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Compensation Preclusion Period 117-01010060

This document outlines the waiting period that may apply to customers who get a lump sum payment. This waiting period is called a preclusion period.

Assessing and applying the compensation preclusion period




Determine the length of the preclusion period + Read more ...

Compensation Recovery Team (CRT) process ONLY

The CRT will:

For details about how a compensation preclusion period is calculated, see Compensation lump sum preclusion periods.


CRT advise the outcome to the service centre + Read more ...

The Compensation Recovery Team (CRT) will code the preclusion period as part of a compensation clearance.

CRT will:

An ongoing preclusion period will:

  • reject the claim
  • cancel current payments

The CRT will record the lump sum amount. This will flow to any Low Income Health Care Card (LIC) assessment. View the details on the LIC Assessment Summary (LIAS) screen.

The CRT does not assess whether a payment is taxable.


Service Centre advises the customer + Read more ...

For all Staff

Service Officers can:

If the customer has a further enquiry relating to their compensation and the preclusion period, transfer the call to the compensation team. See Resources for a link to Office Locator.

If the customer is seeking an explanation of a decision or requests a review, register a request via the review script and transfer activity to region ‘CTN’. See Request for an explanation, quality check or review (CLK).

This includes requests to vary a preclusion period due to special circumstances. See Special circumstance reviews of compensation payments.


Customer has a partner + Read more ...

Is the partner entitled to claim any payment or services?


Record the outcome + Read more ...

On a DOC record the details of:

  • any information given to the customer
  • the partner (if partnered) claiming any other payments or entitlements