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Raising and attribution of Service Update debts 107-04120000

Combining multiple debts with Debt Action Script scenarios




Automated Attribution of Service Update debts in Integrated Review System (IRS) using the Debt Action Script + Read more ...

The Debt Action script gives the option to combine two overlapping debt shells. The script will:

  • finalise the non-Service Profile debt as 'Finalised - No debt' (FND)
  • raise a combined debt on the Service Profile linked debt shell that will attribute the value of the combined debt to the Service Update

Do not 'no debt' the Service Update debt shell when it is first received. The debt shell is used by the script to attribute debts to the Service Update review.

  • Identify the Service Update debt shell. This shell has a Service Profiling project code on the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen. Note the Debt ID
  • Open the Debt action Script in the customer record and select the Debt ID for the Service Update debt identified
  • The script looks at the OPMA screen of the selected debt. The script will search for other actionable debts on the customer's record. A second debt can be attributed to the Service Update review
  • Selecting the other debt causes the script to:
    • copy that debt's details from the OPMA and Component Amount (OPCA) screens
    • finalise the other debt as a 'no debt', and
    • create a DOC explaining the finalisation
  • The script then presents the user with a dialogue box displaying:
    • the details of the Service Update debt
    • the details of the other debt, and
    • fields for the combined debt
  • The user must key the:
    • start date
    • end date
    • debt amount, and
    • amount received for the combined debt
  • The script then flows as normal to allow for:
    • the assessment of any Recovery Fee
    • input DOC text, and
    • the Advice of Debt text
  • The script will pause on the OPCA screen. A dialogue box presents with the components of the finalised debt that the user must add to the OPCA screen
  • The script proceeds to finalise the debt activity
  • It adds details to the DOC it creates including:
    • that the debt has been combined with the finalised 'no debt'
    • details of the attributed Service Update review


Manual Attribution of Service Update debts in Integrated Review System (IRS) + Read more ...

Manual attribution is required when the Debt Action Script cannot be used.

IRS allows a Service Update debt to be manually attributed to the IRS Service Update. The IRS Service Update must:

  • have a Review Status of FIN (Finalised) or COM (Completed), and
  • the debt must be manually added within 56 days of the date that the IRS Service Update was finalised

This date can be found on the Review Details (IRRD) screen. A debt cannot be manually added once the 56 day period has passed. The debt can be estimated or raised.

To manually attribute a debt to a Service Update in IRS:

  • go to the Review Summary (IRRS) screen
  • code an 'O' next to the relevant IRS Service Update. Press [ENTER]
  • the Debt Attribute (IRDA) screen will be displayed
  • key 'S' in the Select field next to the debt which is to be attributed to the IRS Service Update
  • confirm the selection

The debt will be attributed to the IRS Service Update.

Some debts are not attributable to a Review or Service Update, such as Advance Payment debts. Debts which are excluded from attribution will not be included in the list of attributable debts on the IRDA screen.

The manual selection of debt activities for attribution to the IRS Service Update must be recorded on a DOC.

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