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Return to Australia coding for dependent children 061-03030000

This document outlines when a customer needs to advise of a return to Australia of a dependent child or children, the action to be taken by a Service Officer in a service centre or smart centre, and the effect on a customer's payments when the customer's child/ren return to Australia.

On this page:

Assessing a child or children's return to Australia

Recording the return to Australia

Assessing a child or children's return to Australia

Table 1




Customer contacts Services Australia at smart centre or service centre to advise child/ren's return to Australia (RTA) + Read more ...

Access the customer's record. Every customer's address (including postal address) and telephone contact details (including mobile phone numbers) must be checked at every contact, and updated if required. Note: if the customer has authenticated themselves via IVR, address details do not need to be confirmed.

Ask the customer:

  • the date the child/ren returned to Australia
  • whether the RTA is a temporary return
  • if the RTA is temporary, the planned date of departure from Australia
  • their correct contact address in Australia
  • their correct contact phone number

Check if the customer needs to update their income estimate. Their estimate needs to include all income they will earn during the entire financial year, including any foreign income.


Check that the child’s departure has been recorded + Read more ...

A return to Australia cannot be processed unless the departure details have been recorded and assessed.

Go to the CHTOAS screen.

Has the child's departure from Australia been recorded and assessed?


Child's return to Australia + Read more ...

Is the child's return to Australia in the future?


Child has already returned to Australia + Read more ...

If the CHTOAS screen has the date of return to Australia and Australia as the country for the most recent return, the return has been advised via the Immigration Datalink.

Is the child's return to Australia recorded on the CHTOAS screen?


Child's return to Australia is in the past and has not been recorded + Read more ...

Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen and 'S'elect the child who was outside Australia:

Has the child's return to Australia been recorded correctly on the CHRSIM screen?


Date of return to Australia + Read more ...

On the CHRSIM screen, check Immigration Limiting Date (ILD).

Ensure that the date in the ILD field is the date of departure from Australia or earlier.

Consider if the ILD needs to be moved. Once it is moved back, it cannot be moved forward to a more recent date.

To manually move the ILD:

  • key 'Y' in the Would you like to use all DIAC data (Y/N)? field if all the immigration data needs to be used, or
  • key a new date in the Immigration Limiting Date (ILD) field to use immigration data from that particular date. When ILD is correct, see Step 2 in Table 2


Child has not been recorded as returned to Australia or the customer disagrees with the date of return advised via the Immigration Datalink + Read more ...

Where there is a failure to record a return to Australia through the immigration datalink or there are discrepancies between the customer's advice and the immigration data on the record:

Recording the return to Australia

Table 2




Child's return to Australia is in the future or is unconfirmed + Read more ...

Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen and select the relevant child:


Check the Country of Residence Details + Read more ...

Update the child’s Country of Residence (CHCRES) screen

Was the child born outside Australia or are they returning after living in another country?

  • Yes, and the child:
    • was born outside Australia, ensure that CHCRES screen has Australia as the Country and the first date of arrival in Australia for residence is the start date. Note: the original date of arrival in Australia should be present on the CHRSIM screen. Go to Step 3
    • is returning after living in another country, update CHCRES. If child has returned to living with the customer, ensure that care details on the child in Customer Care (CHC) screen are updated. Go to Step 3
  • No, child was born in Australia and is returning from a temporary absence. Ensure that the CHCRES screen shows the child is residing in Australia. If it shows Unspecified, correct it. Go to Step 3


Payment current + Read more ...

Is the customer’s payment current for all children?


Suspended or cancelled payment + Read more ...

Continuation of payment on their return to Australia depends on the payment being received and the length of time outside Australia.

Payment may be suspended or cancelled if all the customer's children have remained outside Australia for more than the maximum portability period of the payment affected.

Payment may be current but have stopped for any child/ren who have remained outside Australia for more than the maximum portability period.

Payment for the child/ren remaining outside Australia will generally automatically restore if they return to Australia within 13 weeks of families payments stopping.

Payment should be restored where:

  • return to Australia is within 13 weeks of payment cancelling. Once return is confirmed via the immigration datalink (on RSIM screen or CHRSIM for child records) payment generally automatically restores from the child’s date of return to Australia.
  • payment was suspended or cancelled incorrectly (for example, the child/ren was already back in Australia)
  • payment was suspended or cancelled waiting on further information. On receipt of the further information, the customer was entitled to payment
  • the customer was eligible for a discretionary extension. For example, the child was injured in the limited portability period and was hospitalised for the period between cancellation and return to Australia. Note: this decision must be made by delegated officers in CIS. See Discretion to extend the portability period for further information

Restore using the Benefit Assessment (BA) screen. See Restoration of payments for more assistance.

Note: for Double Orphan Pension (DOP), a new claim activity is required where cancellation was due to the child's absence overseas and the child has now returned within 13 weeks of cancellation. See Restoration of Double Orphan Pension (DOP).

A new claim will generally be required where the child returns to Australia:

  • after loss of qualification or payability for payments for reasons other than exceeding their maximum portability period or
  • more than 13 weeks after the end of the maximum portability period

Does customer need to lodge a new claim for payment?


Cancelled payment - new claim required + Read more ...

For family assistance payments, encourage the customer to complete an online claim for family assistance and Parental Leave Pay (PPL)/Dad and Partner Pay (DAP).

For other payments:

Procedure ends here.


Concession card and payment reissue + Read more ...

A concession card will remain current for up to 6 weeks if a customer or child temporarily leaves Australia. If the concession card expiry date has not been reached, a new card does not need to be issued. If only a child has lost entitlement, the return to Australia will restart the entitlements from the date of return. As long as that child is on the concession card, a new card is not required.

If the customer has lost entitlement to their payment because their child has been absent for more than 6 weeks or has been living overseas, but payment is re-granted when the child returns to Australia, any concession card associated with the payment will be automatically reissued.

If the customer requires a concession card before the replacement card arrives, they should contact their nearest service centre for an interim voucher. See Confirming concession card entitlement and issuing interim vouchers.

If a customer has lost entitlement to a concession card because the child has been absent for more than 6 weeks, a new concession card will be issued once their payment is restored or reclaimed.

See the Resources page for a link to the Claim for a Health Care Card form (SS050).

Note: the system issues the concession cards automatically based upon details recorded on CRES, Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) and absences from Australia on the RSCD and RSIM screens. If the system is not issuing or reactivating the customer's card, check the RSLEG screen is recorded with the customer's country of citizenship and visa details as appropriate. See Concession Entitlement Summary (MCCS) screen. If not coded correctly, information can be obtained directly via the immigration datalink.

Finalise the restoration activity. Ensure any arrears being issued are correct.

Record all information regarding the return to Australia on a DOC.


Check if an appointment is required + Read more ...

Check the customer's circumstances. If the customer is due to have a review or if the return of the children are likely to change the customer's mutual obligation requirements, an appointment should occur.

For help, see General reviews and Service Updates for job seekers, students, trainees and Australian Apprentices or Reviews and change of circumstances for Special Benefit (SpB).

Is the customer subject to a Job Plan which needs to be reviewed or needs to have an appointment for any other reason?

  • Yes, an appointment is required:
    • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngbook appointment for customer. Record details provided by the customer on a DOC. Procedure ends here
    • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png check continuing qualification for primary payment, and reset mutual obligation requirements, reviews etc. as necessary. Check if the customer has any further queries and, if not, the appointment can be concluded. Procedure ends here
  • No, an appointment is not required. Check if the customer has any further queries and, if not, the appointment can be concluded. Procedure ends here