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Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA) (child) when a carer is claiming or receiving CA only 009-03020010

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This page contains detailed information about qualification for Carer Allowance (CA) (child).

CA (child) Qualification information

This table describes detailed information about qualification for Carer Allowance (CA) (child).




Basic qualifications + Read more ...

The following must apply:


Dependent child for Carer Allowance (CA) + Read more ...

Where a step-parent is in a relationship and living jointly with the actual parent of a dependent child, then the child can be considered as a dependent child of the step-parent. The step-parent may qualify if the parent is not receiving CA for that child.

Note: this is for CA (child) only and does not change the definition of a dependent child


Carer receives Carer Payment (CP) (child) for this care receiver + Read more ...

The carer may qualify for CA (auto) where they receive CP (child). See Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA) (auto) when a carer is also receiving Carer Payment (CP) (child).


More than 1 child, each with a disability or medical condition + Read more ...

A person may qualify for CA for each dependent child with a disability or medical condition in their care, regardless of the number of children.


Adult and that adult’s dependent child + Read more ...

If the carer is being paid CP (child) for a 'disabled adult' and 1 or 2 children each with a disability or medical condition, then they will be eligible for CA (auto) for any of those children they do not receive CA (child) for under the standard provisions. See Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA) (auto) when a carer is also receiving Carer Payment (CP) (child).

However they will not have automatic eligibility for CA for the 'disabled adult'.


More than 1 carer + Read more ...

In some cases, more than 1 carer may claim in respect of the 1 care receiver. CA can be shared by 2 carers who are not members of the same couple and who share the care for the same child care receiver. If the care is shared by members of the same couple, only 1 of them will receive payment. See Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA) for 2 carers in respect of the same care receiver.


Two children in care + Read more ...

A carer may also qualify for CA if they have 2 children in their care, who, while having a disability, do not individually reach the necessary rating on the Disability Care Load Assessment Determination (DCLAD) - however, when combined, the disabilities of these children have a significant impact if assessed against the DCLAD.

This recognises the impact on a family with 2 children whose combined care needs are at a significant level when measured by the DCLAD. Generally, carers will apply for full CA for each child, and if neither qualifies in their own right, the Service Officer will make a joint assessment.

A person who qualifies on this basis will be paid CA as if they had only 1 CA child. This means that the fortnightly rate of CA will be the rate payable for 1 child.

See Assessing a claim for Carer Allowance (CA) using the combined assessment scores of two children.