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Changing Australian residence details for family assistance, Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) customer/child 007-02080030

The Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) information in this file is for historical assessments/information only. DAP was only available for customers with children born or entering care before 1 July 2023. Claims for DAP closed 30 June 2024.

This document outlines how to update a temporary absence from Australia when a customer is no longer considered to be residing in Australia and how this affects their entitlement to Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL), Dad and Partner Pay (DAP), or Child Care Subsidy (CCS). This document will also help Service Officers update other changes to a customer's residence information.

On this page:

Changing residence details

Determining residence status and coding the details on the system

Changing residence details

Table 1




Updating a temporary departure when customer/child are now living overseas + Read more ...

The portability rules are different for customers and children going overseas temporarily compared to those when they are leaving to reside in another country. This change may have an impact on the customer's ongoing entitlements.

A reassessment may be required for various reasons.

  • If the customer advises they are now residing overseas, go to Step 8
  • If the customer advises their child/ren are now residing overseas, see Table 1, Step 4
  • If the customer or their child/ren's legal right to remain in Australia has changed (e.g. the customer has lost their permanent residence status or revoked their Australian citizenship), go to Step 3
  • If the customer or their child/ren left Australia and do not have a visa which allows re-entry, e.g. visa subclass 060, go to Step 3
  • If the customer advises their and/or their children's absence has been recorded incorrectly, go to Step 2
  • If a decision that a customer and/or their child/ren are no longer living in Australia is overturned during a review and needs to be amended, go to Step 2
  • If the customer sells their home, closes bank accounts or has any other change in circumstance indicating that they have broken ties with Australia, go to Step 9


Customer advises that their absence has been recorded incorrectly or a review overturns the decision + Read more ...

  • If the customer's absence is recorded as temporary but they are living in another country, see Table 2, Step 2
  • If the customer's absence should be recorded as temporary but is not, see Table 2, Step 7
  • If the child's absence is recorded as temporary but they are living in another country, see Table 2, Step 4
  • If the child's absence should be recorded as temporary, see Table 2, Step 8


Change in legal residence status + Read more ...

To receive family assistance and/or PPL/DAP a customer must satisfy 2 residence requirements. They must:

  • have the legal right to remain in Australia and
  • be residing in Australia, that is, have the intention to continue to live in Australia

To have the legal right to remain in Australia they must be an Australian citizen, the holder of a permanent resident visa, the holder of a special category visa or a certain temporary visas that qualify customers for some payments.

The holder of a visa subclass 403 will also satisfy the residence requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS), Double Orphan Pension (DOP) and Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP) where they have been granted under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility stream and the person has been approved for Family Accompaniment.

If the customer is no longer one of the above, they are no longer entitled to FTB, CCS, Parental Leave Pay (PPL) or Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) from the date that status changed. For CCS, either the customer or the partner needs to continue to meet the residence requirements to maintain eligibility for CCS and other child care related payments and rates.

If a customer is the holder of a specified visa subclass that qualifies them for Special Benefit, other than subclasses 309, 785, 790 or 820, their visa will cease to be in effect if they leave Australia. While these customers are no longer residentially qualified for payments from the date of departure from Australia, their legal status does not need to be updated to stop payment. Coding the departure from Australia will result in cancellation.

The legal status can also change if a person decides to become a citizen of a country other than Australia and willingly renounces their Australian citizenship. It can also occur if the customer has a resident return visa which expires within a certain period (generally 5 years) and does not return to Australia within that period. Sometimes a customer can lose their status due to a decision made by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) to revoke or cancel their visa. The end date of a permanent resident visa is regarded to be the date the entry/re-entry rights into Australia expire and does not mean that legal authority to remain in Australia has changed.

Note: a customer's legal authority may change and they may still be an Australian resident. For example, a permanent visa changes to Australian citizenship.

Has the customer's legal authority to remain in Australia changed?


A customer's legal authority to remain in Australia has changed + Read more ...

The customer's change in status should occur from the date of the legal change. The change should be recorded on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen.

If the customer has lost their authority to remain in Australia and is receiving a payment which requires the person to remain a resident to retain qualification, the payment should stop from the date the status changed.

Ask the customer the date their legal status changed and the date they were notified of the change in this status. Update the RSLEG screen with date of change and the new citizenship or visa subclass.

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen but do not finalise the activity.

Will the customer's payment cancel for a residence related reason?

  • Yes, finalise assessment and advise the customer. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 5


A dependent child has lost their legal authority to remain in Australia + Read more ...

If the child has lost their legal authority to remain in Australia, they cease to be a dependent child unless they continue to live with an Australian resident.

If all the customer's dependent children have lost their legal residence status and are not living with the Australian resident parent or guardian, they should be coded as having left the customer's care and payment should stop from the date the status changed. The child's change in status should occur from the date of the legal change.

  • Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen
  • 'S'elect the relevant child and type 'CHTS' in the Nxt: field

On the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen, select relevant screens below, including Care Align Details option.

Complete updates in the following order:

  • Update the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen for family assistance:
    • update existing shared care percentage to nil from date left care
    • assessment method will be 'PRI' or 'CPP' depending on whether there is a court order or parenting plan
  • On the Shared Care (SSC) screen for children assessed for income support payment purposes under the Social Security Act, update existing shared care percentage to nil from the date left care
  • On the In Customer Care (CHC) screen, code 'LCC' (left customer care) in Care Status: field from the date the child left the customer's care. If there is more than one carer or if in child's customer record, code the carer number for the 'losing' customer in the Carer: field
  • In Customer First update the Care Alignment Details page for the child with a 'Finalised' status
  • When a child leaves a customer's care, details transferred between Centrelink and Child Support will advise 0% care

Repeat the above step for all affected children. Go to Step 6.


Child's residence status + Read more ...

Have all the customer's children lost their residence status?


Not all children have lost residence + Read more ...

If at least one child is still an Australian resident, the customer may still have an FTB child and may still qualify for family assistance payments for this child. If the PPL or DAP child has left Australia to live overseas it won't affect portability for the customer but check whether the customer can still be considered the primary carer of the child.

Has the customer advised that they are no longer residing in Australia, that is, they intend to live in another country?


Customer has advised they have ceased residing in Australia + Read more ...

Ask the customer when they decided to cease residing in Australia. As long as the customer has not deliberately misrepresented their circumstances, the change in status should be applied from the date the customer provides.

Update the Country of Residence (CRES) screen.

Has the customer decided that they are residing in a country other than Australia?


Service Officer is making a decision regarding the customer's ongoing residence in Australia + Read more ...

Even where the customer advises that they are temporarily absent from Australia, the Service Officer can decide that the person has ceased residing in Australia according to section 7(3) of the Social Security Act 1991.

The Service Officer needs to take account of the customer's circumstances and make a decision based on the individual case.

Unless the customer is not a legal resident of Australia, the Service Officer should not make any decision about whether a person has ceased to reside in Australia without discussing the situation with the customer. The customer may have valid reasons for their actions which negate the indication of loss of residence. For example: the sale of a home may be due to a divorce settlement that coincided with the temporary absence from Australia. The customer may have sold assets to finance their trip home.

Contact the customer (preferably by phone) and discuss their intentions. Ask the customer what their intentions are and if they can give any examples which show they are intending to return to Australia.

If the customer cannot be contacted by phone, send an INTERNATIONAL CIS Use Free text Questionnaire (XOBS32) or Free Text Questionnaire (QSS32) letter.

Make the decision as to whether the customer is residing in Australia or in another country.

Determining residence status and coding the details on the system

Table 2




Residence determination + Read more ...

Has the Service Officer determined that the customer has ceased residing in Australia?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No:
    • consider if it is necessary to review this decision at a later time and record a review if appropriate and finalise any activity if necessary
    • procedure ends here


Record the country where the customer is now residing + Read more ...


Check dependent child/ren + Read more ...

Is one or more of the customer's children overseas temporarily and now they are considered to be living overseas?


Child's absence was temporary but they are now living in another country + Read more ...

  • Go to the CHS screen and select the relevant child
  • 'S'elect the line for the relevant child and key 'CHCRES' in Nxt: field. Press [Enter] to go to the Child Country of Residence (CHCRES) screen

Does error message '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header' appear?

  • Yes, enter the Customer Reference Number (CRN) and go to the customer record for the child. To code the residence change, update the CRES screen. Finalise the activity on the child's record and return to the customer's record
  • No, update the CRES screen

Repeat steps for all affected children. Go to Step 5


Finalise the activity + Read more ...

  • When all changes have been coded, key 'AR' in Nxt: field and press [Enter]
  • Check result is correct and finalise the activity

Have all dependent children ceased to be residents of Australia?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No, advise the customer of any impact of the changes and the date that these will occur. If at least one child is still an Australian resident, the customer may still have an FTB child and may still qualify for family assistance payments for this child. If the PPL or DAP child has left Australia to live overseas it won't affect portability for the customer but check whether the customer can still be considered the primary carer of the child. Record the decision in a DOC. Procedure ends here


Customer is no longer qualified for FTB and/or related payments + Read more ...

Family assistance is only portable if the customer and children are travelling outside Australia temporarily.

PPL and DAP are portable if the customer is travelling outside Australia temporarily and are not affected by the absence of the child.

Advise the customer if any of their payments will cease and the date/s that this will occur.

Record the decision in a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


Customer's absence should be recorded as temporary but is not + Read more ...

Either the customer has advised their absence has been recorded incorrectly, or the change is to be made from the outcome of a review of a decision.

  • Go to the CRES screen
  • Record a 'D' in the uppermost line which should contain details of the incorrect country of residence
  • Code the Source: and DOR: fields with the correct date of event. Code 'C' in the Action: field
  • Press [Enter] and make sure that Australia is recorded as the most current country of residence

Does the customer have children who have also been incorrectly recorded as residing overseas?


Child's absence should be recorded as temporary but is not + Read more ...

Either the customer has advised that their child/ren's absence has been recorded incorrectly or the change is to be made from the outcome of a review of a decision.

  • Go to the CHS screen and select the relevant child
  • 'S'elect the relevant child and key 'CHCRES' in the Nxt: field. Press [Enter] to go to the CHCRES screen

Does an error message '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header' appear?

  • Yes, enter the CRN and go to the customer record for the child. Go to the CRES screen. Key 'D' in the uppermost line which should contain details of the incorrect country of residence. Code the Source: and DOR: fields with the correct date of event. Key 'C' in the Action: field. Press [Enter] and ensure that Australia is recorded as the most current country of residence. Finalise the activity and then return to the customer's record
  • No, key 'D' in the uppermost line which should contain details of the incorrect country of residence. Code the Source: and DOR: fields with the correct date of event. Key 'C' in the Action: field

Repeat step for all affected children. Go to Step 9.


Finalise assessment + Read more ...

Was the customer receiving a payment(s) that incorrectly cancelled when the departure decision was recorded? (That is: did the customer's payment cancel for a residence related reason?

  • Yes:
    • go to the Benefit Assessment (BA) screen
    • restore payment(s) from the date of cancellation
    • go to the AR screen and finalise the activity
    • advise the customer of the changes
    • record the decision on a DOC
    • procedure ends here
  • No:
    • go to the AR screen and finalise the activity
    • advise the customer of the changes