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Study requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) children aged 16 years or over 007-07040060

This document explains study requirements and exemptions for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) children aged 16 years or over. FTB is only payable for a child aged 16 years or over if study requirements are met or if an exemption applies.

On this page:

Recording study details

Exemptions, repeating year 12 and home schooling

Recording study details

Table 1




View current education/study details + Read more ...

In Process Direct:

  • Select the child from the Relations Menu
  • Key CEED in the Super Key to go to the Child Education/exemption details (CEED) screen

In Customer First:

  • Select Workspace> Children> Child education summary
  • To view the current study status for a child, select Workspace> Children> Child information, then select the relevant child

Child eligibility details can also be viewed via the Assessment Explanation (AX) screen.


Record or update education/study details, including cessation of study + Read more ...

If updating child education:

  • as part of an FTB new claim action in Process Direct, go to the Child Education/exemption details (CEED) screen
  • outside of a new claim activity it must be actioned in Customer First. Use the Child Education Details workflow to record or update details. For help with coding, use on-screen field help '?'.

Verification of enrolment should only be updated if verification has been provided. Verification is not needed for FTB to be paid.

When the child is ceasing study, only update the Study End Date: field on the Education Details screen. If the child is ceasing study prior to completing year 12 or equivalent qualification the Study End Date should be updated with the date they decided they will not be continuing study. Note: this does not include when the child has completed year 12. See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for children aged 16-19 years for course end date coding.

Record details of the updates on a DOC.

FTB claims

  • In Process Direct, education/study details are loaded onto the customer’s record from the online claim, or entered manually in a SOA shell on the Child Education/exemption details (CEED) screen by staff processing a paper claim
  • In Customer First education/study details are loaded onto the customer's record from the online or paper claim via the Online and Families Claim workflow

See Pre-processing checks for standalone and combined claims for family assistance and/or Paid Parental Leave payments.

Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

Customers are required to advise when their child has or is due to start Primary Education and Secondary Education as this impacts eligibility and entitlement. To update, see Updating school status, and assessing age exemptions for Child Care Subsidy (CCS).


Full-time secondary study in an approved course + Read more ...

Study load: For FTB, if the institution regards the student as full-time, this is accepted.

During school holidays or a short break, they are still considered to be a student if there is an intention to return to study.

Apprentices, other than school based apprentices, do not meet the study requirements for FTB.

Approved secondary courses

  • an accredited secondary course through a secondary school or TAFE institution
  • Certificate II level or above
  • International Baccalaureate or other higher education pre-entry courses
  • an Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Certificate II or higher qualification
  • English as a Second Language courses through a secondary school

If applicable, staff can use the Education Institutions (EIS) screen to check if an education institution within Australia provides a Centrelink approved course.

  • Process Direct - The search function in the Education Institute Id field on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen
  • Customer First:
    • Web Link provided next to the Institution field on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen
    • Search for Institution’ link provided on Updating study details screen within the Staff Process Claim workflow
    • Via the Education Institution Summary Screen (EIS) screen

See Resources page for a link to the National Course Approvals - Secondary Schools in Australia page. This page provides instructions on how to access the EIS screen via the Reference Data Facility Search in Customer First and Process Direct.


Overseas study + Read more ...

The requirement is for the child to be enrolled in study that will assist or allow them to obtain the year 12 equivalent in that country. Some countries call the end of secondary school different things, for example year 10, International Baccalaureate, Senior Year, etc., but the key issue is whether the child is completing secondary schooling.

Customers with children intending to study outside Australia should contact before the child leaves Australia and provide information so that a determination can be made by processing staff.

Normal Family Tax Benefit (FTB) portability rules will apply for eligible children studying overseas.

Customers should be referred to the Australian Qualifications Framework website. See Resources page for a link.

Information required includes:

  • name of institution the child is studying
  • subjects being studied
  • name of course
  • the qualification (if any) the student will receive upon completion of the course

If the child will be studying outside Australia for less than 6 weeks, they will remain on their parent/guardian's Health Care Card.

If the customer has indicated that their child is/was studying outside Australia, this must be referred to appropriately trained Smart Centre staff in Customer First using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > FTB Child Overseas Study Details.

Appropriately trained Smart Centre staff only

The Resources page contains a task card.

If the course is not on the task card, the customer will need to answer some questions about the study their child is undertaking. Currently a letter (QSS32) must be issued to the customer so that their responses can be obtained and recorded in a DOC.


Adjusted study load + Read more ...

If an adjusted study load assessment is needed because the customer advises that the child is studying less than full-time, this must be referred to appropriately trained Smart Centre staff in Customer First using Fast Note – select Auto text, use Families > Updates > 16-19 Assessment Required.

Appropriately trained Smart Centre staff only

A child may have an adjusted study load (reduced hours compared to what would normally be considered a full-time load), and still satisfy the education/study requirements if the reason for less than full-time secondary study is beyond the child's control.

This does not include lifestyle choices (for example, part-time study to allow for part-time work). This recognises that the child has some capacity to undertake study.

The following circumstances indicate acceptable reasons for a child to have an adjusted study load:

  • Near completion of an approved course - a child may have a reduced study load as remaining subject/block/class to complete a year 12 or equivalent qualification is the equivalent of part-time study, for example child has one subject remaining in year 12
  • Qualification - not qualified to undertake course
  • Disability - a permanent physical, psychiatric, intellectual or learning disability, for example child has autism and studies part-time
  • Medical - accident, illness or injury
  • Personal - substance abuse, behavioural problems, extreme bullying
  • Family - death of an immediate family member, family and domestic violence, family eviction, caring responsibilities

Adjusted study loads are reviewed, however, if the adjusted study load is due to disability, no further review will be conducted.

If the adjustment is less than 13 weeks, the child is to be regarded as a full-time secondary student.

There is no limit on the period of an adjusted study load.


Study start date + Read more ...

This is either the date the child enrolled in the course or their first day of the course, whichever is earlier. The policy states that eligibility begins from the time a child intends to study. Intention to study can be measured by enrolment. Generally, enrolment happens before the student actually starts education/study, so the earliest day FTB can be paid is the day of enrolment.

Note: if the child has turned 16 years and had their 16 age review, the system will automatically use their 16th birthday as the study start date. This date does not need to be changed if the child continues in full time secondary study from their 16th birthday.

See Resources page for an example.


Course end date + Read more ...

  • If the student is not required to sit an examination for the final year, the course end date is the day determined by the provider of that education to be the last day of classes for that level of education
  • If the student is required to sit an examination for the final year, the course end date is the later of:
    • the day determined by the provider of that education to be the last day of the examination period for that level of education, or
    • the day determined by the provider of that education to be the last day of classes for that level of education

Note: the course end date should only be recorded as 31 December if the last exam/assignment is actually due on that day.

If completing secondary study, the student can remain an FTB child until the end of the calendar year, or 28 days after the course end date if the end date is before November.

If ceasing study prior to completing secondary education, the student is no longer an FTB child from the date they decided they will not be continuing study.


Continuing study + Read more ...

Holiday periods

If a child is enrolled in a course, FTB eligibility continues through holiday periods (Christmas, Easter, mid-semester, etc.). FTB eligibility during these periods would only cease if the child decides not to continue their study, they then would cease to be a student for FTB purposes from the date they decided not to continue study.

Change of study/training providers

In some states a child will have to change schools at the end of year 10 to complete their year 12 qualification. In these circumstances the child is considered to be undertaking continuing study and continues to be FTB eligible.

For students in continuing study, FTB eligibility is ongoing (no gaps/breaks).

Exemptions, repeating year 12 and home schooling

Table 2




Repeating year 12 + Read more ...

If a child decides to repeat year 12 at a secondary school they may be considered to be in full-time secondary study.

If a child has completed an equivalent qualification (for example, they have completed a certificate II) and they decide to complete year 12, they cannot be considered to be in full-time secondary study. See the Resources page for further information.

The rate of FTB payable depends on when the child returns to full-time secondary study. If the child returns to year 12:

  • before the last day of the first term following the end of their study period, the customer may be paid up to the maximum rate of FTB continuously with no gap
  • after the last day of the first term following the end of their study period, there will be a gap in entitlement to FTB. The customer may be paid up to the maximum rate from the day they return to full-time secondary study

Use the term dates for the relevant state/territory. See Resources page for details.

Allowable break exemptions

If they intended to return to school in the first term following the end of their last study period but were unable to (for example, injury, illness), consider an exemption from the FTB activity test. This is a discretionary decision. See Resources page for an example.

If an exemption is granted, they would remain a full-time secondary student.


To code details for a child repeating year 12 + Read more ...

Child education updates being made:

  • as part of FTB new claim processing can be actioned in Process Direct
  • outside of a new claim activity must be actioned in Customer First

In Process Direct: + Read more ...

  • Within the new claim activity select the child from the relations menu (irrespective of whether the child has a CHI or PER record)
  • Key CEED in the Super Key to go to the Child Education/exemption details (CEED) screen
  • On the CEED screen:
    • Select Yes to the question 'Has (the child) completed a Year 12 or equivalent qualification, or will they complete such a qualification in the next 28 days?’
    • Note: if the child's year 12 Course Completed field/indicator is not recorded as Yes, this will need to be completed first. See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for children aged 16-19 years for course end date coding
    • Select Yes to the question 'Is (the child) repeating year 12 secondary study?'
    • Answer the question 'Is (the child) undertaking the study outside Australia?' Note: country, institution and course details are needed if answering Yes
    • Update the Select the Education Institution Code field
    • Update the Course Title field with Year 12 Secondary
    • Date (child) first enrolled or started study, whichever is earlier: Add the start date of the second year of year 12 study
    • Date (child) will complete Year 12 or equivalent qualification, or date ceased study: enter the course end date
    • Answer any other mandatory fields on the ‘Add child education information’ dialogue box
    • Select Save
    • Continue processing the FTB claim, and finalise once satisfied with the outcome

In Customer First: + Read more ...

Run the Child Education Details workflow.

If the child is a customer, run the workflow in their record.

  • On the Child Education/Exemption Summary page, select the appropriate child
  • Select 'Add Education Details'
  • On the Child Education Details page:
    • Select Yes to the question 'Has the child obtained or will they obtain a year 12 or equivalent qualification within 28 days?'
      Note: if the child's year 12 Course Completed field/indicator is not recorded as Yes, this will need to be completed first. See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for children aged 16-19 years for course end date coding
    • Select Yes to the question 'Is the child repeating year 12 secondary study?'
    • Answer the question 'Is the child undertaking the study outside Australia?' Note: country, institution and course details are needed if answering Yes
    • Update the Select the Education Institution Code: field
    • Update the Course Title: field with year 12 secondary
    • Date child first enrolled or started study, whichever is earlier: Add the start date of the second year of year 12 study
    • Study end date: enter the course end date
    • Select Continue
  • On the Child Education/Exemption Summary page, select Continue
  • Record details of the updates on a DOC
  • Check and finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen


Home Schooling + Read more ...

Children aged 16 years and over may be home schooled but it must be in an approved course leading towards a year 12 or equivalent qualification. Where the State or Territory Government education authority has given specific approval for the child to undertake home schooling, the parent/guardian self declares the study is full-time and will be credited towards the secondary qualification accredited by that authority.

Evidence of home schooling from the relevant authority is only needed where doubt exists about correctness of the information provided. If a discretionary decision is made to request evidence, see Information requests for FTB and PPL claims, and Add Newborn and PPL change of circumstances activities for further instructions.

If the child is in home schooling that is not registered with the relevant State or Territory Education authority and there is no satisfactory exemption reason, the parent/carer would not be eligible to receive FTB.

However, it is important to look at why parents/carers choose to home school their children. There may be an appropriate exemption reason, depending on the circumstances. See Item 4 for further information or examples on the Resources page.


Exemptions from the full-time study requirements + Read more ...

  • If an exemption assessment is needed because the customer states why the child is not in full-time secondary study, this must be referred to appropriately trained Smart Centre staff in Customer First using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > 16-19 Assessment Required.

Tell the customer to notify the agency if the child’s study or exemption circumstances change at any time during the exemption period, for example, the child is no longer going to return to study.

Appropriately trained Smart Centre staff only.

A child may not have the capacity to study and so may be exempt from the full-time study requirement in any of the following circumstances:

  • Education Institution - no locally accessible course or there is no place in the course. This circumstance would be unlikely given home schooling and online learning options
  • Qualification - the child is not qualified to undertake an approved course. Note that study has to lead to an approved year 12 or equivalent qualification. This circumstance would be unlikely given the vast range of courses available via different channels (self-paced, home schooling and online). A child aged 16-19 studying at the primary or pre-primary level could be considered for this exemption
  • Disability - the child has a permanent physical, psychiatric, intellectual or learning disability. The customer should be invited to claim Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance and advised that the young person may claim Disability Support Pension
  • Special Circumstances: circumstances that make it unreasonable to require the child to undertake an approved course of study for any of the following reasons:
    • Medical Circumstances such as an accident, illness or injury. In this category the medical circumstance is not permanent but would last longer than 13 weeks
    • Personal Circumstances such as substance abuse, behavioural problems, or extreme bullying (a child may experience such extreme bullying that they do not have the capacity to study via home schooling, online or external channels – this may be an appropriate circumstance to seek verification, the evidence needs to support that the child does not have the capacity for any form of full-time secondary study)
    • Family Circumstances such as the death of an immediate family member, family and domestic violence, family eviction or caring responsibilities
    • Other Circumstances as considered appropriate. For example, a child aged 16 years or over who has migrated to Australia as a refugee may not be enrolled in full-time secondary study. If it is intended that the child is to be enrolled, an exemption from the study requirements may be granted for an initial 13 weeks. The start date is the date of arrival or date the child became an FTB child. Consider each case on its merit as there could be barriers preventing the child from enrolling or settlement issues where a permanent exemption may be applicable

Generally, a child can be exempt for up to 12 months. If circumstances change and the child can return to study, a review will be conducted at this time.

Children with a permanent disability will not be subject to a review.

The Resources page contains links to exemption reasons as well as additional exemption information and codes.


To code an exemption from full-time study requirements + Read more ...

In Customer First run the Child Education Details workflow. If the child is a customer, run the workflow in their record.

  • On the Child Education/Exemption Summary page, select the appropriate child
  • Select 'Add Exemption Details'
  • On the Child Exemption/Adjusted Full Time Study Load Details page:
    • Select Yes/No to the question 'Does (child) have a valid exemption/adjusted full time study load reason?'
      Note: if this question is recorded as No due to the reason for studying less than full time or for not studying is not accepted as a valid reason, a DOC should be created containing details
    • Select the applicable Reason
    • Date circumstance began: add the date the applicable reason began
    • Start date: enter the date the exemption is to start. This is the first day the young person is exempt from the education/training requirements and the customer continues to be eligible for family assistance for this young person
    • End date: enter the date the exemption is to cease (up to 12 months from the start date for all exemption reasons other than DIS)
    • Reason Verified: this field should only be updated to Yes if proof has been received that the child has a valid exemption. If proof of exemption has been provided, the details must be recorded in a DOC
    • Code Source and DOR fields
    • Select Continue
  • On the Child Education/Exemption Summary page, select Continue
  • Record details of the updates on a DOC

Check and finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen if satisfied with the outcome.


Verification of circumstances + Read more ...

Verification of circumstances for an adjusted study or exemption is discretionary.

If the request is for medical reasons, the child's status as Carer Allowance current is used as evidence.

If the customer can provide detail concerning the reason for the exemption, i.e. verbal statement of intervention being sought to assist the child towards overcoming the circumstance, then it would be reasonable to accept this without seeking evidence, for a first request for an exemption.

It is reasonable to seek verification if:

  • A child is not completing year 12 or equivalent qualification
  • A second or subsequent temporary exemption is requested
  • FTB for the child has cancelled because the customer did not give a reason why the child was not in full-time study, and the customer subsequently re-claims and requests an exemption or states that the child intends to enrol

The customer is responsible for verifying that the course is considered to be a Certificate Level II course under the Australian Qualifications Framework if it is unclear whether the course is an approved course.

Evidence to verify an adjusted study load or an exemption could include, but is not limited to:

  • details from educational institutions
  • state welfare and housing agencies
  • real estate agents
  • medical personnel
  • social workers
  • bereavement counsellors
  • funeral directors
  • other authorities and/or individuals who are in a position to provide this confirmation

If the reason is not considered allowable, the customer may not be eligible to receive FTB for that child.


FTB child aged 16 years or over dies + Read more ...

If a child is considered an FTB child on the day they die, the customer can receive the FTB bereavement payment for up to 14 weeks. Any reviews or change in circumstances that would have occurred if the child had not died will affect the bereavement payments.

See Bereavement payment of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).