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Recovering other government department (OGD) debts from Centrelink payments 107-05090050

For Debt Staff only.

This document outlines recovery of debts on behalf of other government departments (OGD).

On this page:

Recovering an Other government departments (OGD) debt

Arranging recovery

Recovering an Other government departments (OGD) debt

Table 1




Services Australia can recover debts on behalf of other government departments (OGD) + Read more ...

The debt authority type for New Zealand debts is International Recovery (INT).

Is the query about recovery of a New Zealand debt?


Repayments for New Zealand debts + Read more ...

Centrelink International Services (CIS) manage recovery of New Zealand debts. Staff must process arrangements for these customer in the same way as other debts.

Does the customer want to make a repayment?


Recovery of debts on behalf of Other Government Departments (OGD) + Read more ...

Bonuses for older Australians are not an OGD debt.

Services Australia can only recover debts from:

  • Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
  • Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Has one of these departments referred a debt to the agency?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No:
    • the agency cannot recover the debt
    • send a DRC Report on recovery of OGD debt (Q557) to the referring agency
    • record all details on a DOC
    • procedure ends here


Payment from Services Australia + Read more ...

Is the customer receiving a payment from Services Australia?


If the customer does not receive a payment from Services Australia, recovery cannot occur + Read more ...

Customers cannot make cash payment arrangements for other agency debts.

Note: the only exception is Farm Household Support Act debts. These debts can have standard recovery methods under the Social Security Act 1991.

Is the customer in the exception group above?


Customer no longer on a payment eligible to be withheld for recovery + Read more ...

As no further recovery can occur, the debt amount on the Debt Amount (OPDA) screen needs adjusting. Change the debt amount to the total withholdings received to date. The outstanding debt balance will then be zero.


Send a 'DRC Report on recovery of OGD debt' (Q557) letter to the referring agency + Read more ...

Record all details on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.

Arranging recovery

Table 2




Debt shown on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) + Read more ...

Is the debt recorded on DMIS?


Raise the debt on DMIS + Read more ...

Go to the Add Debt (OPAD) screen and code the following:

  • Benefit type, key relevant benefit type. For example, DVA is DPA
  • Reason field, key ODR
  • Section of Act field, key 1227A or 1228
  • Date of Event field
  • Date of Notification field, key date received by Services Australia
  • Start Date field
  • End Date field
  • Key the amount in both calculated amount and the estimated amount
  • Addtnl Reference No field, key OGD reference number such as DVA or other relevant reference number [Enter]
  • Navigate to OPAOD screen. In the Suppress advice field, key Y as the OGD has already informed the customer of the debt. In the Nxt field, key OPKD and press [Enter]

Code the following on the Key Dates (OPKD) screen:

  • Sent date field, key the date the OGD sent the original account payable
  • Logon details
  • Comments field, key 'OGD debt, see DOC for Services Australia and OGD responsibilities'

When coding is complete, press [Enter] to go to the Assessment finalisation (OPAF) screen:

  • in the Finished? field, key Y and press [Enter]
  • DOCument all debt details including the OGD contact details

For further assistance on raising debts, see General debt raising information.


Check the Payment Arrangement List (OPAL) screen + Read more ...

Are withholdings in place on the OPAL screen?


Add withholdings + Read more ...

To add witholdings:

  • go to the Activity List (AL) screen
  • 'S'elect the DMN/RCV No Arrangement activity, press [Enter]. If there is no activity, go to the Payment Arrangement List (OPAL) screen
  • in the Create new arrangement type field, key AWH and press [Enter]
  • record details on a DOC

If the debt is:

  • a DVA debt, go to Step 5
  • a Department of Employment and Workplace Relations debt, go to Step 6
  • any other government department, procedure ends here


DVA debts + Read more ...

The payment system, (for example Newstart, Pensions etc.) sends a letter advising the withholdings amount when coded.

For DVA debts, the automatic letter is 'DSS Recovery of Other Government Department Debt (DVA)'

Note: Services Australia determines the withholding rate for a DVA account. To change their withholding rate the customer needs to negotiate with us.

Procedure ends here.


Department of Employment and Workplace Relations debts + Read more ...

A letter does not send when withholdings commence for New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) or Self-Employment Assistance debts.

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations informs customers when they have a NEIS or Self-Employment Assistance debt.

Note: NEIS Allowance ceased from 1 July 2022.