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Restoration of Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 007-09030030

This document outlines information about the restoration of Parental Leave Pay (PPL) when a customer's qualification for payment has been re-established.

Coding requirements for PPL restoration




PPL claim is cancelled and the customer has requested restoration + Read more ...

For rejected or not effective PPL claims, see Not effective, rejection or withdrawal of claim for PPL.

PPL claims for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023 with a status of cancelled end of payment (EOP) may be reassessed where a change of circumstance is advised by the customer. Only certain staff have access to complete this reassessment.

PPL claims that have been cancelled end of payment (EOP) cannot be restored for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023.If the customer is in receipt of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and/or income support payment and these payments have also cancelled, prior to restoring PPL investigate the:


PPL benefit status + Read more ...

PPL can be cancelled at either a period level or claim level.

Check PPL benefit status on the PPL Claim Summary (P1CLM) screen in Process Direct to determine if the claim is Open (OPN) or Closed (CLO). If the claim status is:

  • OPN, the cancellation is at a period level - the customer ceased to be eligible to the PPL period and is still payable for Flexible PPL days, for example Returned to work, or
  • CLO, the cancellation is at a claim level - the customer has lost eligibility to any future PPL for the child, for example, the customer has permanently departed overseas

For a list of cancellation codes that can be restored and who can code the restoration, see Cancellation, rejection, not effective, assessed and current zero rate codes for PPL.

Is the cancellation due to a reason type that can be restored?


Cancellation reason + Read more ...

If the cancellation is due to:


PPL CAN-RTW - customer has returned to work + Read more ...

This PPL claim cancellation reason is only valid for claims for children that were born or adopted before 1 July 2020.

For child born:

If the customer:

  • had returned to work, and PPL has been cancelled correctly, go to Step 10
  • had not returned to work and remained eligible for PPL, the decision should be reassessed based on the new information

If it is determined that the RTW cancellation was incorrect and the child was born or adopted:

  • on or after 1 July 2020 but before 1 July 2023:
    • Navigate to the PPL Claim Summary (P1CS) screen
    • Code ‘D’ on the relevant PPL line on P1CS to navigate to the PPL claim action (P1ED) screen and code correct return to work details
    • The PPL period will automatically restore once the return to work date is deleted. See Customer notifies a change of circumstances for Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
    • When a return to work is coded in the PPL period or during their connected Flexible PPL days, any remaining connected days will be automatically withdrawn and returned to the customer’s balance of unclaimed days. When restoring the PPL period, these days will remain in the unclaimed balance and need to be claimed again by the customer for dates they choose
    • If the customer has already claimed Flexible PPL days (not connected to the PPL period) and wants to change these days, see Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023
  • on or after 1 July 2023:
  • before 1 July 2020:
    • Navigate to the PPL Claim Summary (P1CS) screen
    • Code ‘D’ on the relevant PPL line on P1CS to navigate to the PPL claim action (P1ED) screen and code correct return to work details
    • Navigate back to the PPL Claim Summary (P1CS) screen
    • Code ‘A’ on the relevant PPL line P1CS to navigate to the PPL claim action (P1CA) screen and code the restoration details on the P1CA screen
    • Navigate to the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen to check that the customer's nominated PPL tax rate is applied within the activity. For more information on how to update ATO tax deductions see Managing ATO tax deductions

Check results on the Assessment results (AR) screen and finalise the activity:

  • Advise customer of the outcome and record details on a DOC
  • Procedure ends here


PPL CAN-TTP - transfer to partner + Read more ...

This step applies for a PPL claim for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023.

This PPL claim cancellation reason is only valid for claims for children that were born or adopted before 1 July 2020.

For child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2020 and before 1 July 2023

A customer can transfer their full PPL period and remain eligible for Flexible PPL days. Procedure ends here.

For child born or adopted before 1 July 2020

PPL can only be restored where it has been cancelled incorrectly.

Determine whether a PPL transfer to a secondary or tertiary claimant has been correctly assessed as the primary carer of the PPL child.

Is the customer considered to have transferred primary care of the child to a secondary/tertiary claimant?

  • Yes, PPL has been cancelled correctly, go to Step 10
  • No, and the customer has remained eligible for PPL, go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen and select the PPL child. Select the Child in Primary Care (!CiPC) screen and correct the child in primary care information, go to Step 9


PPL CAN-WUK - whereabouts unknown + Read more ...

PPL can be restored if the customer advises new address details verbally.

Evidence is required where the customer's payment cancels 'WUK' twice at the same address.

If address details have not changed:

  • Ask additional Identity Confirmation questions to confirm the identity of the customer
  • Run the Change in Contact Details workflow and 's'elect the current address from the 'Address Details' option. On the Address Summary screen, delete the 'End date'
  • If the workflow is unavailable: go to the Address History (ADH) screen and 'd'elete the 'Address Type Ended' line to remove the end date from the current home address
  • PPL will automatically restore once the change in circumstances are recorded
  • For a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023:
  • For a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023:
  • Check results on the Assessment Results (AR) screen and record details on a DOC
  • If manual restoration of PPL is required, go to Step 9


PPL CAN-EOP - End of payment (for children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023 only) + Read more ...

When a customer whose PPL has been cancelled end of payment (EOP) advises they were ineligible for a previously paid PPL day, their PPL claim can be reopened and reassessed.

Requests to reopen a claim can be made via a webform. To access the webform:

  • go to the Business Process and Design Branch intranet page, and
  • select the link to the National ICT Referral Process within the Featured content section

The Resources page has a link to the intranet page.

Ensure all of the required information has been supplied or the reassessment may not be able to be undertaken.

Service Officers with the appropriate access can use the PPL Reopen claim (P1REOP) workflow, to reopen the claim. Once the reassessment has been completed and the associated change of circumstances has been updated as per the webform request, the specialist officer will respond and advise to contact the customer to tell them the outcome.

Once the PPL claim is reopened, the Approval ID linked to that claim will need to be updated from Inactive to Active. See Paid Parental Leave (PPL) approval to claim and share PPL days.

Procedure ends here.


PPL can only be restored where it has been cancelled incorrectly + Read more ...

PPL claim level statuses

PPL CAN-C12 (12 months passed since DOB/DOC), PPL CAN-C24 (24 months passed since DOB/DOC – secondary claimants only) and CAN-PPC (not PPL primary carer):

  • These are automatic cancellation reasons
  • Evidence of the correct date the PPL child entered care or care arrangements is required before restoration can occur

PPL CAN-CRQ (customer request) - Consult the DOC relating to the cancellation on the Document List (DL) screen:

PPL CAN NRQ (not residentially qualified):

  • This is an automatic cancellation
  • Refer to DOC relating to the cancellation on the (DL) screen

PPL CAN-DEA (customer death):

PPL CAN-DOS (departure/absence overseas) and CAN-O3Y (overseas for 3 years):

  • This is an automatic cancellation
  • Restoration can only occur if the departure/absence has been incorrectly recorded. Once the correct departure details are recorded, PPL will automatically restore

PPL CAN-OTH - Lookup local Processing Service details for: FTB, PPL, and DAP Claims - Processing:

Can PPL be restored due to an incorrect claim level cancellation?

  • Yes:
    • Once the reason for the cancellation is corrected, PPL will automatically restore
    • Check results on the Assessment Results (AR) screen and record details on a DOC
    • If manual restoration of PPL is required, go to Step 9
  • No, go to Step 10


Restore PPL + Read more ...

  • Go to the PPL Claim Action (P1CA) screen
  • Code the restoration details on the P1CA screen
  • Select Add to create PPL Claim action:
    • Action: RES - Restore
    • Effect Date: restoration date
  • Select Save
  • Navigate to the Payment Instruction Summary (PITX) screen to check that the customer's nominated PPL tax rate is applied within the activity as this may not be automatically retained. For more information on how to update ATO tax deductions see Managing ATO tax deductions
  • Select Assess and check the results are as expected on the ELD screen

Advise customer of outcome and record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


PPL cannot be restored + Read more ...

Advise the customer PPL cannot be restored.

The customer may apply for a formal review of decision.

Alternatively, it may be applicable for the customer to:

Note: if the benefit needs to be reassessed and not restored, REA activities can only be completed on records with a benefit status of CUR/CZR or ASS. If the customers PPL has cancelled, a refresh activity (RSH coded on P1CA screen) should be coded instead of a manual reassessment. Complete the RSH activity in Customer First.