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Tax garnishees to recover debts 107-05050040

Debt and Compensation Program (DCP) Branch and Payment Assurance Operations (PAO) contacts

Tax garnishee screens

Navigation to the following tax garnishee screens via the Workspace menu items under the 'Debts' heading in Customer First:

  • ATO Garnishee Summary
  • ATO Garnishee Manual Request (only available to users with the appropriate access)
  • ATO Garnishee Manual Wash up (only available to users with the appropriate access)
  • ATO Garnishee Eligibility

ATO garnishee resource codes

Table 1


Resource code and access details

Debt Staff

ICT Security Portal > ISP Category > Mainframe Application > Income Security > DMISDW - DMIS Data Wash

ATO Garnishee Liaison Officer

Specialist debt recovery staff at APS 5 level or above will action cases where a garnishee has been applied incorrectly due to a mismatch. Staff will process emails sent from the ATO seeking reversal of garnishees that have been incorrectly applied.

ICT Security Portal > ISP Category > Mainframe Application > Income Security:

  • DMISDW - DMIS Data Wash
  • DMISA0 - Repayment Adjustment Override
  • DMISGNR - DMIS Garnishee Functions

ESSentials > Help Home > User Access > Requestors:

  • Centrelink Child Care Subsidy Debt delegate APS 5
  • Centrelink Child Care Subsidy Debt refund receipts ATO