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Carer Adjustment Payment (CAP) for carers of young children 009-07020000

Services Australia website


Carer Adjustment Payment claim form (SS454)

The CAP claim form is used by:

  • Services Australia to make sure families are offered all payments and services they may be entitled to
  • Department of Social Services (DSS) to determine eligibility and the amount to be paid

Tell carers the eligibility criteria but do not discourage them from claiming. If there is any doubt, a CAP claim form should be lodged.

The form has several Stop questions that prompt the carer to call Services Australia.

Department of Social Services

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FAQs - CAP claim process and claim form




Question: What is the correct response if a carer asks about the progress of their claim?

Answer: Generally, the claim assessment process takes 12 to 15 weeks, once the claim is lodged with Services Australia.

If the carer wants to know when their claim will be finalised, send an email to the Carer Program including the carer's name, phone number and Customer Reference Number (CRN). The Carer Program will arrange for the carer to be contacted about the progress of the claim.

The carer should never be advised to contact DSS directly. This page contains a link to the email.


Question: Is there a fact sheet available?

Answer: Carers should be issued the Carer Adjustment Payment claim form (SS454) which provides all the details about the payment.

A number of questions in the claim form have prompts for carers to ring Services Australia. Information relating to these specific questions is included below.


Question: Can carers apply for CAP if they are receiving a Centrelink payment?

Answer: If carers are receiving CA or Family Tax Benefit only they can apply for CAP.

A carer can apply for CAP if:

  • the carer is not eligible for Carer Payment (CP), and
  • the carer and their partner are not eligible for an income support payment (if the carer or their partner have become eligible for an income support payment after the catastrophic event. They may still be able to claim CAP for a period after the catastrophic event occurred but before income support was paid), and
  • they have tested their eligibility for an income support payment unless their declared income and/or assets (carer and partner) are clearly above the prescribed income support payment limits. The CAP claim form (SS454) collects income and asset details

Note: the care receiver's carer needs to qualify for Carer Allowance (CA) in respect of the care receiver, and it is payable (this does not include the Health Care Card (HCC) only level of CA). See Process Step 1 for more information on the CAP general criteria.


Question: Will carers have reporting obligations if they get CAP

Answer: No, there are no reporting obligations for CAP.


Question: How long does the claim process take?

Answer: Generally, the claim assessment process takes 12 to 15 weeks, once the claim is lodged with Services Australia. See FAQ 1 for more information.


Question: How will the carer be notified of the outcome of their claim?

Answer: Wagga Carer Smart Centre (WPH) will try to contact the carer by phone to advise the outcome.

A letter advising the outcome of their claim is sent to the carer from DSS.

Note: information about CAP claims, including the DSS delegate's decision, is retained by the agency on the carer's record. Limited information (including DOCs and grant/rejection details) is retained on the department's system.


Question: What is the review process for CAP decisions?

Answer: The current review process for CAP decisions is an interim measure and is described in the Process page.

The review process for these decisions is unique to this payment.


Question: Where do staff go for more information or to ask questions?

Answer: Staff should contact the Carer Helpdesk.


Question: Why do I (and my partner) need to give permission for my information to be given to a third party?

Answer: Eligibility for the CAP is not assessed by Services Australia. If the carer (and their partner) does not agree to the agency providing their information to the Department of Social Services (DSS), the agency will be unable to send the claim form to them to assess their eligibility.


Question: Does it matter if I or my partner fill in the form?

Answer: The form should be completed by the person who is in receipt of Carer Allowance (CA) for the child concerned.


Question: If I (or my partner) receive an income support payment can I still make a claim for CAP?

Answer: If the carer (or their partner) has become eligible for an income support payment after the catastrophic event, they may still be able to claim CAP for a period after the catastrophic event occurred but before income support was paid.

If the carer (and their partner) have become ineligible for any income support payment after the catastrophic event, they may still be able to claim CAP for a period after income support was stopped.


Question: How old does my child need to be to claim CAP?

Answer: The child needs to be aged under 7 years of age at the date of diagnosis and the claim needs to be lodged within 2 years of the catastrophic event.


Question: Can I still continue with this claim for CAP if I have not completed my application for Carer Allowance (CA)?

Answer: Yes. The CAP claim will be held by Services Australia until after the claim for CA has been processed.


Question: How will my claim be assessed?

Answer: Every application for CAP is considered on a case by case basis. The diagnosis of a specific illness, disability or medical condition, including congenital conditions, does not automatically preclude or guarantee eligibility for the payment.


Question: If I share the care of my child with other members of our family will I still be able to claim CAP?

Answer: If the child requires full time care but the carer is not providing this full-time care on a daily basis, and the carer's partner or other members of the family are assisting, they should provide further details about their circumstances. The carer must still be in receipt of CA for the child to be eligible for CAP.