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Commencing or returning to work for Carer Allowance 009-03070010

This document outlines information to assist staff in determining the continuing entitlement to Carer Allowance (CA) when a carer advises they are commencing or returning to work.

Carer Allowance (CA) - Commencing or returning to work




Carer advises they are commencing or returning to work + Read more ...

If the carer receives:


Daily care and attention + Read more ...

Does the carer still provide care and attention on a daily basis in the residence of the carer and/or the care receiver?


14 hour per week rule + Read more ...

If the carer is receiving CA (child) HCC only, are they still providing at least 14 hours per week of additional care and attention in the residence of the carer and care receiver?


Qualified for CA + Read more ...

The carer remains qualified for CA if they are still exempt from providing their income details for the CA income test.

If the carer or their partner receive an income support payment, they need to advise their employment income. For recoding employment income for the purpose of an ISP, see Recording and correcting employment income details.

A carer will lose their exemption from providing their income details if they (and their partner if they have one) no longer receive a payment or card that allows the carer to be exempt. This includes when an income-tested income support payment cancels after an employment income nil rate period has ended.

If the carer loses their exemption from providing their income details for the Carer Allowance income test and Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) details were not provided in the same financial year, a Carer Allowance income review will automatically be created. If a review is created, the carer will be sent a letter. They can complete the review online.

Advise the carer that if we need their income details updated for the Carer Allowance income test, we will write to them. The letter will advise them how to complete their review online. For more information see Carer Allowance (CA) income test - determining reference tax year and assessable income components.

Go to Step 6.


No longer qualified for CA + Read more ...

The carer will no longer qualify for CA. Cancel payment (or HCC) from date of event. If the carer is receiving CP (XWP), they will cease entitlement once payment level CA is cancelled.

Cancel payment, see Cancellation of Carer Allowance (CA).


Family payment income estimates and finalising the activity + Read more ...

If the carer or partner is receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS), check if the carer needs to revise their current family assistance income estimate and advise choices available to help reduce the chance of an overpayment during the reconciliation process. See Updating income estimates for the current financial year.

  • Record all details of contact on a DOC
  • Finalise activity via AR screen
  • Advise carer of outcome

DOC minimum standards

These only require the collection and recording of enough information about the employer (e.g. contact name and address or phone number) to allow income assessment, as well as contact with the employer if necessary.

Contact may be necessary for verification of the income details provided, or for conducting reviews resulting from Data Matching with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Some carers (e.g. those who work in sensitive areas like women's refuges, etc.) may not want all employment details (e.g. business name) recorded on a DOC. This does not affect the requirement to collect sufficient information for assessment or review purposes.