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Requests lodged under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 104-04010000

Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.

This document outlines the actions taken when a customer lodges a request for documents under the FOI Act.

Processing FOI requests




Freedom of Information (FOI) - Request to access or change documents (Si031) form + Read more ...

Has the person completed a Si031 form?


Clarify customer request + Read more ...

Clarify with the person exactly what information or document they want.

This will help to identify whether the document can be provided at point of contact, where the secrecy provisions and/or Privacy Act 1988 allow, and where the information/documents are not otherwise sensitive, or whether an FOI request is required.

To determine whether the documents can be released informally, see Customer requests access to their personal information.

If a person wants to access a document on behalf of another person, or they want to change a personal document, go to Step 4.


Can the information/documents be provided at point of contact? + Read more ...


Release where secrecy provisions and/or Privacy Act 1988 allow, and where the information/documents not otherwise sensitive + Read more ...

A copy of the document can be provided to a person at point of contact, by post or fax (faxing personal/protected information to customers).

  • Authenticate the customer (confirm identity if the customer is seeking their own personal information)
  • Record details of request
  • Centrelink program and Child Support program: Record details of release on customer record as appropriate


Helping a person make an FOI request + Read more ...

Advise the person that a request must be made in writing (return the form by using Centrelink online account, email, post or in person) via:

  • the Freedom of Information - Request to access or change documents (Si031) form, see the Resources page for a link to the form, or
  • a statement or letter that:
    • states the request is made under the FOI Act
    • provides information to identify the documents being requested
    • provides an address for reply

If a person is seeking access to documents that contain personal information, they need to provide proof of identity before this is released. Completing the identity questions on the Si031 form helps with this request.

Third party requesting access

A third party can lodge an FOI request to access the documents of another person. The FOI applicant needs to provide specific, written authority from the person whose documents are being requested.

An FOI request must be accepted if customer authority is not provided. In this case the issue of consent will be considered as part of the FOI process.

Requests can be uploaded using Centrelink online account. Select Upload documents service and Centrelink form Si031.

Requests can be emailed to the FOI team.

Or requests can be posted to:
Services Australia
PO Box 7820
Canberra BC ACT 2610.


FOI request received + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png


  • Scan request
  • When scanning, make sure the Scan to Store box is unchecked. This will allow the request to move to the FOI processing queue

Child Support

  • Scan request and email to FOI team


  • Scan request and email to FOI team

Advise the person that the FOI Team will:

  • acknowledge the request within 14 days of receipt within the department
  • notify the applicant of a decision on access to the documents within 30 days. This can be extended in certain circumstances (the FOI team will contact the applicant about any extension of time)