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Reassessment of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for a current customer where an additional child enters care in the current or previous financial year 007-07030120

Contact details

ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC)


Direct Referral to SSO webform


Business Process and Design Branch - see Featured content for a link to the FCC ICT Referral Process

Services Australia website

Examples of date of effect rules and Q999 text

Table 1: this table contains examples of date of effect rules for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Q999 text when additional information is required.




Customer notifies before the end of the lodgement year

Kim is a current FTB customer and an additional child enters Kim's care on 5 March 2013.

Kim contacts before 30 June 2014 to advise of the change and requests the FTB be reassessed for the additional child.

The FTB reassessment date of effect is 5 March 2013 (the date of event) because Kim has notified before the end of the lodgement year.


Customer notifies after the end of the lodgement year

Mel is a current FTB customer and an additional child enters Mel's care on 5 March 2013.

Mel contacts on 1 August 2014 to advise of the change and requests the FTB be reassessed for the additional child.

The FTB reassessment date of effect is 1 July 2013 because Mel has failed to notify by the end of the lodgement year.


Q999 example text - additional information required

Thank you for your request to reassess your Family Tax Benefit for (child's name). Unfortunately, Family Tax Benefit for (child's name) cannot be assessed as you have not provided additional information as requested. This decision does not affect the rate of Family Tax Benefit for your other children.

If you would like to continue with your request for (child's name), please provide the information as requested or contact Services Australia to discuss more options.

Child - Change in Care Arrangement script standard letters

See also: Child - Change in Care Arrangements script

Table 2: this table describes the standard letters produced by the Child - Change in Care Arrangements script, and when it is appropriate to send.

Letter code

Letter details

When to use each letter


Change of 100% care - Disputed

This letter should not be used.

Use Q810 Shared Care Dispute - Request for information.


Shared Care Grant (Agreed full %)

Use this letter to advise carers of the shared care decision based on either evidence provided from all carers or agreement between all carers.


Shared care Grant - No third party response

Use this letter to advise carers of a shared care decision based on evidence provided by one of the carers only that is where the other carer has not responded to a request for evidence.


SSA Shared Care Principal Carer Determination

This letter must be sent to all carers in a shared care arrangement, where at least one carer is claiming/receiving an income support payment. The letter advises which carer is determined as the principal carer of the child/children.


SSA Couple Principal Carer Determination

This letter must be sent to members of a couple advising which parent is determined as the principal carer of the child/children.


Shared Care Dispute - Request for information

Use this letter to request information and/or evidence about shared care arrangements from any carer.

Examples of evidence to support a care arrangement

Table 3

Evidence provided


Court orders

Court orders are a formal change in care, claims can be granted with a court order as evidence.

Formal letter from foster agency

Formal letters from a child protection agency or foster care agency are a formal change in care, no further evidence is required to complete the change of care and grant a claim. Letters must be on letterhead, include the child’s name, the new carers name and the date the care placement started.

Informal letter from foster agency

Informal letters from a foster care agency can support a change in care with further evidence or advise the care is not a change but temporary care (e.g., respite care). If the informal change in care is not a change in care but temporary care (28 days or less and the child has not been forcibly removed), See Child leaves customer’s care/custody.

Co-signed/not co-signed FA012 only (no documentation)

Additional evidence is required to support the claim and confirm there has been a change in care when the gaining carer is a grandparent, relative or friend and there is no court order or formal foster carer letter.

Where evidence is not provided, the claim should be rejected NDE.

Co-signed FA012 plus documentation

Where the Service Officer is satisfied the evidence provided supports the change of care, the claim can be granted.

If the Service Officer is unsure if a change of care has occurred, they can request further evidence. If Service Officers are still unable to confirm if a change of care has occurred after further evidence has been provided, the claim should be rejected.