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Partner of a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer claims family assistance and/or Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 007-07030030

Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) status is No

Care must be taken to avoid releasing information about claims and payments when:

  • a customer and their new partner are both current and/or claiming family payments (FTB and CCS), and
  • one, or both, has a Person Permitted to Enquire status of No

When contacting each member of the couple, discuss the following:

  • If they are aware of whether or not their partner is receiving, or intending to claim, FTB or CCS for the family
  • If they are, they will need to discuss their options with each other, such as:
    • will FTB be claimed by both members of the couple as a blended family, or
    • which member of the couple will receive FTB and/or CCS for the entire family
  • Both members of the couple need to advise Services Australia of their claim choices before any changes can be made
  • The benefits of giving their partner permission to enquire. Tell them this will also maximise the use of both their, and their partner's, information on record for any future claims or interactions

P24845 problem and workaround

The P24845 system issue may impact in the following scenarios:

  • A step parent is claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB) that has been transferred to them from a biological parent, and the other biological parent also becomes entitled to receive FTB (for example, their percentage of care increases to above 35%) and they make a claim
  • The biological parent transfers their FTB to a step parent and they later separate. Care details for the child will not be transferred correctly to Child Support if a past period care refresh is requested
  • The care may transfer to the step parent's child support record (with incorrect child relationship details) causing inaccurate child support assessments and impacting multiple parties

As a result, where FTB is transferred out to partner ('TOP' is coded on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen - from parent to step parent) and the customer is a Centrelink and Child Support mutual customer, these records are to be referred for investigation. See the Resources page of Assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for further information.

Intertwined Referral Form

For the ICT Referral Request webform (Service Support Officers (SSOs) only):

  • Go to the Business Process and Design Branch intranet page
  • Select the ’FCC ICT Referral process’ link under Featured Content
  • Select the 'SSO Use Only - Click here to make an ICT Referral Request' icon

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