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How to code and action a manual review 110-06090030

This document outlines how to set up and action manual reviews on customer records.

Note: before creating a manual review using the Review Registration (RVR) screen or Activity Registration (AYR) screen, Service Officers must refer to the relevant Operational Blueprint (OB) for coding instructions.

Code and action manual reviews




Future action or reassessment + Read more ...

If a customer has been identified by a Service Officer as requiring a future action or reassessment, a manual review can be coded on:

  • Review Registration (RVR) screen, or
  • Activity Registration (AYR) screen

A manual review is preferred to either 'held' or 'resubmitted' activities as they:

  • do not appear on the customer's Activity List (AL) screen, and
  • remain on the customer's Future Activity List (FAL) screen until they mature

To code the manual review via the customer's:


Coding the review on the RVR screen + Read more ...

The review can be set up by accessing the customer's record:

  • Key the Customer Reference Number (CRN) in the CRN: field
  • Key 'RVR' in the Next: field
  • Press [Enter] or select Continue

To access field help in Customer First, select ? next to any field. In Customer Record, key '?' in any field.

On the RVR screen, use the relevant OB process to complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason:
    • select Browse to search for the relevant payment type by name or keyword, or
    • if known, key the service reason code in capital letters, e.g. 'JSP' = JobSeeker Payment
  • Review Reason:
    • select Browse to search for the relevant review reason by name or keyword, or
    • if known, key the review reason code in capital letters, e.g. 'FOR' = Return of Form/Correspondence
  • Due Date: select Calendar to search for the correct date
  • Source: key INT as the source
  • Date of Receipt: select Calendar to search for the correct date
  • Notes: where this shows text in quotes, copy exactly into this field. (Hint: Ctrl + C from process and Ctrl + V into the field)
  • Keywords: key in specific keyword(s) as per process instruction. This field is compulsory for all RVR activities
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: only code when specified in the process

Press [Enter] or select Continue to accept the review.

The review is now set. It will appear on the customer's FAL screen with the status of REV.

To action the review, go to Step 4.


Coding the review on the AYR screen + Read more ...

The review can be set up by accessing the customer's record:

  • Key the Customer Reference Number (CRN) in the CRN: field
  • Key 'AYR' in the Next: field
  • Press [Enter] or select Continue

To access field help, select ? next to any field.

On the AYR screen, use the relevant OB process to complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason:
    • select Browse to search for the relevant payment type by name or keyword, or
    • if known, key the service reason code in capital letters, e.g. 'JSP' = JobSeeker Payment
  • Activity Type:
    • select Browse to search for the relevant activity type by name or keyword, or
    • if known, key the activity type code in capital letters, e.g. 'MAS' = Manual Assessment
  • Source: key INT as the source
  • Date of Receipt: select Calendar to search for the correct date
  • Review Reason:
    • select Browse then the relevant review reason, or
    • if known, manually key in the review reason code in capital letters, e.g. 'OTH' = Other Reasons
  • Action:
    • select Browse to search for the relevant action by name or keyword, or
    • if known, key the action code in capital letters, e.g. 'MFU' = Manual Follow up
  • Action Date: select Calendar to search for the correct date
  • Keywords: key in specific keyword(s) as required
  • Proceed with Activity: N
  • Transfer to Region: only code when specified in the process
  • Notes: where this shows text in quotes, copy exactly into this field. (Hint: Ctrl + C from process and Ctrl + V into the field)

Press [Enter] or select Continue to accept the review.

The review is now set. It will appear on the customer's FAL screen with the status of REV.

To action the review, go to Step 4.


Actioning the review + Read more ...

Has the review reached its due date?


Actioning the review from the AL screen + Read more ...

When a manual review has matured, it may be actioned and finalised by selecting it from the AL screen.

  • To go to the AL screen, key 'AL' in the Next: field. Press [Enter] or select Continue
  • Select the manual review by highlighting the desired activity and choosing the (S) Select an activity option from within the Selection Options list and select Continue
  • Update any relevant screens and finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen and record details in a DOC
  • If no updates are required, finalise the activity via the AR screen and record details in a DOC

Procedure ends here.


Actioning the review from the FAL screen + Read more ...

When a manual review has not reached maturity, it may be actioned and finalised by selecting it from the FAL screen.

  • To go to the FAL screen, key 'FAL' in the Next: field. Press [Enter] or select Continue
  • Select the manual review by highlighting the desired activity and choosing the To SELECT future activity for the update option from within the Selection Options list and select Continue
  • Update any relevant screens and finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen and record details in a DOC
  • If no updates are required, finalise the activity via the AR screen and record details in a DOC