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Coding departures and returns for customers leaving Australia 061-02010000

Consequential reviews - Information on departure and return consequential reviews

Table 1




Agreement Payment check

Description: Cus has returned from O/S. Check increase or grant of foreign pension.

Action required: Centrelink International Services (CIS) Service Officers are to review customer's entitlements for customers paid under International Agreements.

See Return to Australia procedures for Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff.


Code return to Aus

Description: Script cannot code return; code it manually. If return is in the future, an FAL review must be set.

Action required: Code the customer's return to Australia (AU) manually or set up a manual review where the return date is in the future.



Participation requirements Review

Description: Check Cus Participation/Jobseeker requirements.

Action required: Where the job seeker is granted payment for approved travel and an exemption is applied, Service Officer must check and update where applicable so exemption ends when customer returns to AU.

See Exempting a job seeker from their mutual obligation requirements when going overseas.


Respite Care or Carer/Caree Portability Review

Description: Cus/Carer may be taking a respite break or Carer/Caree may be going o/s - review?

Action required: A carer has a respite period of 63 days therefore, anything after that may result in loss of qualification/entitlement. Portability is not the only reason that contributes to the 63 days. If the care receiver is overseas and not with the carer, review the carer to check their qualification/entitlement.



Return of outstanding SU19 forms

Description: Does customer need to lodge a SU19 before they leave Australia? Failure to lodge may result in under/overpayment and/or difficulties restarting payments upon return to Australia.

Action required: Where the customer is required to report, they must report before departure so they correctly paid up to the date of departure.

See JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customer going overseas.


Review Apprentice/Trainee Status

Description: Will cus still be an apprentice? Can they be paid if they aren't?

Action required: Service Officer to review customer's apprentice/trainee circumstances and payment entitlements and take appropriate action.

See Customer no longer an Australian Apprentice.


Review Participation Agreement

Description: Customer may not satisfy participation requirements. Refer to PA for review?

Action required: If the customer has mutual obligation requirements they may be granted a temporary exemption for the period they are payable overseas for an approved reason only.



Review Student Status

Description: Will customer still be a student? Can they be paid if they aren't?

Action Required: Service Officer to review customer's student status and payment entitlements and take appropriate action.



Section 24 Review

Description: A/n is treated as a single person even though they are partnered. Does partner live overseas? Is a/n joining their partner? How will this affect a/n's payments? See MS screen and DOCuments for details.

Action Required: Section 24 review must be conducted and the customer's circumstances assessed to determine if they continue to meet the relevant criteria and can be paid at the single rate.

See Member of a couple reviews - Section 24.


SHC Reissue

Description: Can SHC be reissued without need for new claim? Check if cancellation of SHC has been less than 13 weeks. Run SHC Grant/Reissue script if available.

Action Required: Where customer's Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) has cancelled because of their overseas departure, assess if a verbal re-claim can be completed.



Transfer from I Environment?

Description: Should record be transferred from the I environment?

Action Required: Payments made to customers to an overseas bank account must be transferred into Environment I for the Payment Destination Overseas (PAPO) screen to be updated. Where a customer returns from overseas, their record may have to be transferred from Environment I where payments are paid into an AU bank account.



Vacation of Home Property Review

Description: Customer owns their home in Australia. VHP review required? If customer is still overseas after 12 months, their home in Australia becomes an assessable asset.

Action required: Assessment of customers home ownership/assets may be required after notification of a departure to live in another country.

See Permanent vacation of principal home.

Travel details required

Table 2




Travel details

The details required by Services Australia vary depending on the person's payment type and personal circumstances. In every case, they must provide:

  • the date of departure (or intended date of departure if they are only thinking of travelling outside Australia)
  • the planned date of return (approximate date will be adequate in most cases)
  • the country to which they are travelling
  • contact details while outside Australia (this can be an inside Australia address for short term absences), and
  • bank account details while outside Australia (payments will continue to be placed into an Australian account during short term absences)

They may also have to provide:

  • address outside Australia
  • overseas bank account details, and
  • the reason for their travel outside Australia and verifying documents where applicable


Changes to income and assets

Changes to income or assets are common, as a person may have withdrawn money from accounts or other investments to finance their trip. Any reduction in investments may entitle them to an increase in rate.


Continuing to pay rent

It is very important to find out if the person is continuing to pay rent on their home address in Australia. If they are not, any Rent Assistance (RA) must cease from when they stop paying rent.

Note: if they cease to pay rent, it may indicate a change in the home address. Update this if required, as they must continue to respond to any mail or their payment may be stopped until a new address is advised.


Relationship status

A change in relationship status can affect qualification for payments such as Parenting Payment Single as well as payability for all payments because of the partner's income and assets.

If the person is leaving Australia to marry or enter into a de facto relationship, obtain partner details. Also, if they are leaving Australia to live overseas and a partner is remaining in Australia, it may indicate a legal separation (though not necessarily). Rate may also change if they are entitled to single rate of payment under section 24 in Australia but are re-joining their partner outside Australia. Do a reassessment of their s24 entitlement if this occurs.


Home property

If an absence from Australia is for more than a few weeks, the person may rent out their home. If they are a homeowner, their status will change 12 months after departure or sale of their home or on departure if they are leaving to live overseas.

Obtain information about the home property during the pre-departure interview for all absences greater than 12 months.

The value once the home property becomes an asset can preclude payment at the end of 12 months and this can have a significant impact. If they sell their home and the asset or deemed income precludes payment, they can be reviewed for up to 12 months and payment can be restored if their income or assets decreases within this time.

Ask them for the approximate asset value, any income received, any mortgage owed (this can affect the overall asset value).

If they are renting the property, also request the interest rate on any mortgage as the interest can be deducted from the income.

Full information can be obtained after departure by issuing a Questionnaire regarding property overseas or inside Australia (XOB140) letter.


Comparable foreign payment (CFP) entitlement

A person going to certain countries may qualify for a CFP as a resident of that country whereas they did not while residing in Australia. Therefore, a request to claim a CFP may be issued automatically.

A change in entitlement may occur if they move to another country. For example, persons residing in the United Kingdom (UK) become entitled to additional payments and increases to their UK pension.

A To customer UK Housing Income Support (XOB055) letter or Questionnaire - Does customer receive pension from Overseas (XOB062) letter can be issued to the customer to return after they arrive overseas. Record a review to follow up the return of the letter but make sure they have plenty of time to obtain the information on their arrival overseas.



If the customer is leaving Australia to live in another country but a nominee is continuing to reside in Australia, it may be worth following up the nominee's continuing ability to remain responsible for the customer, particularly if they are a payment nominee.

Alternative departure date – example

Table 3




Ted, a DSP customer, has 28 days of portability available. He books a trip to New Zealand, flying out of Australia at 1.00am on 1 September and returning on 29 September.

When Ted books his flights, he makes sure that he won’t go for longer than for 28 days as he can’t afford to miss a day of payment. The day a person returns to Australia is not included as part of their absence as they are considered to be in Australia on that day.

Ted passes through customs at 11.00pm on 31st August. This date is advised to Centrelink via the Immigration Datalink and populates on the RSIM screen. Based on this date, the system will calculate that Ted will have used up his 28 days of portability on 27th September, and he will not receive payment for 28th September.

When he returns to Australia, Ted contacts CIS. They investigate the MR database, which confirms the flight left at 1.05am on 1st September. As it is reasonable that Ted would have passed through customs a few hours prior, on 31st August, the record can be updated to reflect he departed Australia on 1st September and arrears payment can be paid.

Contact details

Centrelink International Services (CIS)