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Cancellation of Carer Payment (CP)/Carer Allowance (CA) where previously re-granted after a cancellation due to exceeding respite bank 009-06010050

This document outlines the procedure when a carer exceeded their temporary cessation of care (respite) and hospitalisation absences in a calendar year and payment was cancelled. They reclaimed when eligible (when the care receiver returned to their care) and were re-granted. Later in the same calendar year, the care receiver enters respite care again. As there are no allowable absences for respite care or for hospitalisation remaining, the payments should be cancelled again.

On this page:

Assisted processing instructions - Temporary cessation of care

Manual processing instructions - Temporary cessation of care

Assisted processing instructions - Temporary cessation of care

Table 1




Possible cancelled payment + Read more ...

When the care receiver is absent or goes into respite/hospital care and the carer has used all allowable absences and there is no special reason to extend the allowable absence more than 63 days in the current calendar year, the Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) must be cancelled.

See Temporary cessation of care (respite) more than 63 days.

Note: while there is no limit to hospitalisation days for CP (child) or CA (child), the 63 day limit for respite still applies to these carers. All absences must be coded. If the carer is paid under the:

  • short term care or
  • episodic care provisions, the respite limit will be a pro-rata amount, based on the period for which CP (child) is being granted

Online accounts are available to report absences. The carer may wish to report absences using their Online account. See View/Update Absence From Care online.

  • The absence must be coded using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow, go to Step 2
  • If the workflow is not available updates are to be coded manually. For manual instructions, see Step 1 in Table 2


Select care receiver + Read more ...

Select the appropriate care receiver in the workflow and select Continue.

Enter the start and end date of the absence as well as selecting the absence type and whether this is a regular absence. For assistance, see Coding a regular absence for Carer Allowance (CA)/Carer Payment (CP) when the care receiver is absent.

Complete the Source and Receipt date fields.

Select the Update button and then Select Continue.


Finalise the assessment + Read more ...

The workflow will flow to the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

The AR screen will show the outcome, ensure that CP and/or CA have cancelled if allowable absences have been exceeded. Note: if allowable absences will exceed as at a future date, cancellation for CA will not display on the AR screen. CP cancellation will not display if cancellation date is more than two Entitlement Period End Dates (EPEDs) into the future.

Is CP and/or CA cancellation displaying on the AR screen?


Cancel CP and CA using the workflow + Read more ...

CP and CA must be cancelled if no decision was made to extend the allowable respite absences and payment has not/will not auto cancel.

Update manually only if the workflow is not available. For manual instructions, see Step 7 in Table 2 table.

  • Run the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow
  • Select 'Carer Allowance' and 'Carer Payment'
  • Choose 'Other cancellation and suspension reasons'
  • Select Continue

The following message should appear:

'Carer Allowance will cancel on <DOE> and Carer Payment will cancel from <DOE>.'


Finalise activity + Read more ...

Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Record details on a DOC.

Advise the carer they may be entitled to a different Centrelink administered payment, depending on their circumstances.

Manual processing instructions - Temporary cessation of care

Table 2




Possible cancelled payment + Read more ...

When the care receiver is absent or goes into respite/hospital care and the carer has used all allowable absences and there is no special reason to extend the allowable absence more than 63 days in the current calendar year, the Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) must be cancelled. See Temporary cessation of care (respite) more than 63 days.

Note: while there is no limit to hospitalisation days for CP (child) or CA (child), the 63 day limit for respite still applies to these carers. All absences must be coded. If the carer is paid under the:

  • short term care or
  • episodic care provisions, the respite limit will be a pro-rata amount, based on the period for which CP (child) is being granted

Online accounts are available to report absences. The carer may wish to report absences using their Online account. See View/Update Absence From Care online.

  • The absence should be coded using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow
  • If the workflow is not available updates can be coded manually. For manual instructions, go to Step 2


Absence detail updates + Read more ...

For manual updates:

  • Access the carer's record and go to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen.
  • Select the appropriate care receiver from the list. Press [Enter]. The Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen will display.

On the CETS screen, 's'elect:

  • Absence Enquiry field
  • Absence Detail field
  • Press [Enter]. The Absence Enquiry (ABCE) screen will display


The ABCE screen + Read more ...

The ABCE screen provides the summary of the absences taken in the current calendar year.

Press [Enter].

The Absences Details (ABSN) screen will be displayed. This is where the details of the absence are coded.


Code the absence + Read more ...

  • Update the ABSN screen using the appropriate reason in the Reason: field, as follows: CWP - Child with Partner. If a child care receiver is in the care of the partner, this is not an absence for Carer Allowance purposes, but it is an absence for Carer Payment. Using code CWP will ensure each system maintains an accurate count of absence days used. CWP counts against the respite allowance for CP only
  • ETT - Education, Training or Treatment
  • HSP - Hospitalisation. Code the total duration of all hospitalisation absences as 'HSP'. The correct coding will enable the system to calculate how many hospitalisation and how many respite days to use. Note: for CP (child) and CA (child), there is no limit on hospitalisation days
  • RSP - Respite - Other temporary absences

For assistance in coding, see:

Press [Enter]. The ABSN screen will redisplay with the absence accepted and a new input line. If more than one absence, repeat process to update additional absence.


Finalise the assessment + Read more ...

  • Press [Enter] again
  • The ABCE screen will display again
  • Check the calculation on the ABCE screen. This will now show the updated data, including the expected cancellation date
  • If absences are coded manually, record details on a DOC in the carer's record. If the end date is keyed as a result of an estimate by the carer, this should be included in the DOC
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen. The AR screen will show the outcome, ensure that CP and/or CA have cancelled if allowable absences have been exceeded. Note: if allowable absences will exceed at a future date, cancellation for CA will not display on the AR screen. CP cancellation will not display if cancellation date is more than two Entitlement Period End Days (EPEDs) into the future
  • Note: 'AR' must manually be coded in the Nxt: field or the system will default back to the Activity List (AL) screen

Is CP and/or CA cancellation displaying on the AR screen or, if not, is the expected cancellation date displaying on the ABCE screen?


Cancel CP and CA using the workflow + Read more ...

CP and CA must be cancelled if no decision was made to extend the allowable respite absences and payment has not/will not auto cancel.

  • All updates are to be done by running the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow
  • Manual updates should only be done if the workflow is not available. For manual instructions, go to Step 7


Manually cancel CP and CA + Read more ...

To cancel CP

Code the following on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:

  • 'CAR' in the Svc Rsn field
  • 'CAN' in the Action field
  • 'RBE' for respite or 'HBE' for hospitalisation in the Reason field
  • Put the date for cancellation in the Effect Date: field
  • Record all details on a DOC in the carer's record

To cancel CA

  • Select the care receiver from the CRS screen
  • Code the following on the Care Receiver Benefit Action (CJBA) screen:
    • 'CDA' in the Svc Rsn: field
    • 'CAN' in the Action: field
    • 'RSP' for respite or 'HSP' for hospitalisation in the Reason: field
    • Key in the date for cancellation in the Effect Date: field


Finalise activity + Read more ...

Finalise the activity via the AR screen. 'AR' must manually be coded in the Nxt: field or the system will default to the Activity List (AL) screen.

Record all details on a DOC in the carer's record.

Advise the carer they may be entitled to a different Centrelink administered payment, depending on their circumstances.