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Completing the Compensation and damages details via Mod C or verbal lodgement 117-01010040

This document outlines information that helps with the completion of a Module C Compensation and damages Form (Mod C). Customers get a Mod C when they (or their partner) receive, or are entitled to receive compensation payments or damages for a personal injury.

Existing compensation claims and collecting compensation information verbally

Table 1




Existing compensation claim and CMM/CLE activity + Read more ...

Check the Compensation Management System (CMS) to see if the information is on the record. Search for ‘Compensation Management Summary’ in the Customer First workspace or ‘CMPS’ in Process Direct to view the existing compensation information. If there are no changes:

  • the Mod C is not required
  • do not complete the Mod C workflow
  • record any action taken using Fast Note

If the customer advises of any change to an incident that has already been recorded, see Coding Compensation and damages (Mod C) to request a clearance.

Completing questions on the Mod C

Table 2




Q4: Are you the person that has claimed or is claiming compensation? + Read more ...

The name of the person who made or is making the compensation claim (compensation claimant). If this is the partner, enter all the compensation details on their record.


Q8: Where did the injury or illness occur? + Read more ...

State, Territory or Overseas country where the injury occurred.


Q9: Is the compensation payer an? + Read more ...

Select an option:

  • Australian insurer or individual
  • Overseas insurer or individual
  • Do not know


Q10: What are the compensation payer's details? + Read more ...

Name of the insurer, organisation or individual liable to pay compensation for the claim and the claim number.


Q11: Have you claimed or are you claiming compensation from an employer? + Read more ...

Customer must respond Yes or No.

If Yes, the customer must give the employer's name and address.

Create a Fast Note detailing the employer's business name and address. This will help the Compensation Recovery Team (CRT) process the clearance.


Q12: What is the date of the injury or illness? + Read more ...

This is the date the injury occurred or when the illness was officially diagnosed.


Q13: What is the start date you lost wages due to the injury or illness? + Read more ...

Identifies the date the claimant's loss of wages began due to the injury or illness. The date can be the same as Q12.


Q14: Did the injury or illness occur? + Read more ...

Select an option:

  • At work
  • Travelling to or from work
  • Other - please specify


Q15: What type of compensation has been or will be claimed? + Read more ...

Options are:

  • Worker's compensation/damages as a result of a work injury
  • Third party damages as a result of a motor vehicle accident
  • Criminal injuries/Victim's compensation
  • Medical negligence compensation
  • Public liability compensation
  • Sporting injury compensation
  • Personal Accident and Sickness Insurance (attach copy of policy)
  • Income replacement Insurance (attach copy of policy)
  • Other

Income protection policies attached to superannuation policies are not treated as compensation. See The effect of compensation on Social Security payments.

A copy of the policy must be attached for:

  • Sporting Injuries
  • Personal Accident and Sickness. Must include:
    • Personal Injury Income Protection
    • Trauma Insurance
    • Total and Permanent Disability
  • Income Replacement Insurance claims


Q16: Have weekly compensation payments been paid? + Read more ...

Customer must respond Yes or No.


Q17: Have the payments stopped? + Read more ...

Customer must respond Yes or No. If

  • No, give the current gross weekly amount (before tax)
  • Yes, dates these payments stopped. Attach the letter with these details


Q18: Are you trying to get weekly compensation payments? + Read more ...

Customer must respond Yes or No.

  • Questions 19, 20 and 21 will display when 'Yes' is selected


Q19: Has a lump sum compensation payment been paid? + Read more ...

Customer must respond Yes or No.

  • If Yes give the
    • give the lump sum amount
    • date the lump sum was paid

Customer must attach a:

  • copy of the settlement documents, or
  • letter advising the lump sum details


Q20: Are you trying to get a lump sum compensation payment? + Read more ...

Customer must respond Yes or No.


Q21: Have you made or intend to claim any other compensation claims? + Read more ...

Customer must respond Yes or No.


Q22: Do you or did you have, a solicitor acting for you in this claim for compensation? + Read more ...

Customer must respond Yes or No.

  • If Yes - solicitor details