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Garnishees 107-05050000

For staff undertaking debt recovery only

This document outlines information for Debt Staff responsible for placing garnishees about how to recover debts with a garnishee notice.

Considering garnishee action




The Debt Recovery script must be used when actioning a debt + Read more ...

Debt Recovery script

Before considering garnishee action, staff need to:

Has a reasonable effort been made to contact the customer?


Considering garnishee action + Read more ...

Check there is information on file to support garnishee action.

Debt Staff need to take into account:

  • the debts are due and payable
  • there must be supporting employment or bank account details (with balances over $5,000)
  • if reasonable effort has been made to contact the customer
  • all timeframes for the customer to respond to letters and if messages have expired
  • the financial circumstances assessment completed within the last 3 months must have an excess income of $15 per fortnight or more
  • if garnishee action will cause financial hardship
  • if the customer has failed to enter into a reasonable arrangement to repay the debt, or
  • having entered into such an arrangement, has failed to make a particular payment in accordance with the arrangement

It is not cost effective to garnishee continuing income, such as wages or weekly compensation amounts when a debt balance is less than $200.

Is there enough information on file to support garnishee action?


Warnings of enforceable action + Read more ...

The customer must receive garnishee warnings in the 90 days prior to implementing the garnishee. Warnings can be verbal or in writing. See the Resources page for more information, including letters that contain warnings.

Was the customer warned of garnishee action within the last 90 days?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, issue a written warning to the customer using a Q190 or Q289. Resubmit any activity and/or Fast Note for 14 days


Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (PGPA) debts + Read more ...

Garnishees cannot take place on PGPA debts see Recovery of PGPA overpayments .

The Litigation Team can pursue PGPA debts over $10,000 under Common Law.

After removing the PGPA debt/s from the intended notice amount, is it still cost effective to pursue garnishee action?


Current repayment arrangement + Read more ...

Check the Arrangements field on the Debt List (OPDL) screen.

Does the customer have a current repayment arrangement or write-off?


Disclosure of information by the customer + Read more ...

Has the customer failed to disclose details their true capacity to repay their debt?


Voluntary recovery + Read more ...

Check if voluntary recovery of the debt has been sought by withholdings, third party withholdings or cash instalments.

This may include:

  • attempts to contact the customer
  • issue of a reminder or Interest Charge notice
  • discussions about a repayment arrangement

Has voluntary recovery of the debt been sought by withholdings, third party withholdings or cash instalments?


No arrangement + Read more ...

Establish if the customer:

  • has failed to enter into a reasonable arrangement, or
  • had an arrangement they did not keep, or
  • failed to disclose details or evidence about their true capacity to repay and refused to revise an existing arrangement

Note: a decision that an existing repayment is not reasonable, must be made and documented by APS 5/6 Debt Staff before garnishee action can start. Garnishee can only be implemented for customers with an existing repayment arrangement if they refuse to revise the arrangement to align with their true capacity to repay

Has the customer failed to enter or keep an arrangement or disclose details about their true capacity to repay?


Identified vulnerabilities + Read more ...

Discuss any identified vulnerabilities with an APS 5 Operational Leader to find out the right action to take. Make additional attempts to contact the customer. If unsure about starting involuntary recovery action, refer the case to the relevant Level 2 Debt Helpdesk for help. An APS 5 Operational Leader must document the outcome.

Is there any details on the customer's record that identifies a customer vulnerability, or indicates a garnishee should not be issued?


Do not proceed with the garnishee + Read more ...

Consider other recovery actions according to the details on the record.

If recovery options have been exhausted:

  • use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Debt Recovery > Unsuccessful Engagement > Recovery Options Exhausted
  • DOC the decision and include the exhausted recovery options
  • link the NOARR activity to the Fast Note, in the Document Completion field, select 'Link to existing activity'

Unassign the work item, use the reason 'Service Support Referral'.

Procedure ends here.


Garnishee should be considered + Read more ...

For the right option, see:

Staff members should contact the customer if they identify new information about the customer's capacity to repay a debt. This gives the customer an opportunity to finalise their debt rather than garnishee.