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Seasonal business activity has ceased completely 043-03130100

This document outlines the assessment of income for a customer who operates a business either as a sole trader, in a partnership or through a trust or company, and who advises that their regular seasonal business activity has ceased. This seasonal event is part of the normal cycle of activity of the business.

Reassessment of income

In this case, the rate of income earned from the business should be reassessed:

  • During the period of business inactivity - nil income should be maintained from the business
  • During the period in which the business operates - the current rate of income maintained should be based upon the profit earned by the business during that period in which business activities are undertaken, that is, the period that business operations have ceased is ignored when calculating the current rate of assessable income

A reassessment of the income of a business can be undertaken at the request of a customer at any time during the year. This will require provision of full financial details including profit and loss statement, balance sheet and evidence of the circumstances that require a review.

The Resources page contains an example of a calculation of income to be assessed from the business during the period in which the business activities are undertaken.

Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP)

Business has ceased or has been sold

Unexpected downturn of a business

Income and expenses of a business