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Obtaining a Tax File Number (TFN) override for family assistance customers experiencing an urgent or extreme circumstance 007-07010040

This document outlines how to help customers or their partners who are experiencing an extreme or urgent circumstance temporarily meet requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP) whilst obtaining a Tax File Number (TFN) from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Customers in extreme or urgent circumstances

Customers claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP) assessed as meeting the guidelines of experiencing an extreme or urgent circumstance can have an override coded, pending receipt of their TFN. Note: this override does not apply to Child Care Subsidy (CCS).

This provision only applies where the customer has:

  • immediate financial needs associated with the birth of a baby (under 6 months old) or a child coming into care (within the last 6 months), or
  • unanticipated financial needs such as medical costs or costs associated with an emergency, or
  • experienced hardship where their local community is affected by an emergency such as flood, bushfires or pandemic

Note: cases can only be referred to the Families and Childcare Level 2 Policy Helpdesk via the online referral form when these specific extreme or urgent circumstances criteria are met. The Helpdesk cannot provide approval over the phone. The online enquiry form must be lodged.

If the above extreme or urgent circumstances do not exist, customers can authorise Centrelink to request the TFN details by completing a TFN application form.

If the customer is applying for or receives FTB or CCS, and has a partner who is living outside Australia, the partner should:

  • complete a NAT2628 Tax File Number Application form, and
  • forward it to the ATO

To reduce instances of multiple TFNs being created, it is important to establish if the customer has an existing TFN, or if they have applied for one in the past. Customers attending a Service Centre who have a TFN that has not been updated on their record, and do not know their TFN, should be advised to contact the ATO. The ATO can provide a TFN over the phone to the customer who can then provide it in writing to Services Australia.

Authorising the ATO to provide Centrelink their TFN

For Service Centre staff, where the customer is lodging a TFN application, ensure the:

  • customer has selected ‘Yes’ to ‘authorise the ATO to provide Centrelink their TFN’ (Question 3), and
  • customer’s CRN has been included

For staff assisting newly arrived refugee customers applying for a TFN using the ATO Online Individual Auto Registration (AIR) tool, ensure:

  • the correct CRN is used
  • Yes’ is selected to authorise the ATO to send the TFN to Centrelink

Note: in all circumstances ensure the TFN application is uploaded to the customer's record.

The Resources page contains an example of an Australia Post receipt, links to contact details for the ATO, Families and Childcare Level 2 Policy Helpdesk online referral form, Tax File Number application forms, Business Processing and Design Branch homepage (for a link to the Families Override webform via the Families Override Contacts program link), and the agency's Current emergency management events.

Note: this process does not apply to Newly Arrived Refugee Customers obtaining a TFN. See Obtaining a Tax File Number (TFN) for newly arrived refugee customer.

Helping customers obtain a Tax File Number (TFN) for Family Assistance

Requesting a Tax File Number (TFN)

Obtaining a Tax File Number (TFN) for newly arrived refugee customer

Provision of Tax File Number (TFN) for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments