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Death of a child care receiver and the effect on Carer Allowance (CA) 009-03090050

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System does not pay correct CA lump sum bereavement payment

The system is not paying Carer Allowance (CA) bereavement payments correctly when the death of a CA child is actioned.

  • The system is paying a bereavement payment equivalent to 14 weeks of CA but not taking into account any payments made after the death
  • Payments paid after the death are showing as a debt on the Assessment Results (AR) screen but when the activity is finalised the system auto waives the debt

This table shows how to calculate a CA bereavement payment:




Work out the rate at which Carer Allowance was payable to the person immediately before the child died.


Work out the number of paydays of the person in the bereavement lump sum period


Multiply the rate obtained in step 1 by the number obtained in step 2. The result is the amount of the lump sum payable to the person under this section.