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Self-employed or employee? 043-03020000

DST questions

The Decision Support Tool (DST) is included in the Self-employment workflow in Process Direct. If staff select 'Unsure' to the question 'Is the customer self-employed?' and select Next, the DST question set will display. Once the questions have been completed, the workflow will provide a recommendation whether the customer is self-employed or an employee. The information within the workflow, including the recommendation, will be automatically recorded in a Note.

The use of this tool is not mandatory for staff and not for customers to use.

Questions asked on the DST

Note: this DST is to assist Service Officers to determine whether or not a customer is self-employed. The process of making a decision about whether a customer is self-employed or not, is a process of weighing all the facts. Each case needs to be decided on its own facts and merits. The following questions are designed to assist staff to make a determination.

Determining if a customer is an employee or self-employed

This table contains the questions asked on the Decision Support Tool (DST) to assist Service Officers in determining whether or not a customer is an employee or self-employed.


Assessment questions to determine if a customer is an employee or self employed

Customer Response

(Circle as appropriate)


Do you make decisions about what work you do, where and how you do the work, and can you choose your own working hours?



Do you provide most or all of the tools, supplies or materials needed to do the work?



Are you responsible for any losses or damages resulting from the work?



Can you decide what to do with any profit received from the work?



Do you have a contract for service where you are paid to produce a result?


If all of the above questions were answered 'Yes' then the customer is more likely to be self -employed.

Otherwise continue with the next lot of questions.


Assessment questions to determine if a customer is an employee or in business

Customer Response

(Circle as appropriate)


Do you have individual contracts with more than one person or business?



Do you lodge a Business Activity Statement (BAS)?



Do you advertise or market your business?



Do you have other people working for you?


If 6 or more of the above questions were answered 'Yes' then the customer is more likely to be self-employed.

Other supporting evidence: For example, does not receive payslips, does not receive a group certificate, has an ABN.

User guides

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngSelf-employed Decision Support Tool

This printable version can be used for individual determinations and scanned on the customer's record.