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Cancellation or suspension of Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) 009-03110010

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

Customers in immediate danger or risk of harm must call 000.

If you have concerns about a child’s safety, conduct the risk and referral process.

This page contains the process steps for change of circumstance which may result in cancellation or suspension or CP and/or CA.

On this page:

Change of circumstance

Update your caring details online task

Cancellation Failed to Reply to Correspondence (FRC)

Cancellation or suspension when carer is in prison or psychiatric confinement

Change of circumstance

Table 1




A change in circumstances may result in cancellation of CP and/or CA + Read more ...

Service Officers must be mindful of permission to enquire rules and not release information if the person contacting has no permission to enquire.

Service Officers must not:

  • send Fast Notes to CD1 relating to information provided by the carer, or allegations received from third parties or care receivers
  • record allegations the carer is no longer providing care on the carer or care receiver’s record
  • record allegations of family and domestic violence within the carer/care receiver relationship on the carer or care receiver's record

This information is accessible under Freedom of Information (FOI) and places the reporter and the care receiver at risk.


Family and Domestic Violence and Carer Neglect + Read more ...

Has there been any allegations, from any party, relating to carer neglect within the carer/care receiver relationship or it is suspected?

Note: if any party discloses, or it is suspected a child is affected by family and domestic violence (FDV), follow the Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child.


A change in circumstances to be investigated + Read more ...

If Service Officers:


Update the carer's change of circumstance + Read more ...

If the carer (or care receiver/third party if authorised):


Check if the carer is receiving Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance + Read more ...

Check if the carer is receiving Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance.

In the Carer record go to the CRS screen and select the care receiver. In next, go to the Carer General Information (CGI) screen and press [Continue].

Linked carers will display default values in the following fields:

  • Carer Name
  • CRN
  • Carer Payment
  • Carer Allowance


Change of care/care receiver has left care + Read more ...

Once the change in care has been recorded, the system will auto-cancel CP and/or CA for the carer.

To update a change of care/care receiver leaving care, access the Carer Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen in Customer First. To do this for

  • an adult, or a child with an adult Centrelink record:
    • go to the care receiver's record
    • open the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen
    • 'S'elect 'Self' and press [Continue]
  • a child care receiver (under 16 years of age) with a child record:
    • in the carer's record
    • go to the CRS screen
    • 'S'elect the child care receiver, press [Continue]

Is the carer receiving CA for the care receiver?


Coding change of care/care receiver has left care for Carer Allowance + Read more ...

From the CETS screen, select Care Details, press [Continue].

Code the following fields for CA in the section ‘Carer Allowance Care Details’

  • Effect Date: day after care ceased
  • Carer CRN: select from the dropdown list
  • Relationship to Carer Receiver: select from the dropdown list
  • Does the Carer Live Separately: select the following
    • Yes: Living Separately fields will display
    • No: Living Together fields will display
  • Other Carer Details: free text field
  • Complete the Source: and Receipt Date: fields
  • Select [Add] once all fields are coded

If living separately, code the following

  • Paid Relevant Minimum Wage: select Yes or No
  • Provides Daily Care field: select Yes or No
  • Shared Care: select from the dropdown list
  • Hours of care per week as verified by CSO: Select from the dropdown list
  • Hours of care per week as advised by the customer: enter value between 0-168

If living together, code one of the following fields:

  • Care Days: number of days the care receiver is in the carer’s care each fortnight. Value between 0-14, or
  • Care%: value between 0-100.

Note: a value must be entered in either the care days or care % field, but not in both.

Is the carer also receiving CP?

  • Yes, go to Step 8
  • No:
    • Complete the Source and Receipt Date fields
    • Go to the assessment results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
    • Go to Step 11


Coding change of care/care receiver has left care for Carer Payment + Read more ...

From the CETS screen select Care and Institution Details, press [Continue].

Code the following fields for CP in the section ‘Carer Payment Care Details’.

Date of Event: enter the relevant Date of Event (DOV)

  • Carer CRN: select from the dropdown list
  • Carer is: select the relationship of the carer to the care receiver from the dropdown list
  • Constant care: select from the dropdown list
  • Complete the Source: and Receipt Date: fields
  • Select [Add] once all fields are coded
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
  • Go to Step 11


Carer requests cancellation of CP and/or CA + Read more ...

The code CLR -withdrawn/voluntary surrender - is only to be used where the carer has requested cancellation of CP and/or CA and does not want to provide more information or the reason why. If the customer has requested cancellation and cannot/will not provide further information, cancel CP and/or CA in Customer First using the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow.

Note: staff can cancel both CP and CA in the same activity, if applicable.

To cancel CP and/or CA:

  • select the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow
  • to cancel CA at the care receiver level:
    • Select the relevant care receiver/s
    • Reason: select CLR: Withdrawn/Voluntary Surrender from the dropdown box
    • Action: will automatically populate
    • Date of Effect: This is usually the date the carer requests cancellation (see Resources for example)
      Note: while CP can be cancelled from a future date, CA cannot
  • to cancel CA at the carer level:
    • Reason: select CLR: Withdrawn/Voluntary Surrender from the dropdown box
    • Date of Effect: This is usually the date the carer requests cancellation (see Resources for example)
      Note: while CP can be cancelled from a future date, CA cannot
  • to cancel CP at the carer level:
    • Reason: select CLR: Withdrawn/Voluntary Surrender from the dropdown box,
    • Date of Effect: This is usually the date the carer requests cancellation
  • Code Source and Receipt Date
  • Select [Continue]
  • The carer cancellation and suspension workflow will automatically create a DOC using the Notepad function. The DOC will include:
    • suspension or cancellation reason
    • Date of Effect (DOE)
    • Act Reference
  • Check the DOC and include the reason for making the decision to cancel payment CLR, and record any additional notes if applicable
  • Select [Continue]
  • Review the AR screen and finalise the activity

Cancellation/Suspension DOC will only display once the activity has been approved in the Quality Online Tool (QOL) tool. Any activities selected for QOL should be released unless another error is identified.

If the workflow is unavailable or not working, go to Step 10.


Manual coding - carer requests cancellation of CP and/or CA + Read more ...

The code CLR -withdrawn/voluntary surrender - is only to be used where the carer has requested cancellation of CP and/or CA and does not want to provide any other details or the reason why.

To cancel CP or CA at the carer level take the following action in the carer’s record using Customer First.

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and code the following fields:
    • Service Reason, key 'CAR' (for CP) or ‘CDA’ (for CA)
    • Action: select 'CAN - Cancel' from the dropdown list
    • Reason: select 'CLR – Withdrawal/Voluntary Surrender' from the dropdown list
    • Effect Date: This is usually the date the carer requests the cancellation (see Resources for example)
    • Code Source and Receipt Date fields
  • Select [Submit Change]
  • Go to the AR screen and finalise the activity
  • DOC the cancellation on the carer’s record, include the reason for making the decision to cancel payment CLR, and record any additional notes if applicable

To cancel CA at the carer level take the following action in the carer’s record using Customer First:

  • Go to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen
  • select the relevant care receiver
  • Go to the Care Receiver Benefit Action (CJBA) screen and code the fields
  • Select [Continue]
  • go to the AR screen and finalise the activity
  • DOC the cancellation on the carer’s record, include the reason for making the decision to cancel payment CLR, and record any additional notes if applicable


Record details + Read more ...

In the carer’s record create a DOC and record details.

If the care receiver is a child and the carer is receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB), check whether FTB is still payable. See Child leaves customer's care/custody.

If the carer and care receiver are partners, they may be entitled to be assessed as being separated from their partner due to ill health. See Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness.

Go to Step 12.


Check payment/s have cancelled + Read more ...

In the carers record check their payment status.

Has Carer Allowance and/or Carer Payment cancelled?


Payment/s not cancelled + Read more ...

To ensure the updates correctly apply and payment/s will cancel take the following action.

  • Run the Daily Driver (DDR) by keying 'DDR' in the Next field and select [Enter]
  • For Carer Payment
    • Go to the carer’s record
    • Update the system – PEN
    • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
    • Svc Rsn: 'CAR'
    • Action: 'REA' (Reassess)
    • Reason: leave blank
    • Effect Date: DOV of cancellation
    • Complete Source and Receipt Date fields
    • Key 'AR' in the Next field and select [Continue]
    • Finalise the activity
    • Annotate the DOC on the carer's record to note the action taken to cancel the payment
  • For Carer Allowance update
    • Go to the carer's record
    • Update the system: ISS
    • Go to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen
    • S’elect the relevant care receiver
    • Go to the Care Receiver Benefit Action (CJBA) screen and update the relevant fields
    • select [Continue]
    • Key 'AR' in the Next field and finalise the activity
    • Annotate the DOC on the carer's record to note the action taken to cancel the payment

Update your caring details online task

Table 2




Manual cancellation for CA using Process Direct + Read more ...

If the carer has not completed the 'Update your caring details' online task within 14 days a work item is allocated to Service Officer’s via Process Direct.

Is the carer’s CA current?


  • Manually cancel CA 'failed to reply to correspondence' (FRC) in Process Direct
  • Select the work item Caring Detail Review for Carer Allowance. The Customer and Claim information details screen will display
  • Select More Options then select Update DOR to display the Update Date of Receipt screen
  • change the Receipt Date to:
    • Day 15, if it is within the current entitlement period
    • Date paid to + 1, if carer has been paid since day 15
  • select Update > Process
  • from the Task Selector screen, select CJBA - Carers Benefit Action and select Next to display the Care Receiver Benefit Action screen
  • select Add to display Create Care Receiver Benefit Action popup and update the relevant fields
  • select Save
  • a provisional cancellation activity will appear on the Care Receiver Benefit Action (CJBA) screen. Select Next
  • select Assess
  • the carer’s entitlement to CA is displayed on the ELD screen
  • check the expected outcome has occurred. Select Finish
  • a pop up window will display with prepopulated text, including the Social Security Act reference. Add additional comments regarding the decision in Notes. The comments will appear in Notes tab
  • select Finish. The work item Carer Allowance Questionnaire Review status will change to completed
  • Procedure ends here

No, go to Step 2.


Cancel task in Process Direct + Read more ...

If the carer’s CA has already been cancelled and the work item no longer needs to be updated, staff will need to cancel the task.

In Process Direct, select Inbox:

  • Main Category: Online Intervention
  • CRN: Customers CRN
  • select Go
  • from the Work item list, select the open Carer Allowance Questionnaire Review
  • select Status > More Options > Cancelled > Reason, select appropriate code > Save

Cancellation Failed to Reply to Correspondence (FRC)

Table 3




Cancellation or Suspension – Failed to Reply to Correspondence (FRC) + Read more ...

If the customer has failed to reply to correspondence, and their payment is still current the payment should be cancelled or suspended using Customer First.

The date of effect of the determination is generally the day following the expiration of the time allowed to respond.

Where the customer has already been paid for this date, the date of effect for the cancellation/suspension will be Date Paid To (DPT) plus 1.

Thoroughly check the carer and care receiver’s record to ensure the requested information has not been returned and the customer has not already attempted or made contact.

To cancel/suspend CP and/or CA:

  • select the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow
  • to cancel CA at the care receiver level (See the Background page for a definition of ‘at care receiver level’):
    • Reason: select FRC: Failed to Reply to Correspondence from the dropdown box
    • Action: this will auto populate with cancel
    • Date of Effect:
  • to cancel CA at the carer level:
    • Reason: select FRC: Failed to Correspondence from the dropdown box
    • Action: select from the dropdown box
    • Date of Effect:
  • to cancel CP at the carer level:
    • Reason: select FRC: Failed to Reply to Correspondence from the dropdown box,
    • Action: select from the dropdown box
    • Date of Effect:
  • Code Source and Receipt Date
  • Select [Continue]
  • The carer cancellation and suspension workflow will automatically create a DOC using the Notepad function. The DOC will include:
    • suspension/cancellation reason
    • Date of Effect (DOE)
    • Act Reference
  • Check the DOC and record any additional notes, if needed
  • Select [Continue]
  • Review the AR screen and finalise the activity

Cancellation/Suspension DOC will only display once the activity has been approved in the Quality Online Tool (QOL) tool. Any activities selected for QOL should be released unless another error is identified.

Note: staff can cancel both CP and CA in the same activity, if applicable.

If the workflow is unavailable or not working, go to Step 2.

Note: If a customer received a Crisis Payment in the period the change is applied, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).


Manual coding – cancellation/suspension FRC + Read more ...

To cancel/suspend CP or CA at the carer level take the following action in the carer’s record using Customer First.

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and code the following fields:
    • Service Reason, key 'CAR' (for CP) or ‘CDA’ (for CA)
    • Action: select 'CAN - Cancel' or ‘SUS – Suspend’ from the dropdown list
    • Reason: select 'FRC – Failed to Reply to Correspondence' from the dropdown list
    • Effect Date:
    • Code Source and Receipt Date fields
  • Select [Submit Change]
  • Go to the AR screen and finalise the activity
  • DOC the cancellation on the carer’s record

To cancel CA at the care receiver level take the following action in the carer’s record

go to the AR screen and finalise the activity

DOC the cancellation on the carer’s record

Note: If a customer received a Crisis Payment in the period the change is applied, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP)

Cancellation or suspension when carer is in prison or psychiatric confinement

Table 4: this table is only for staff undertaking Compliance intervention processes and F2F Incarcerated Customer Servicing teams only.




Suspend or cancel Carer Payment (CP) and or Carer Allowance (CA) + Read more ...

Cancel/Suspend CP and/or CA in Customer First using the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow.

Note: staff can cancel both CP and CA in the same activity, if applicable:

To suspend/cancel CP and/or CA:

  • select the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow
  • to cancel CA at the carer level:
    • Reason: select IMP: Imprisonment from the dropdown box
    • Date of Effect: This is the date after the carer is confined.
      Note: while CP can be cancelled from a future date, CA cannot
  • to cancel CP at the carer level:
    • Reason: select IMP: Imprisonment from the dropdown box
    • Date of Effect: This is the date after the carer is confined
  • Code Source and Receipt Date
  • Select [Continue]
  • The carer cancellation and suspension workflow will automatically create a DOC using the Notepad function. The DOC will include:
    • suspension or cancellation reason
    • Date of Effect (DOE)
    • Act Reference
  • Check the DOC and record any additional notes, if needed
  • Select [Continue]
  • Review the AR screen and finalise the activity

Cancellation/Suspension DOC will only display once the activity has been approved in the Quality Online Tool (QOL) tool. Any activities selected for QOL should be released unless another error is identified.

If the workflow is unavailable or not working, go to Step 2.


Manual Coding – carer in prison or psychiatric confinement + Read more ...

To cancel CP or CA at the carer level take the following action in the carer’s record using Customer First

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and code the following fields:
    • Service Reason:CAR’ (for CP) or 'CDA' (for CA)
    • Action: 'SUS - Suspend' or ‘CAN – Cancel’
    • Reason: 'IMP – Imprisonment’
    • Effect Date: This is the date after the carer is confined
    • Code Source and Receipt Date fields
  • Select [Submit Change]
  • Go to the AR screen and finalise the activity
  • DOC the cancellation on the carer’s record