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Death of a dependent child of a lower Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) score adult 009-03090030

This page contains information on the process to follow when advised of the death of a dependent child of a lower Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) score adult.

Death of a dependent child of a lower ADAT score adult

This table describes the steps to follow when advised of the death of a dependent child of a lower ADAT score adult.




Notifying a death + Read more ...

When a person advises the death of a care receiver:

  • if the person providing the information is distressed, offer a private interview before proceeding
  • offer the services of a social worker

Confirmation of death

Confirmation of death can be accepted where the customer's full name is provided together with at least 2 of the following:

  • deceased customer's last address in full
  • date of birth
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN)

Can informant supply enough information to confirm death?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No:
    • obtain name and contact number of person advising and details of funeral director if known
    • run the Notification of Death guided procedure
    • confirm death before taking any further action. If death cannot be confirmed and customer's whereabouts are unknown, suspend Carer Payment (CP), or suspend Carer Allowance (CA)
    • procedure ends here


The CA carer (the lower ADAT score adult for CP) will be entitled to receive bereavement payments + Read more ...

They are entitled to CA during the 14 week bereavement period. This may be paid as a lump. The rate payable depends on the carer's (lower ADAT care receiver's) circumstances.

If the child was assessed under the 'Two disabled children combined' CA qualification, the remaining child receiving care will need to be reassessed to see if they still qualify for CA.

Check if the child's parent or guardian may receive bereavement payments associated with family assistance. See Family assistance payments, Paid Parental Leave scheme and bereavement.


Test ongoing CP qualification + Read more ...

The carer's ongoing qualification to CP must be tested in respect of the surviving adult care receiver.

Does the carer qualify for CP in respect of the surviving adult care receiver?


Lump sum not payable + Read more ...

The carer still remains qualified for payment throughout the bereavement, however no lump sum is payable to the carer.

The rate payable throughout the bereavement period depends on the carer's actual circumstance during the period.


Coding death action + Read more ...

Access the child's parent/guardian (the lower ADAT score adult's) record in the ISS system.

Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen:

  • select the appropriate care receiver
  • key details in the Source and DOR fields
  • press [Enter]

The Child Task Selector (CHTS) displays. Select the Change Child (CCH) screen. Key details in the Death Date field. Press [Enter]:

  • the Child Bereavement Assistance Delivery Option (FBRV) screen displays. This refers to Family Assistance payments.
  • 'S'elect if the payment is to be paid by instalments or a lump sum. Press [Enter].
  • finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen


Check Assessment Results (AR) screen + Read more ...

If the deceased child was aged under 6, there is no requirement that they receive CA. If this was the case then the AR screen would not show the CA cancellation but it would display that the death action had proceeded correctly.

If the deceased child receiving care attracted a family assistance payment as well as CA the AR screen should display a BRV/OOP line and another line, which indicates that the carer is to be cancelled.

Finalise the activity on the AR screen in the Lower ADAT score adult's record.


Check CRS screen + Read more ...

Is there a link on the CRS screen?

  • Yes, the Pensions Additional Assessment (PAA) screen will be protected and, if the customer is entitled to a Lump Sum Bereavement Payment (LBP) in addition to 7 fortnightly instalments of CP, the system will automatically calculate and issue payment:
    • offer the services of a social worker
    • record the details of the bereavement on a DOC
    • procedure ends here
  • No link exists on the CRS screen:
    • go to the Carer's CP record
    • navigate to the PAA screen
  • Key the bereavement period in the:
    • Event date field, key date of death
    • PAA End date field
    • Source and DOR fields


Check if customer entitled to a LBP in addition to fortnightly CP instalments + Read more ...

Is the customer entitled to a LBP in addition to 7 fortnightly instalments of CP?

  • Yes, go to the One Off Payment (OOP) screen and record the payment type as 'BLS'. Once at the AR screen, select the OOP line and enter the 'BLS', which has to be calculated manually. Go to Step 9
  • No, go to Step 9


Finalise activity + Read more ...

Finalise the activity on the AR screen:

  • offer the services of a social worker
  • record the details of the bereavement on a DOC