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Carer Payment (CP) absences for more than one carer under the Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) 80+ 009-06010070

This document outlines absences in care when there is more than one carer for a care receiver who is a higher Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) score (80+) adult. The rating is due to the level of care that is required for the care receiver.

Coding absences for more than one carer under ADAT 80+

This table describes when to code a CP absence for more than one carer qualification under Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) 80+ on one carer's record and when to code it on each carer's records.




Establish cause of absence + Read more ...

Is the absence caused by one of the carers temporarily ceasing care or by the care receiver being absent from the home?


Is the absence caused by the carer undertaking training, education, unpaid voluntary work or paid employment? + Read more ...


Absence coded on the record of the carer who is absent + Read more ...

As each carer receives the full 63 days each of both hospitalisation care and respite care, the absence must only be coded on the record of the carer who is absent (absences are for a 24 hour period from midnight to midnight). Note: for CP (child) and CA (child) there is no limit to hospitalisation days for the child care receiver, however the 63 day respite limit still applies. All absences must be coded.

Go to the appropriate procedure:

Procedure ends here.


Absence coded on each carer's record + Read more ...

As each carer receives a full allocation of respite care and hospitalisation care in respect of the same care receiver, an absence by that care receiver must be coded against each carer, on each carer's record.

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