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Creating a carer link for Carer Payment (CP) reviews 009-08020010

This document outlines information for Service Officers creating or re-establishing a link between the carer and care receiver, as part of a review process for Carer Payment (CP) where the link has been broken.

Creating a carer link for Carer Payment (CP)




Care receiver + Read more ...

Is the care receiver also the carer’s partner?


Review Link Summary (LS) screen for link + Read more ...

  • Go to the LS screen
  • Check for a link between the carer and the care receiver, who is the carer's partner
  • Ensure the Display all: field is 'Y' or end-dated links will not be displayed

Is there an end-dated link between the carer and the care receiver?


Restore the end-dated link + Read more ...

  • 'S'elect the CRP link relevant to the care receiver for whom the CP is to be restored. When [Enter] is selected, the information will be in page format
    • Page up/down until the screen with the editable end date presents (that is, the screen displaying the unblocked date field). This is often, but not always, the front page
    • Go to the Action: field and key 'D' for delete and press [Enter]
    • Key 'Y' in the Confirm Delete: field and press [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity

This will re-establish the carer and care receiver's link.

Procedure ends here.


There is no link between the carer and the care receiver on the LS screen + Read more ...

A new link between the carer and the care receiver, who is also the carer's partner, must be created:

  • Note the original start date of CP from the Pensions General Information (PNGI) or Pensions Status History (PNSH) screen
  • Note the care receiver's name and date of birth
  • Key 'SR' in the Nxt: field to go to the care receiver's record

Go to Step 8


Review Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen for link + Read more ...

Check the CRS screen for a link between the carer and their care receiver, who is not the carer's partner.

Does the name of the care receiver appear on the CRS screen?


Determine if link for care receiver is current + Read more ...

If the link for the care receiver is:


There is no link between the carer and the care receiver on the CRS screen + Read more ...

  • Note the date of the activity in the carer's record
  • Note the care receiver's name and date of birth
  • Access the care receiver's record

Go to Step 8


Indexing the care receiver + Read more ...

To index the care receiver:

  • Go to the Name search (IN) screen
  • Complete footer details as follows:
    • Serv Rsn: 'CRP'
    • Act: 'ADD'
    • Srce: 'FRE'
    • Date: date of the review activity
  • Press [Enter]
  • The system will go to the Name List (IL) screen
  • 'S'elect the care receiver. Press [Enter] to go to the Person Details (PED) screen
  • Key 'Y' to confirm and press [Enter] to go to the Activity List (AL) screen in the record of the care receiver
  • 'S'elect the CRP/ADD activity. The Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen presents


Update the care receiver's details + Read more ...

Some screens will be pre-selected, depending on the information already detailed in the care receiver's record.

  • Complete the selected screens, using field help ('?') for coding values
  • The Country of Birth:, Country of Citizenship: and Lived Overseas: fields must be recorded on the Legal Residence Information (RSLEG) screen. For customers who are not Australian or New Zealand citizens, record the visa information on the RSLEG screen

Note: if the care receiver is recorded as an Australian citizen, a citizenship document must be recorded on Identity Summary screen (this screen is found in Customer First by using the Search Workspace field)

  • Ensure identity confirmation is recorded
  • If the care receiver was born or has lived overseas, ensure the Country of Residence (CRES) screen is completed
  • If the customer has had any absences since arrival, ensure the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen and the corresponding country of location on the Address Details (AD) screen are completed
  • Go to the Assessment Result (AR) screen and complete the care receiver CRP/ADD activity
  • Return to the carer's record


Create the link + Read more ...

Go to the Other Customer Links (OCL) screen.

  • Key the following information:
    • Link Type: 'CAR'
    • From SVC Rsn: 'CAR'
    • To: 'CRP' for an adult care receiver or ‘CRC’ for a child care receiver
    • Start Date: original start date of CP
  • Complete the Source: and DOR: fields and press [Enter]
  • The system will go to the Link Person (LP) screen
  • Key the care receiver details, using field help ('?') for coding values. Press [Enter]
  • The system will navigate to the IL screen
  • 'S'elect the care receiver and press [Enter]. The Link confirmation (LC) screen displays


Link Confirmation (LC) screen + Read more ...

  • Key 'Y' to confirm and [Enter] to go to the Main Menu (MM) screen
  • Go to the AL screen and 'S'elect the CDC/GLK activity
  • Navigate to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen


Update the medical and care details + Read more ...

Updating the following screens determines the outcome of the review and ongoing entitlement. For assistance coding the screens, select the links on the screen names below, or use the field help ('?') on the screen.

  • 'S'elect the linked care receiver and press [Enter]. At the Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen, the following options will display:
    • Disability Assessment Tool: field, and
    • Care & Institution Details: field
  • 'S'elect both screens and complete the screenflow with information from the medical papers
  • The Adult Disability Assessment Tool Summary (ADAS) screen will display. Key 'Y' in the Add a new ADAT assessment: field and press [Enter]
  • Complete the screenflow using field help ('?') for coding assistance:
    • Adult Disability Management (ADMG) screen presents
    • Adult Disability Behaviour (ADBH) screen
    • Adult Medical Details (ADMD) screen
    • Adult Disability Personal Activities (ADPA) screen
    • Adult Disability Cognitive Functions (ADCF) screen
  • If the care receiver is a child:
    • Care Details (CDCR) screen
    • Child Medical Details (CDMD) screen
    • Child Disability Assessment Tool Summary (CDAS) screen
  • The ADAS screen will present again when all above coding is complete, displaying the new assessment. Press [Enter] to go to the Care Receiver Care and Institution Details (CRCI) screen


Check for any other changes in circumstances + Read more ...

When all the updates are finalised, check the review form to see if there is any outstanding issues requiring coding, for example:

  • Temporary absences, which should be recorded on the Absence (ABSN) screen, or
  • Income and assets variations

For more information about coding reviews, see Carer reviews.

  • Record the details on a DOC
  • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen

The system will send an automatic advice to the carer notifying them of the review outcome.