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Carer Restoration workflow for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) 009-03110020

This page contains information about the requirements for restoring Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance.

Restoring CP and/or CA using the Carer Restoration Workflow




Check the carer's record for cancellation or suspension reasons + Read more ...

Can the cancelled or suspended payment be restored?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, select correct option:
    • because a CP and/or CA Review or online task has not been submitted, go to Step 2
    • because information and/or documents are outstanding, go to Step 3


CP and/or CA Review or online task is outstanding + Read more ...

The carer must be referred to Processing Services for review of the decision, restoration, and completion of the review or online task.

Lookup local Processing Services details for: Carer Allowance/Carer Payment - Reviews.

Procedure ends here.


Information/documents must be received + Read more ...

Advise the carer that the payment cannot be restored until the information and/or documents have been received/verified.

Clearly DOC the record outlining the conversation with the carer, list any documents still outstanding and any additional information that has been requested. Procedure ends here.


Carer has provided the information required for restoration of payment or no further information is required + Read more ...



Check Family Tax Benefit (FTB) + Read more ...

If the carer's FTB is cancelled as a result of the income support payment being suspended/cancelled, restore FTB first if Rent Assistance is paid with the FTB.


Does the carer receive CP, or CP and CA and payment was cancelled due to the care receiver not confirming their identity (cancellation code CID)? + Read more ...

  • Yes, restore CP before restoring CA using the following workflow:
    • Go to the Link Summary (LS) screen on the carer's record
    • Code 'Y' in the Display all field
    • Select the closed CAR-CRP link
    • Delete the page of OCL with the End Date on it
    • Go to the care receiver's record and update their identity. Once updated, finalise the activity
      Note: occasionally, despite the care receiver's identity being correctly coded, CP will not restore. In these circumstances, a CP link refresh will be required on the care receiver's record
    • Return to the carer's record and cancel the started link opening activity
    • In the left hand Carer menu, click on Carer Restoration
    • Run the Carer Restoration workflow
    • Select the check box under Carer Allowance and/or Carer Payment to select the carer or payment that needs to be restored
    • For most codes the Date of effect field will default to date paid to (DPT) +1 except for reasons 'O6W' and 'IMP'
    • Check the Source: and Receipt Date: fields. Record the correct date of receipt in the DOR: field. The information can only be changed if updated in the initial workflow screen the first time it is entered
    • The workflow will present the most recent cancellation or suspension event. All care receivers who have been cancelled or suspended within the last 26 weeks will display
    • Select Continue
    • If the restoration involves earnings, this workflow will also run the earnings workflow. For more information on the earnings workflow, see Carer Payment (CP) processing in the Earnings and reporting tool
    • If applicable, restore CA using the Carer Restoration workflow
    • Go to Step 9
  • No, go to Step 7


Does the carer receive CA only and payment was cancelled due to the care receiver not confirming their identity? + Read more ...


Restoration of CP and/or CA using the workflow + Read more ...

  • In the left hand Carer menu, select Carer Restoration
  • Run the Carer Restoration workflow
  • Select the check box under Carer Allowance or Carer Payment to select the carer or payment that needs to be restored
    Note: if the carer receives CP and CA, then CA must be restored prior to CP
  • For most codes the Date of effect field will default to date paid to (DPT) +1 except for reasons O6W and IMP
  • If the codes are O6W and IMP, determine the date of recommencement if the cancellation and suspension code allows a gap in entitlement, for example, for O6W the workflow prompt displays: Please record the date of restoration, which is normally the date carer returned to Australia. Confirm circumstances with carer regarding date of return to Australia
  • Check the Source: and Receipt Date: fields. Record the correct date of receipt in the DOR: field. The information can only be changed if updated in the initial workflow screen the first time it is entered
  • The workflow will present the most recent cancellation or suspension event. All care receivers who have been cancelled or suspended within the last 26 weeks will display
  • Select Continue

If the restoration involves earnings, this workflow will also run the earnings workflow. For more information on the earnings workflow, see Carer Payment (CP) processing in the Earnings and reporting tool.

Note: for CP and/or CA records CAN O6W an error may occur - E033DL - Restoration date of effect must be suspension or cancellation date. In this instance, the workflow will need to be run to restore payment from date of cancellation, and then run again using date of effect of return to Australia.


Finalise workflow + Read more ...

An automatic DOC will be displayed including:

  • Payment type(s) restored
  • New or updated information if coded on additional screens/sub workflows for example, Carer identity
  • Inclusion of further information manually recorded by the Service Officer in the Notepad, e.g. arrears payable or, any debt adjustments, as per Quality Online (QOL) requirements
  • Act reference
  • Check the Assessment Warnings and Errors (AWE) screen and fix any warnings or errors, and
  • Finalise the Assessment Results (AR) screen appears after the default DOC is displayed and checked that all appropriate information is recorded and complete any outstanding activities advised by the workflow

If the activity is selected for QOL checking, it must not be returned on the basis of no DOC being present on the record. Once the activity is released, the correct DOC will be created.