the customer is eligible for enhanced IM.

Check the ‘Client Eligibility Status’ section of the screen for the Eligibility Result.

  • If the eligibility result is 'yes', the DOI will be automatically issued to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day). Procedure ends here
  • If the eligibility result is 'no', further investigation is required. Go to Step 2

Note: the TPISO and Third Party Information (TPIS) screens can be accessed from both the customer's, and organisation's record. Any activity that shows on the TPISO screen and that is relevant to a specific customer will also show on the TPIS screen, on that customer’s record.


Actioning an eligibility 'no' result + Read more ...

If an eligibility check returns a 'no' result, the IMCO must investigate this further and provide a response to the referring authority.

To search for the DOI, go to the TPISO screen in Customer First.

Complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘Child Protection
  • Information Type: select ‘Disclosure of Information
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range
  • Status: select ‘Unprocessed
  • Select Search

A list of DOIs will show for this period.

Select the ‘Disclosure of Information’ hyperlink text in the ‘Information Type’ column for the relevant DOI. This will load the Disclosure of Information screen.

Go to Step 3.


Manual check of eligibility + Read more ...

Take note of the customer’s details on the Disclosure of Information screen, and then go to the customer’s record.

Complete a manual check of the customer’s eligibility for the CPeIM measure. Check, for example, if the customer or their partner receive a category A welfare payment, or the customer has an excluded Payment Nominee arrangement, or have or are residing in a CPeIM location.

For more details on CPeIM eligibility, see Child Protection Income Management and enhanced Income Management.


Confirming eligibility results + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed ‘Disclosure of Information’ hyperlink to load the Business Hub – Child Protection Disclosure of Information screen.

  • Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as the response to the question ‘Is the client eligible under Child Protection?
  • Add information that supports the eligibility outcome in the ‘Notes’ free text box
  • Complete the activity

An 'Advice Outcome' will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, advising the customer's actual eligibility for the enhanced IM program.

Procedure ends here.

Referral for Voluntary enhanced Income Management from a Child Protection Authority

Table 3: this table outlines the steps to action a referral for Voluntary enhanced Income Management that is received from a Child Protection Authority.




Voluntary enhanced IM (VeIM) referrals + Read more ...

To search for a referral, go to the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen.

Complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘Child Protection
  • Information Type: select 'Voluntary Enhanced Income Management'
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range
  • Status: select ‘Unprocessed
  • Select Search

A list of referrals will then display for this period. Select the relevant referral from the search results and then tick the checkbox declaring 'I confirm that I have completed the actions required to process this request'.

Add any information in the ‘Notes’ free text box.

Note: Services Australia will not actively follow up with the customer unless the customer initiates the contact as the referral is voluntary.

Extending enhanced Income Management request from a Child Protection Authority

Table 4: this table outlines the steps to extend the period of enhanced Income Management, when a request is received from a Child Protection Authority.




Continuation Notice + Read more ...

The referring authority may lodge a new Notice to Commence Income Management or enhanced Income Management to extend the customer’s CPeIM participation beyond the expiry date for the customer’s current enhanced IM Notice.

A continuation Notice is created automatically when a new Notice is received for a customer within 60 days of the expiry date of the customer’s current Notice.

Note: the status of the continuation Notice will be ‘inactive’ because there can only be one ‘active’ Notice on a customer's record at any given time.

When the customer's current Notice expires, the continuation Notice will become ‘active’ automatically. Therefore, the customer’s CPeIM participation will continue uninterrupted.

A message will show in the ‘Description’ column on the TPISO screen, which will show the results of the automated processing, including if the automated process was unsuccessful. If the automated processing was unsuccessful, manual processing will be required.

Was the processing of the continuation Notice completed automatically?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, record the continuation Notice manually. Go to Step 2


Notice check + Read more ...

Check if the notice is from the same referring authority or a different referring authority. If the Notice is from:


Manually coding a Continuation Notice + Read more ...

If auto processing fails, manual processing must be completed to record the continuation Notice. Go to Process Direct to add the Notice details manually.

  • Go to the Enhanced Income Management Summary (EIMS) screen
  • Go to the Child Protection and Supporting People at Risk box and select Add to create a Notice
  • Complete all of the sections by using the information provided, and set the Notice Status to ‘Active’
  • Select Save to finalise the updates

This will place a DOC on the customer's record.

Add any additional information that is provided on the Notice in the 'Annotated Document Text' field.

Note: if the case worker provided information in the Notice that refers to reasons why the customer was referred to the enhanced IM Program, the IMCO must contact the case worker to request for the Notice to be re-sent without this information.

Select Finalise to complete the activity.

The customer's enhanced IM status will be updated on the TPISO screen automatically, and the Notice changed from 'unprocessed' to 'processed'.

Note: an ‘Advice Outcome’ will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, advising that the customer’s CPeIM period has been extended.

Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management from a Child Protection Authority

Table 5: this table outlines the steps to action a Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management that is received from a Child Protection Authority.




Actioning a request for revocation of enhanced IM + Read more ...

When a referring authority lodges a Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management Notice (revoke Notice) through the Business Hub, the system will automatically send the details to Process Direct and the status of the Notice on the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen will be set to 'auto processing'. Depending on the individual circumstances, the system will automatically revoke any Notice/s (active or inactive) from that referring authority on the customer's record.

If the auto processing fails, the revoke Notice will be set to 'unprocessed' and the rejection reason will show advising why the Notice could not be revoked.

In circumstances where the revoke Notice is not automatically processed, the revoke Notice must be manually recorded:

  • search the TPISO screen for unprocessed Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management Notices, and select the relevant Notice from the search results
  • An IMCO will need to edit the status of any Notice from that authority to Revoke, in Process Direct. This will end the customer's Child Protection enhanced IM. Go to Ending enhanced Income Management

Revoking the customer's Notice will automatically update the status of the Notice on the TPISO screen to 'processed'.

Was the processing of the revoke Notice completed automatically?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, update the Notice in the Business Hub manually. Go to Step 2


Manually updating unprocessed revocations in TPISO + Read more ...

Search the TPISO screen for unprocessed revocations of IM. Select the relevant Notice from the search results.

Scroll down to the Record Outcome section of the Notice and answer the question 'Has the client's enhanced Income Management been revoked?' with 'Yes'.

Tick the Declaration.

Note: an ‘Advice Outcome’ will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, advising that the customer’s enhanced IM participation has been revoked.

Procedure ends here.

Supporting People at Risk enhanced Income Management

In this tab

Processing requests from a Supporting People at Risk Authority

Disclosure of Information request (DOI) via Business Hub from a Supporting People at Risk Authority

Referral for Voluntary enhanced Income Management from a Supporting People at Risk Authority

Extending enhanced Income Management request from a Supporting People at Risk referring authority

Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management from a Supporting People at Risk Authority

Processing requests from a Supporting People at Risk Authority

Table 1: this table outlines the steps to action a request from a Supporting People at Risk Authority that relates to the enhanced Income Management program.




Request received + Read more ...

Requests for enhanced IM are submitted by referring authorities through the Business Hub.

The IMCO can view all requests sent by a referring authority by going to the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen in Customer First.

Note: the TPISO screen must only be viewed in Environment ‘B.’ If an attempt is made to view through any other system or environment, the information shown may be incomplete or incorrect.


Search for a request + Read more ...

To search for a request on the TPISO screen, complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘SPaR
  • Information Type: select the desired search function from the drop down list
  • Status: select the desired search function (for example, ‘Pending,’ ‘Processed,’ and ‘Unprocessed’


  • Organisation CRN: enter the Organisation Customer Reference Number (CRN) for the referring authority
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range

Select Search.


Actioning a SPaReIM request + Read more ...

To view any request, including detailed information within the request, select the hypertext under the Information Type heading.

To action an unprocessed Mutual Client search, go to Step 4

To action an unprocessed Disclosure of Information eligibility check, go to Table 2

To action an unprocessed or auto processed Notice to Commence enhanced Income Management, see Enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM) processes for Income Management Contact Officers.

To action an unprocessed referral for Voluntary enhanced Income Management, go to go to Table 3

To action an unprocessed or auto processed continuation Notice, go to Table 4

To action an unprocessed or auto processed Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management from a Supporting People at Risk Authority, go to Table 5


Undertake a Find Mutual Client search + Read more ...

In some cases, when the referring authority undertakes a Mutual Client search, it results in a 'no' match. The referring authority will then refer it to Services Australia for follow up.

The IMCO will investigate the request and provide a response to the referring authority.

A Mutual Client search that has returned a 'no' match will display as 'unprocessed'.

To view all unprocessed Mutual Client searches submitted by the referring authority, go to the TPISO screen.

  • Complete the following fields:
    • Information Type: select 'Find Mutual Client'
    • Date Range: enter the desired date range
    • Status: select 'Unprocessed'
    • Select Search

A list of results will show for this period.

Go to Step 5.


Actioning an unprocessed Mutual Client Search + Read more ...

  • Select the ‘Find Mutual Client’ hyperlink text, in the ‘Information Type’ column, for the unmatched customer. This will load the Find Mutual Client screen.
  • This screen shows the details entered into the Business Hub by the referring authority to locate a customer. Take note of the ‘Mutual Client Summary’ details on the screen.
  • Go to the Index (IN) screen to conduct an Index Search in Customer First for this person, using details from the ‘Mutual Client Summary’ details (such as the person’s first name, last name, and date of birth).
    • Tip: 2 Customer First windows can be opened on 2 separate screens

Has the customer been identified through the Index Search?


Advice outcome sent to the referring authority - no match + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed ‘Find Mutual Client’ hyperlink for the unmatched customer.

In the ‘Record Outcome’ section of the Find Mutual Client screen:

  • select 'no' as the response to the question 'Did you uniquely match the Client?
  • add any additional notes
  • tick the declaration box and press Submit

An 'Advice Outcome' will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, indicating that the client has not been matched to Services Australia.

Procedure ends here.


Advice outcome sent to the referring authority - match + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed ‘Find Mutual Client’ hyperlink for the unmatched customer.

In the ‘Record Outcome’ section of the Find Mutual Client screen:

  • select 'yes' as the response to the question 'Did you uniquely match the Client?
  • add any additional notes
  • tick the declaration box and press Submit

An 'Advice Outcome’ will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, indicating that the client has been matched to Services Australia.

A DOI will also be sent to the referring authority through the Business Hub as part of this process.

Disclosure of Information request (DOI) via Business Hub from a Supporting People at Risk Authority

Table 2: this table outlines the steps to action a request from a Supporting People at Risk Authority for a Disclosure of Information.




Disclosure of Information (DOI) + Read more ...

The Disclosure of Information (DOI) is an exchange of information from Services Australia to the Supporting People at Risk Authority. The DOI provides the referring authority the information required to decide whether the customer is eligible for enhanced IM and whether it may be appropriate for the mutual client.

To search for a DOI, go to the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen in Customer First.

Complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘SPaR
  • Information Type: select 'Disclosure of Information'
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range
  • Select Search

A list of DOIs will show for this period.

Select the ‘Disclosure of Information’ hyperlink text, in the ‘Information Type’ column, for the relevant DOI. This will load the Disclosure of Information screen.

This screen confirms if the customer is eligible for enhanced IM.

Check the ‘Client Eligibility Status’ section of the screen for the Eligibility Result.

  • If the eligibility result is 'yes', the DOI will be automatically issued to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day). Procedure ends here
  • If the eligibility result is 'no', further investigation is required. Go to Step 2

Note: the TPISO and Third Party Information (TPIS) screens can be accessed from both the customer's, and organisation's record. Any activity that shows on the TPISO screen and that is relevant to a specific customer will also show on the TPIS screen, on that customer’s record.


Actioning an eligibility 'no' result + Read more ...

If an eligibility check returns a 'no' result, the IMCO must investigate this further and provide a response to the referring authority.

To search for the DOI, go to the TPISO screen in Customer First.

Complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘SPaR
  • Information Type: select ‘Disclosure of Information
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range
  • Status: select ‘Unprocessed
  • Select Search

A list of DOIs will show for this period.

Select the ‘Disclosure of Information’ hyperlink text, in the ‘Information Type’ column, for the relevant DOI. This will load the Disclosure of Information screen.

Go to Step 3.


Manual check of eligibility + Read more ...

Take note of the customer’s details on the Disclosure of Information screen, and then go to the customer’s record.

Complete a manual check of the customer’s eligibility for the SPaReIM measure. Check, for example, if the customer or their partner receive a category A welfare payment, or the customer has an excluded Payment Nominee arrangement, or have or are residing in a SPaReIM location.

For more details on SPaReIM eligibility, see Supporting People at Risk (SPaR) Income Management and enhanced Income Management


Confirming eligibility results + Read more ...

Remain on the TPISO screen, and return to the original unprocessed ‘Disclosure of Information’ hyperlink to load the Business Hub – Supporting People at Risk Disclosure of Information screen.

  • Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as the response to the question ‘Is the client eligible under Supporting People at Risk?
  • Add information that supports the eligibility outcome in the ‘Notes’ free text box
  • Complete the activity

An 'Advice Outcome' will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, advising the customer's actual eligibility for the enhanced IM program.

Procedure ends here.

Referral for Voluntary enhanced Income Management from a Supporting People at Risk Authority

Table 3: this table outlines the steps to action a referral for Voluntary enhanced Income Management that is received from a Supporting People at Risk Authority.




Voluntary enhanced IM (VeIM) referrals + Read more ...

To search for a referral, go to the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen.

Complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: select ‘SPaR
  • Information Type: select 'Voluntary enhanced Income Management'
  • Date Range: enter the desired date range
  • Status: select ‘Unprocessed
  • Select Search

A list of referrals will show for this period. Select the relevant referral from the search results and then tick the checkbox declaring 'I confirm that I have completed the actions required to process this request'.

Add any information in the ‘Notes’ free text box.

Note: Services Australia will not actively follow up with the customer unless the customer initiates the contact as the referral is voluntary.

Extending enhanced Income Management request from a Supporting People at Risk referring authority

Table 4: this table outlines the steps to extend the period of enhanced Income Management, when a request is received from a Supporting People at Risk referring authority.




Continuation Notice + Read more ...

The referring authority may lodge a new Notice to Commence Income Management or enhanced Income Management to extend the customer’s SPaReIM participation beyond the expiry date for the customer’s current enhanced IM Notice.

A continuation Notice is created automatically when a new Notice is received for a customer within 60 days of the expiry date of the customer’s current Notice.

Note: the status of the continuation Notice will be ‘inactive’ because there can only be one ‘active’ Notice on a customer's record at any given time.

When the customer's current Notice expires, the continuation Notice will become ‘active’ automatically. Therefore, the customer’s SPaReIM participation will continue uninterrupted.

A message will show in the ‘Description’ column on the TPISO screen, which will show the results of the automated processing, including if the automated process was unsuccessful. If the automated processing was unsuccessful, manual processing will be required.

Was the processing of the continuation Notice completed automatically?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, record the continuation Notice manually. Go to Step 2


Manually coding a Continuation Notice + Read more ...

If auto processing fails, manual processing must be completed to record the continuation Notice. Go to Process Direct to add the Notice details manually.

  • Go to the Enhanced Income Management Summary (EIMS) screen
  • Go to the Child Protection and Supporting People at Risk box and select the Add button to create a Notice
  • Complete all of the sections by using the information provided, and set the Notice Status to ‘Active’
  • Select Save to finalise the updates

This will place a DOC on the customer's record.

Add any additional information that is provided on the Notice in the 'Annotated Document Text' field.

Note: if the case worker provided information in the Notice that refers to reasons why the customer was referred to the enhanced IM Program, the IMCO must contact the case worker to request for the Notice to be re-sent without this information.

Select Finalise to complete the activity.

The customer's enhanced IM status will be updated on the TPISO screen automatically, and the notice changed from 'unprocessed' to 'processed'.

Note: an ‘Advice Outcome’ will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, advising that the customer’s SPaReIM period has been extended.

Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management from a Supporting People at Risk Authority

Table 5: this table outlines the steps to action a Notice to Revoke enhanced Income Management that is received from a Supporting People at Risk Authority.




Actioning a request for Revocation of enhanced Income Management + Read more ...

When a referring authority lodges a Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management notice (Revoke notice) via the Business Hub, the system will automatically send the details to Process Direct and the Status of the notice within TPISO will be set to 'auto processing'. Depending on the individual circumstances, the system will automatically revoke any notice/s (active or inactive) from that referring authority on the customer's record.

If the Auto Processing fails, the revoke notice will be set to 'unprocessed' and the rejection reason will be displayed advising why the notice could not be revoked.

If this occurs, record the Notice manually. To search for an ‘unprocessed’ Notice, go to the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen in Customer First.

  • Complete the following fields:
    • Application Type: select ‘Welfare Payment Reform
    • Business Function: select ‘SPaR
    • Information Type: select ‘Enhanced Income Management Revocation Notice’ or ‘Income Management Revocation Notice
    • Date Range: enter the desired date range
    • Select Search
  • search the TPISO screen for unprocessed Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management notices, and elect the relevant notice from the search results
  • Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO) within Process Direct will need to Edit the status of any notice from that authority to Revoke. This will end the customer's Supporting People at Risk enhanced IM. Go to Ending enhanced Income Management

Revoking the customer's notice will automatically update the Status of the notice on the TPISO screen to 'processed'.

Was the processing of the revoke Notice completed automatically?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, update the Notice in the Business Hub manually. Go to Step 2


Manually updating unprocessed revocations in TPISO + Read more ...

Search the TPISO screen for unprocessed revocations of Income Management. Select the relevant notice from the search results.

Scroll down to the Record Outcome section of the notice and answer the question 'Has the client's enhanced Income Management been revoked?' with 'Yes'.

Tick the Declaration.

Note: an ‘Advice Outcome’ will be sent to the referring authority through the daily report (delivered the next business day) automatically, advising that the customer’s enhanced IM participation has been revoked. Procedure ends here.

Child Protection IM

On this tab

Processing requests for Income Management from a Child Protection Authority

Disclosure of Information request from a Child Protection Authority

Extending period of Child Protection Income Management

Notice to Revoke Child Protection Income Management

Viewing Expense Allocation requests from a Child Protection Authority

This page contains information to assist the Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO), when a request is received from an approved referring authority via Business Hub, to extend the period of Child Protection Income Management beyond the current notice expiry date.

Processing requests for Income Management from a Child Protection Authority

Table 1: This table describes how an IMCO is to action a request from a Child Protection Authority for a mutual customer.




Request received + Read more ...

Requests are submitted by the referring authority through the Business Hub.

The IMCO can view all requests sent by a referring authority by viewing the Third Party Information Summary Organisation (TPISO) screen in Customer First.

Go to the TPISO screen.

Note: the TPISO screen must only be viewed in Environment B. If an attempt is made to view via any other system or environment, the information shown may be incomplete or incorrect.


Searching for requests + Read more ...

Searching the TPISO screen - B Environment

The TPISO screen shows all recent requests submitted by the organisation through the Business Hub.

To search for requests, complete the following fields:

  • Application Type: Select Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: Select Child Protection
  • Information Type: Select the desired search function
  • Status: Select the desired search function, that is, Pending, Processed, Unprocessed etc


  • Organisation CRN: Input the Organisation Customer Reference Number (CRN) for the referring authority
  • Date Range: Input desired date range
  • Select Search


Actioning Child Protection Authority requests + Read more ...

To view any request, select the hypertext under the Information Type heading, to see detailed information.

  • To action an unprocessed Mutual Client search, go to Step 4
  • To action an unprocessed Disclosure of Information (DOI) eligibility check, go to Table 2
  • To action an unprocessed or auto processed Notice to Commence Income Management, and the notice is a:
    • Continuation Notice, go to Table 3
  • To action an unprocessed or auto processed Revocation of Income Management, go to Table 4


Undertake a Find Mutual Client Search + Read more ...

In some cases when the referring authority undertakes a Mutual Client search it results in a 'no' match. The referring authority will then refer it to Services Australia for follow up.

The IMCO will investigate these requests and provide a response to the referring authority.

Mutual Client searches that have returned a 'no' match will show as 'unprocessed'.

To view all unprocessed Mutual Client searches submitted by the referring authority complete the following:

Go to the TPISO screen.

Code the following fields:

  • Application Type: Select Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: Select Child Protection
  • Information Type: 'Find Mutual Client'
  • Date Range: set to preferred period of time
  • Status: 'Unprocessed'
  • Select Search and a list of results will show for this period
  • Go to Step 5


Actioning an unprocessed Mutual Client Search + Read more ...

Select the hyperlink Find Mutual Client text under the Information Type column for the unmatched customer. This will load the Find Mutual Client screen.

This screen shows the details entered into the Business Hub by the referring authority to locate a customer. Take note of the Mutual Client Summary details on the screen.

Conduct an Index Search in Customer First for this person, for example, Name, Date of Birth (DOB)

If there is no match in Customer First, a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) search must be undertaken. To do this, contact the Centrelink DVA Clearance Team (SCS). See the Resources page for a link to the homepage.

Has the customer been identified via the Index Search or DVA search?


Advice outcome sent to the referring authority - No match + Read more ...

In the Record Outcome section of the Find Mutual Client screen:

  • select 'no' as the response to the question 'Did you uniquely match the Client'?
  • add any additional notes
  • tick the Declaration box and press Submit

An 'Advice Outcome' will be automatically sent to the referring authority via their daily reports, indicating the client has not been matched to Services Australia.

Procedure ends here.


Advice outcome sent to the referring authority - match + Read more ...

In the Record Outcome section of the Find Mutual Client screen:

  • select 'yes' as the response to the question 'Did you uniquely match the Client'?
  • type in the CRN, and provide any additional notes.
  • tick the Declaration box and press Submit

An 'Advice Outcome" will be automatically sent to the referring authority via their daily reports, stating that the details provided have been matched to Services Australia or DVA.

The IMCO will then need to complete a Disclosure of Information to be sent to the referring authority via the Business Hub.

Disclosure of Information request from a Child Protection Authority

Table 2: This table describes how an Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO) is to action a Disclosure of Information request from a Child Protection Authority.




Disclosure of Information (DOI) + Read more ...

A Disclosure of Information will provide the referring authority with information that will assist in determining if the Income Management program is suitable for the customer.

Go to the TPISO screen.

Code the following fields:

  • Application Type: Select Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: Select Child Protection
  • Information Type: select ‘Disclosure of Information’
  • Date Range: set to preferred period of time

Select Search, and a list of DOIs will show for this period

Select the hyperlink of the DOI to be viewed

The Disclosure of Information page will show confirming if the customer is eligible for Income Management.

Check the Client Eligibility Status section for the Eligibility Result.

  • If the eligibility result is 'yes', the DOI will be automatically issued to the referring authority via their daily report. Procedure ends here
  • If the eligibility result is 'no', further investigation is required, go to Step 2

Note: the TPIS/O screen/s can be accessed from a customer's record as well as an organisation's record. Any activity that appears on the TPIS - Organisation (TPISO) screen that is relevant to a specific customer will also show on that customer's TPIS screen.


Actioning an Eligibility 'no' result + Read more ...

If an Eligibility Check returns a 'no' result, the IMCO will investigate this further and provide a response to the referring authority.

Go to the TPISO screen.

Code the following fields:

  • Application Type: Select Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: Select Child Protection
  • Information Type: select 'Disclosure of Information'
  • Date Range: set to preferred period of time
  • Status: 'unprocessed'

Select the hyperlink of the DOI to be viewed

The Disclosure of Information screen will show.

Go to Step 3.


Manual check of eligibility + Read more ...

Take note of the customer details found on the Disclosure of Information screen and navigate to locate the customer record.

Complete a manual check of Child Protection Income Management eligibility.


Confirm eligibility results + Read more ...

Return to the TPISO screen. Select the relevant hyperlink 'Disclosure of Information' under the Information Type column to load the Business Hub - Disclosure of Information screen.

  • Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ option for question ‘Is the client eligible under Child Protection?’
  • Include information supporting the eligibility outcome in the ‘Notes’ free text box
  • Complete the activity

An 'Advice Outcome' will be automatically sent to the referring authority via their daily reports advising of the customer's actual eligibility.

Procedure ends here.

Extending period of Child Protection Income Management

Table 3: This table describes the steps that are to be followed by IMCO when a request is received from the referring authority to extend the period of Child Protection Income Management of a mutual client.




A Continuation Notice + Read more ...

A Child Protection Authority may lodge a Notice to Commence Income Management or enhanced Income Management to extend the period of Child Protection Income Management beyond the current notice expiry date.

A Continuation notice will be automatically created when a customer with an active notice receives a new Notice to Commence Income Management or enhanced Income Management within 60 days prior to the current notice's end date.

The new notice will have an inactive status as there can only be one active notice on a customer's record at any time.

When the customer's current notice expires, the continuation notice will automatically become active and Child Protection Income Management will continue uninterrupted.

A message will show under Description on the TPISO screen indicating the results of the automated processing, including where the automated process was unsuccessful in which case manual processing is needed.

Was the automated processing of the continuation notice successful?

  • Yes, book an appointment for the customer to discuss the extension of Income Management and review their circumstances. Procedure ends here
  • No, manually record the continuation notice. Go to Step 2


Manually coding Commencement/Continuation Notice + Read more ...

In workflow, open the Child Protection Assessment workflow.

On the Notice screen complete the following fields:

  • Receipt Date: will default to today's Date, do not change
  • Period of Notice: select 3, 6, 9 or 12 months. (This information will be provided on the notice)
  • Status: Inactive
  • Start Date: will default and is protected, do not change
  • End date: will be calculated from period of notice (field is protected and cannot be changed)
  • State/Territory: Select appropriate state or territory
  • Organisation/Office: Select appropriate agency/office from dropdown list
  • Contact: select appropriate contact from dropdown list
  • Expense Priorities: replicate priority needs ranked by the case worker in the notice received

Select 'Continue'

Service Offer screen

Is the customer present?

  • select 'No' if the customer is not present
  • select 'Yes' if the customer is present and discuss available service offers.

Is customer eligible for the 20% Unrestricted Cash Payment (UCP)? (Refer to the advice provided on the notice).

  • select 'Yes' or 'No' depending on the information provided in the notice

Select 'Continue'

Finalise the assessment.

In the 'Annotated Document Text' field, include any further details provided on the notice.

Note: if the case worker provided information in the notice that refers to reasons why the customer was referred for Income Management, the IMCO should contact the case worker to request the notice be re-sent without this information.

Select Finalise to complete the activity.

The customer's Income Management status will be automatically updated on the TPISO screen, and the notice changed from 'unprocessed' to 'processed'. An advice outcome will be automatically sent to the State or Territory Child Protection Authority via the daily report.

Notice to Revoke Child Protection Income Management

Table 4: This table describes how an IMCO is to action a request to revoke Child Protection Income Management.




Actioning a request for Revocation of Income Management + Read more ...

When a State or Territory Child Protection Authority lodges a Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management notice (Revoke notice) through the Business Hub, the system will automatically send the details to Customer First and the Status of the notice will be set to 'auto processing'. Depending on the individual circumstances, the system will perform one of the following actions:

  • automatically revoke any inactive notice/s on the customer's record
  • automatically create a 28 day review and Work Item for any currently active notice
  • create a Work Item for any revoke notices that are received for a currently active notice that is ending in less than or equal to 28 days

If the Auto Processing fails, the revoke notice will be set to 'unprocessed' and the rejection reason will show advising why the notice could not be revoked.

Where the revoke notice is not automatically processed, the revoke notice must be manually recorded:

  • search the TPISO screen for unprocessed Revocation of Income Management or enhanced Income Management notices, and select the relevant notice from the search results

Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO) will run the Child Protection Assessment workflow and update the 'active' notice to 'revoked'. This will end the customer's Child Protection Income Management and, if applicable will transfer the customer to another Income Management Measure. If the customer is not eligible for a compulsory measure of enhanced Income Management, customers should be offered Voluntary enhanced Income Management if appropriate.

Revoking the customer's notice through the Child Protection Assessment workflow will automatically update the Status of the notice on the TPISO screen to 'processed'.

Was the automated processing of the revoke notice successful?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, manually update the revoke notice on the TPISO screen. Go to Step 2


Manually updating the revoke notice + Read more ...

Access the Child Protection Assessment workflow and select the current active notice. Select Revoke and complete the workflow.

No action should be taken to record the outcome of a Revocation notice until a formal decision has been made about revocation of Income Management (that is, the revocation has been coded on the customer's record).

Search the TPISO screen for unprocessed revocations of Income Management. Select the relevant notice from the search results.

Scroll down to the Record Outcome section of the notice and answer the question 'Has the client's Income Management been revoked?' with 'Yes'.

Tick the Declaration.

This will send an advice outcome to the Child Protection Authority advising that Income Management has been revoked.

Procedure ends here.

Viewing Expense Allocation requests from a Child Protection Authority

Table 5: This table describes how an Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO) can view an income managed customer's current expense allocations request submitted by a Child Protection Authority.




View Expense allocation requests made by Child Protection Authorities + Read more ...

To show requests submitted by Child Protection Authorities to view a customer’s expense allocations, go to the TPISO screen.

Select the options as below from the dropdown selection criteria:

  • Application Type: Select Welfare Payment Reform
  • Business Function: Select Child Protection
  • Information Type: select 'Expense Allocations
  • Date Range: set to preferred period of time

Select Search and a list of expense allocation requests will show.

Select the hyperlink of the expense allocation request to be viewed

This will go to the Expense Allocation Details screen showing all of the customer's current regular expenses set up to contracted Third Party Organisations (TPO) and any BasicsCard allocations.