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Assessing a recognised disability for Carer Allowance (CA) (child) 009-03040020

For Carer Payment/Carer Allowance Smart Centre Processing staff only.

This document outlines the assessment of a recognised disability, for assessing a medical eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA) (child).

On this page:

Assessing a recognised disability without a Services Australia medical report

Assessing a recognised disability with a Services Australia medical report

Assessing a recognised disability without a Services Australia medical report

Table 1: this table references the following forms:

  • Carer Allowance - Medical Report (for a child under 16 years) (SA426)
  • Carer Payment - Medical Report including functional assessment (for a child under 16 years) (SA427)
  • Carer Payment and Carer Allowance - Medical Report (for a child under 16 years) (SA431)




Check if there is a Services Australia medical report + Read more ...

This process does not apply to customers claiming Carer Payment (CP) only. For CP only claims, see Processing claims for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA).

Did the customer lodge the Services Australia medical report that was requested when they submitted their claim?


Services Australia medical report not lodged + Read more ...

If the customer:


Check the non-Services Australia medical report for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis + Read more ...

The non-Services Australia medical report can only be used instead of a Services Australia medical report if:

  • the report clearly states the child care receiver has a formal diagnosis of ASD. Note: terms such as ‘autistic traits’ and ‘likely to have autism’ indicate ASD has not been formally diagnosed, and
  • the formal diagnosis was made using the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), and
  • the formal diagnosis was made by:
    • a psychiatrist
    • a registered psychologist, or
    • a developmental paediatrician. If a paediatrician completed the report, make sure they are a developmental paediatrician. For help, see Identifying a developmental paediatrician on the Resources page

Does the non-Services Australia medical report meet all the above conditions?


Send the customer a Request for Information + Read more ...

The non-Services Australia medical report cannot be accepted. The customer must provide a Services Australia medical report.

Send a Request for Information. If the customer lodged a claim for:

  • CP and CA, request an SA431 form
  • CA only, request an SA426 form

Place the claim on hold. Use the Hold to User function.

Procedure ends here until the Services Australia medical report is lodged or the claim comes off hold.


Non-Services Australia medical report can be used for CA only + Read more ...

The non-Services Australia medical report:

  • can be used to assess CA
  • cannot be used to assess CP. A Services Australia medical report is required to assess CP

If the customer is claiming:


Combine CP/CA claims with a non-Services Australia medical report + Read more ...

Record all the available information for the CP/CA claim.

Is CP and/or CA rejecting for a ‘non-medical’ reason (e.g. income)?


Claim rejecting for a ‘non-medical’ reason + Read more ...

Both CP and CA are rejecting for non-medical reasons:

  • Reject the payments. In the rejection DOC, record the following:
    ‘If the customer wants to appeal the decision, a Carer Payment - Medical Report including functional assessment for a child under 16 years (SA427) is required to medically assess CP.’
  • To reject the payments. See:
  • Procedure ends here

If CP only is rejecting for a non-medical reason (CA is not rejecting):


CA claims with a non-Services Australia medical report + Read more ...

To assess the customer’s combined CP/CA claim, take the following action:

  • do not finalise the CA claim
  • send a Request for Information asking the customer to return a completed Carer Payment - Medical Report including functional assessment for a child under 16 years (SA427)
  • place the claim on hold. Use the Hold to User function

Procedure ends here until the Services Australia medical report is lodged or the claim comes off hold.


The care receiver has a recognised disability + Read more ...

The non-Services Australia medical report can be used to assess the CA claim because:

  • the child medically qualifies for CA (child)
  • an assessment under the Disability Care Load Assessment (DCLAD) (2020) is not required

The process for assessing a recognised disability ends here.

Continue assessing the CA claim. To do this, see Processing claims for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA).

Procedure ends here.

Assessing a recognised disability with a Services Australia medical report

Table 2




Services Australia previously asked the customer or THP to provide missing details on form + Read more ...

Did the agency previously write to the customer or Treating Health Professional (THP) asking them to provide details that were incorrect or missing from their Services Australia medical report?


Examine the Services Australia medical report + Read more ...

To determine if the child care receiver has been diagnosed with a recognised disability or a recognised medical condition, review the THP’s responses to Questions 7, 8 and 9:

  • Question 7 and/or Question 8, the THP does not indicate the child has a recognised disability and/or a recognised medical condition, and at:
  • Question 7 and/or Question 8, the THP indicates the child does have a recognised disability and/or a recognised medical condition, and at:
    • Question 9, they answered ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or left the answer blank, go to Step 3


Check if medical condition present for at least 12 months - THP indicates the child has a disability/medical condition + Read more ...

Eligibility for CA requires the medical condition to be present for at least 12 months, unless the condition is terminal.

If the THP marked Questions 3, 4 and 5 to indicate the disability or medical condition is:

  • permanent, or temporary and expected to be present for at least 12 months, go to Step 10
  • temporary, and expected to be present for less than 12 months:
    • contact the THP
    • ask them why they consider the disability or medical condition is temporary

Was contact with the THP successful?


Check if medical condition present for at least 12 months - THP indicates child does not have a disability/medical condition + Read more ...

Eligibility for CA requires the medical condition to be present for at least 12 months, unless the condition is terminal.

If the THP marked Questions 3, 4 and 5 to indicate the disability or medical condition is:

  • permanent, or temporary and expected to be present for at least 12 months, go to Step 10
  • temporary, and expected to be present for less than 12 months, go to Step 5


Contact THP for more information about temporary disability or medical condition + Read more ...

Contact the THP. Ask them:

  • why they consider the disability, or medical condition to be present for less than 12 months
  • if the child care receiver has a disability and/or medical condition listed in Question 7 and/or Question 8

Was contact with the THP successful?


Request missing/incorrect details + Read more ...

Send a request in writing to the customer or THP. Ask them to provide the incomplete/incorrect details in the medical report. To do this, follow the process in Step 5 (Request information in writing) in the Processing an incomplete or incorrect claim table.

Place the claim on hold. Use the Hold to User function.

Procedure ends here until the customer/THP responds to the above request or the claim comes off hold.


Reviewing THP responses + Read more ...

In a DOC, record all verbal information given by the THP. To record this, follow the process in Step 4 (Verbal information) in the Processing an incomplete or incorrect claim table.

If the THP confirms:

  • the child does not have a recognised disability and/or recognised medical condition listed in Question 7 and/or Question 8 and the period of the condition is permanent, or temporary and expected to be present for at least 12 months, go to Step 9
  • the child has a recognised disability and/or recognised medical condition listed in Question 7 and/or Question 8 and the period of the condition is permanent, or temporary and expected to be present for at least 12 months, go to Step 10
  • the child does not have a recognised disability and/or recognised medical condition listed in Question 7 and/or Question 8 and the period of condition is temporary and expected to be present for less than 12 months:
  • the child is over 3 years old and has a recognised disability and/or recognised medical condition listed in Question 7 and/or Question 8 and the period of condition is temporary and expected to be present for less than 12 months:
  • the child has a recognised disability and/or recognised medical condition listed in Question 7 and/or Question 8 and the THP has indicated they are uncertain if period of condition is temporary and expected to be present for less than 12 months and/or the child is under 3 years


Refer to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk + Read more ...

Refer the case to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for advice and include the following information:

  • carer’s CRN
  • claim ID
  • medical condition/disability the child has been diagnosed with, listed in Question 7 and /or Question 8, and
  • any relevant details of the discussion with the THP

If they advise the condition is:


Care receiver does not have a recognised disability. + Read more ...

The carer of a child who does not have a recognised disability or recognised medical condition may qualify for CA (child) if the child receives a rating of ‘intense’ under the Disability Care Load Assessment (DCLAD) (2020).

Assessing a recognised disability process ends here. Follow the process in Processing claims for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA).

Procedure ends here.


Care receiver has a recognised disability. + Read more ...

A child with a recognised disability:

  • medically qualifies for CA (child), and
  • is not required to provide:
    • a Care Needs Assessment
    • an assessment under the Disability Care Load Assessment (DCLAD) (2020)

Assessing a recognised disability process ends here. Follow the process in Processing claims for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA).