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Statement of Debt 107-05030030

This page contains information for staff when responding to a customer request for a Statement of Debt.

Customer asks for a Statement of Debt




The customer asks for a Statement of Debt + Read more ...

Does the customer want a copy of the original advice notifying of the debt?


Issue the Statement of Debt + Read more ...

If the customer is overseas, refer to Centrelink International Services.

In the customer's record, go to the Statement of Debt (OPSD) screen. The OPSD screen has 2 purposes:

  • to manually produce a statement
  • to display the dates covered by statements previously sent

Key the period to be covered:

  • the date keyed in the Start Date field must be at least 1 month in the past
  • any period in the past applicable for the debt can be keyed. Note: the period between the Start Date and End Date must not exceed 60 months
  • if the:
    • Start Date field is keyed, the End Date field will default to 'Statement start date' plus 6 months, if left blank
    • End Date field is keyed, the Start Date field will default to 'Statement end date' minus 6 months, if left blank
  • the date keyed in the End Date field must be less than, or equal to today's date
  • there must be at least 1 month between the start date and the end date
  • press [Enter]


Automatic issue + Read more ...

The Statement of Debt will now issue. The system will create and display an activity on the AL screen, which will finalise overnight.

Record the details on a DOC.