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Simultaneous death of care receivers and the effect on Carer Payment (CP) 009-03090040

This page contains the process when information is provided that more than one person receiving care dies and the carer is receiving Carer Payment (CP).

Simultaneous death of care receivers

Effect on CP for simultaneous death of care receivers

This table describes the process to follow when information is received that more than one person receiving care dies and the carer is receiving CP.




Notification of death received + Read more ...

Confirmation of death can be accepted where the customer's full name is provided together with at least two of the following:

  • deceased customer's last address in full
  • date of birth
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN)

See Confirmation of the death of an adult or child.

Can informant supply enough information to confirm death?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No:
    • Obtain name and contact number of person advising and details of funeral director if known
    • Run the Notification of Death guided procedure
    • Confirm the death before taking any further action. Suspend Carer Payment (CP) or suspend Carer Allowance (CA) if death cannot be confirmed and customer's whereabouts are unknown
    • Procedure ends here


Care receivers circumstances + Read more ...

If the care receivers were:

  • one of two to four children with disabilities, go to Step 3
  • a lower ADAT score adult and dependent child where the carer is not the adult's partner, go to Step 3
  • a lower ADAT score adult and a dependent child and the carer is the adult's partner, go to Step 4


The rate payable throughout the bereavement period depends on the carer's actual circumstances + Read more ...

If entitled to a Lump Sum Bereavement Payment (LBP), the amount is the same as for a single adult care receiver.

Go to Step 5.


Death of a lower score adult and dependent child - carer is the adult's partner + Read more ...

A calculation must be done to work out the bereavement assistance payable to the carer as a:

  • member of a couple; and
  • a carer of a single care receiver

The bereavement provisions which are most beneficial to the CP customer apply.


The LBP for the carer is calculated differently to that for couples + Read more ...

The lump sum is the lesser of 7 times either:

  • half member of a couple rate; or
  • the CP instalment payable before the death


Coding depends on what types of care receivers died at the same time + Read more ...

If they were:

  • one of two to four children with disabilities, go to Step 7
  • a lower ADAT score adult and a dependent child, go to Step 9


Coding for two to four children with disabilities + Read more ...

Access the Carer's record and navigate to the Child Selection (CHS) screen, 'S'elect all deceased child care receivers. Enter details in the Source: and DOR: fields and press [Enter].

The Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen for the first child is displayed. Select the Change Child (CCH) screen and key details in the Death Date: field. Press [Enter]

  • The CHTS screen for the second child is displayed. Select the CCH screen and the Death Date: field is to be coded for the second child. Press [Enter]
  • While in the Carer's record access the Pensions Additional Assessment (PAA) screen and code the following fields for the bereavement period:
    • Event Date: field - Date of death
    • PAA End date: field
    • Source: and DOR: fields


Is the customer entitled to a LBP in addition to the 7 paydays of Carer Payment? + Read more ...

  • Yes, go to the One Off Payment (OOP) screen and record a One Off payment type of BLS (Bereavement Lump Sum)
    • Once at the Assessment Results (AR) screen, you will have to select the OOP line and input the LBP amount, which has to be calculated manually
    • Finalise the activity on the AR screen. Take note of any warnings that appear before the activity is to be finalised
  • No, finalise the activity on the AR screen and take note of any warnings that appear before the activity is to be finalised

Note: policy has been clarified for information relating to:

  • the extension of Carer Payment following the death of an adult care receiver
  • calculation of the Lump Sum Bereavement period for third party carers
  • Carer Allowance (non-FTB child care receivers)

Record the details of the bereavement on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


Coding for a lower ADAT score adult and a dependent child + Read more ...

Record the details of the bereavement on a DOC.