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Verification of Independence categories for ABSTUDY (ABY) for Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) 110-14040050

This document outlines information relating to ABSTUDY customers granted independent status who require their entitlement to this rate of payment to be verified in the course of a Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR).

On this page:

Independent rate of ABY for PAR ABSTUDY

Determining reviewable independence categories for ABSTUDY

Independent rate of ABY for PAR ABSTUDY

Table 1: This table describes the documents required by PAR to verify entitlement to the independent rate of ABSTUDY.

Customers who are currently assessed as independent at the time of selection for PAR do not need to re-verify their circumstances, as long as nothing has changed

If the customer’s circumstances have changed or if the customer is being assessed for the first time, verification may be required.




22 years of age or older + Read more ...

If a customer is 22 years of age or over, they are considered to be independent. This independence criterion is not a reviewable independence category.

There is no need to request extra documents to prove independence on the basis of age, unless date of birth provided at interview does not match what is on record.


PCH - Has or previously had a dependent child + Read more ...

A customer is considered independent when they have, or have had, a dependent child in their care. This independence criterion is not a reviewable independence category.

  • If the customer received Centrelink payments in respect of the child, the CHS screen has proof of this
  • If Centrelink payments were never received for the child, get proof via child's birth certificate or adoption papers. Note: proof can be obtained from the paper file

If verification documents are required, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.


PBM - Currently or previously married or in a registered relationship + Read more ...

A customer who is currently or previously married or in a registered relationship is considered independent. This independence criterion is not a reviewable independence category.

  • Check the partner is recorded, or was previously recorded on the Marital Status (MS) screen and the customer is receiving or has received the member of a couple rate of payment
  • If customer has not been paid at that rate a statement confirming the marriage within the community, signed by a recognised Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Elder responsible for cultural ceremonies, may be provided as evidence

If verification documents are, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.


PSS, PSC - Worked at least 30 hours a week for a total of 18 months within a 2 year period + Read more ...

A customer who has worked an average of 30 hours a week for a total of 18 months within a 2 year period, may be considered independent. This independence criterion is not a reviewable independence category.

Evidence of employment is required for employees and self-employed customers.

If verification documents are required, see:


PSG, PGC - Been out of secondary school for at least 14 months, have worked and earned in a 14 month period 75% or more of the Wage Level A of the National Training Wage schedule included in a modern award) + Read more ...

A customer who has earned 75% or more of the Wage Level A of the National Training Wage Schedule since leaving secondary school may be considered independent. This independence criterion is not a reviewable independence category.

  • Check available information on record for evidence
  • If there is no evidence on the record, verification will be required

If verification documents are required, see:


PFA, PFC - Working full-time or registered as unemployed for at least 3 of the past 4 years + Read more ...

This independence criterion is not a reviewable independence category.

Check if the student or Australian Apprentice was:

  • receiving income from a government authority (other than a Prescribed Education Payment), and/or
  • registered as a full-time job seeker with Services Australia for at least 3 of the last 4 years (156 of the last 208 weeks)

If verification documents are, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.


PSP, PPC - Worked continuously for at least 15 hours a week for at least 2 years since they last left secondary school + Read more ...

A customer who has worked continuously for at least 15 hours per week for at least 2 years since leaving secondary school may be considered independent. This independence criterion is not a reviewable independence category.

  • Check available information on record for evidence
  • If there is no evidence on the record, verification will be required

If verification documents are required, see:


PAW (discontinued from 2 March 2023) - Earned $15,000 gross income in approved agricultural work anytime during the period 30 November 2020 to 31 December 2021 for customers who claimed under this criteria from 1 March 2021 to 1 March 2023 + Read more ...

A customer who has earned at least $15,000 gross income in approved agricultural work anytime between 30 November 2020 and 31 December 2021 may be considered independent. This independence criterion is not a reviewable independence category.

A customer who:

  • has earned at least $15,000 gross income in approved agricultural work anytime between 30 November 2020 and 31 December 2021 and claimed from 1 March 2021 to 1 March 2023 (inclusive), and
  • are undertaking full-time studies or an approved concessional study load in an approved course, and
  • have a combined parental income below $160,000 plus $10,000 for each additional child included in the Family Unit Regional

If verification documents are required, see:


POR - Orphan and 15 years of age or older + Read more ...

Not a reviewable independence category.

An orphan is a person whose parent/s are either deceased or missing and presumed deceased:

  • check the CHDP screen in Customer First to determine if Double Orphan Pension (DOP) has been approved for a carer on behalf of the customer
  • where there is doubt about a customer's orphanhood, students/Australian Apprentices must provide a death certificate or documents from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Organisation to the effect that a parent is deceased, or legally missing. Proof can be obtained from the customer's file

If verification documents are required, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.


PCM - 15 years of age or older and has adult status in a traditional community + Read more ...

Not a reviewable independence category.

The Payment Accuracy Reviews Officer (PARO) is to check if :

  • the student or Australian Apprentice’s permanent home is in a traditional community (NT,QLD, SA and WA only), and
  • the student or Australian Apprentice is living independently of their family in the traditional community
  • if neither of these are available, then get a written statement signed by an Elder who has authority in their home community for the observance of cultural practice. It must confirm the completion of a traditional coming-of-age ceremony and a written statement from the student confirming they are not supported financially by their family and live independently in the community

If verification documents are required, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.


PLC - 18 years of age or over and been in lawful custody + Read more ...

18 years of age or over and previously been in lawful custody for a total of at least 6 months. Not a reviewable independence category.

Request evidence from the customer:

  • provide a statement from Corrective Services giving details of imprisonment
  • if the customer cannot provide such a statement, they must provide details of periods in custody and the name of the Corrective Institution to allow details to be verified

If verification documents are required, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.

Determining reviewable independence categories for ABSTUDY

Table 2: This table contains information relating to the recommendation for verification to ABSTUDY categories.




PPG - Parents cannot care for customer + Read more ...

A reviewable independence category.

Get verification from an appropriate person of authority:

  • if the parent is incarcerated, confirm with the relevant authority
  • if the parent is confined to a medical institution or aged care home, confirm with institution/home
  • if the parent is missing, evidence is required of attempts to locate the parent

If verification documents are required, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.


PCC - Caring for another person's dependent child + Read more ...

A reviewable independence category:

  • check the customer is receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for the child
  • if the customer is not receiving FTB, documents need to be provided to support the claim

If verification documents are required, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.


Be of school leaving age in the particular state or territory or at least 16 years of age, and meet the unreasonable to live at home criteria + Read more ...

A reviewable independence category.

If the customer is identifying for the first time that it is unreasonable for them to live at home and they are:

  • under 18 years of age, book a Social Work Unreasonable to Live at Home (UTLAH) appointment
  • 18 years of age and under 22 years of age:
    • issue Youth Allowance: Unreasonable to live at home Statement by Young Person (SY015) and Youth Allowance: Unreasonable to live at home Statement for Parent(s)/Guardian(s) (SY016) forms, and
    • refer to Student Network - UTLAH Assessment Over 18 Team (O18)

If the customer has previously been granted UTLAH status and they are:

  • under 18 years of age, and
    • there has been no change of address notified since they were granted UTLAH, note the Social Work DOC containing the recommendation for grant of independent status in the PAR results DOC
    • there has been a change of address notified since they were granted UTLAH, book a Social Work Unreasonable to Live at Home (UTLAH) appointment
    • for a review of the UTLAH assessment, no further action is required
  • 18 years of age and under 22 years of age:
    • issue an SY015 - Youth Allowance: Unreasonable to live at home Statement by Young Person form
    • if the customer's stated reason why it is unreasonable for them to live at home on the SY015 matches what is shown on their record, no further action is required
    • if the customer's stated reason why it is unreasonable for them to live at home on the SY015 has changed, investigate and record on a DOC whether or not the independent status is to continue and refer to the relevant UTLAH assessment Over 18 team (O18)

If verification documents are required, see ABSTUDY unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH).


PDS - De facto relationship for at least 6 months + Read more ...

A reviewable independence category:

  • check that the partner is recorded as a partner for a continuous period of 6 months or more on the Marital Status (MS) screen
  • where evidence of the customer's circumstances is not available from Centrelink records, or doubt exists about the customer's circumstances, documentation may be requested from the customer to support the claim for Independence
  • where documentation is required, applicants must provide a statutory declaration signed by both parties, plus other documentation indicating cohabitation, i.e. rental agreement, electricity, water or telephone accounts

If verification documents are required, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.


PAC - 16 years of age or over and was adopted or fostered by a non-indigenous family + Read more ...

If now living in an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community for more than 2 years, this is a reviewable independence category.

The customer will be required to provide a statement from:

  • an Indigenous Community Organisation
  • a well-known and respected person of the Indigenous community, or
  • a relevant state or territory authority

If verification documentation is required, see Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers.