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Economic Security Strategy (ESS) Payment for Families 007-10020000

This page contains questions and answers about the Economic Security Strategy (ESS) payment for families.

On this Page:

Contact details

FAQ - ESS payment information

FAQ - ESS eligibility

FAQ - ESS Administrative Scheme

Contact details

Families Ongoing Entitlement Team Contact details

Family Programme Management: Ongoing Entitlement Section

FAQ - ESS payment information

FAQs about the payment for the ESS for families

Table 1: This table contains questions and answers about the ESS payment for families.




Question: How much is the payment? + Read more ...

Answer: The payment is $1000 for each eligible child.


Question: When and how will it be paid? + Read more ...

Answer: For most families the full payment was made in December 2008.

Payment were made directly into bank accounts for families whose children attract fortnightly instalments of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A, Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY.

For families who received their FTB as a lump sum at the end of the financial year, the ESS payment was made with their lump sum FTB payment.

Note: recipients paid under the ESS Administrative Scheme must have lodged a claim by 29 January 2010.


Question: Will the ESS Payment for Families give rise to any debts? + Read more ...

Answer: No debts will be raised where a person has received an ESS payment and it was subsequently found that the person and/or the child should not have attracted the payment, unless the person knowingly made a false or misleading statement, or knowingly provided false information.


Question: How will the payment work for separated parents? + Read more ...

Answer: The normal rules that apply to the sharing of FTB apply to this payment, that is, where there is shared care, and a parent has more than 35 per cent of care, the payment will be shared according to the usual rules.


Question: Will parents with regular care of a child who receive Rent Assistance through FTB receive the payment (parents with less than 35% care)? + Read more ...

Answer: No. In these cases, FTB Part A is paid to the parent who is the primary carer. The payment will go to this parent.


Question: If a Youth Allowance recipient is paid directly (rather than the payment being made to the parents), will the young person receive the payment? + Read more ...

Answer: Yes. The ESS payment for families was made in the same way as the allowance payment was made.


Question: Will the payment be income managed? + Read more ...

Answer: Yes. Where a person's government payments are income managed, the ESS payment will be income managed.


Question: Will the payment be available every year? + Read more ...

Answer: No. The ESS payment for families was a one off payment.


Question: Is the payment taxable income or income for Social Security purposes? + Read more ...

Answer: No. The ESS payment is not taxable income and it is not considered income for Social Security or Family Assistance purposes.

FAQ - ESS eligibility

FAQs regarding eligibility for ESS Payment for Families

Table 2: This table contains questions and answers about who is eligible for the ESS payment for families.




Question: Who will this payment assist? + Read more ...

Answer: The payment assisted:

  • families who were entitled to FTB Part A on 14 October 2008
  • families with dependent children who on 14 October 2008 attracted Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY or a Veterans' Children's Education Scheme (VCES) payment
  • recipient entitled to payment under the ESS Administrative Scheme


Question: Will independent Youth Allowance recipients be eligible for the payment? + Read more ...

Answer: No. The payment was for dependent children in receipt of Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY, where there is an expectation of parental support and the Parental Income Test (PIT) may apply. It may have been paid for students living away from home provided they were dependent.


Question: Will more choice for families (MCFF) FTB Part A recipient on a zero rate, reduced rate or deferred rate be eligible for the payment? + Read more ...

Answer: Yes. FTB recipients with a legislative Part A rate greater than $0 received ESS regardless of their payment choice. FTB Part A recipients do not need to change their payment choice to receive the ESS payment for families.

Payments for these recipients were made in December 2008.


Question: Will a recipient receive the payment if they lodge a FTB instalment claim on 7 November 2008 and are paid for the past period? + Read more ...

Answer: Yes. If the recipient was paid FTB Part A for the past period which included 14 October 2008, they would have received the payment during the period 8-19 December 2008.


Question: Will a recipient receive the payment if they lodge an FTB claim on 1 December 2008 for a new baby born on 14 October 2008? + Read more ...

Answer: Yes. If the recipient was entitled to FTB Part A for the new baby born 14 October 2008, they would have received the ESS payment for families during the period 8-19 December 2008.


Question: Will the recipient automatically receive the payment when they claim FTB as a lump sum after the end of the financial year? + Read more ...

Answer: Yes, if the recipient was entitled to FTB Part A for a period within the 2008-09 financial year, which includes 14 October 2008, they were paid the ESS payment for families following the determination of their FTB claim, if the claim was lodged with Centrelink by 30 June 2011, and tax returns were lodged by 30 June 2011.

For recipients paid ESS under Administrative Scheme as a result of reconciliation or lump sum claim, any tax returns (for recipient or partner) required to be lodged with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for 2008-09 must have been lodged by 30 June 2011. Returns lodged after this date will mean the recipient is a late lodged and the ESS payment cannot be paid.


Question: Will a recipient be able to receive the payment with their lump sum claim for FTB through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)? + Read more ...

Answer: No, from 1 July 2009, the option of claiming and receiving FTB through the ATO was removed.

FTB lump sum claims were available to be made through Services Australia.


Question: Will the payment be payable for a deceased child? + Read more ...

Answer: Yes. The ESS payment for families is paid where FTB Part A eligibility would include the deceased child if 14 October 2008 falls within the 14 week bereavement period for FTB.

For example, if a FTB Part A child died on 9 July 2008, the last day of the 14 week bereavement period would be 14 October 2008. As the recipient's FTB Part A eligibility includes 14 October 2008, the recipient would have been paid during the period 8 - 19 December 2008.


Question: Can a recipient receive both the ESS payment for families and the ESS Payment to Pensioners, Carers, Seniors and Veterans? + Read more ...

Answer: Yes. The both were payable to the same recipient.

FAQ - ESS Administrative Scheme

FAQs about ESS payments made under the Administrative Scheme

Table 3: This table contains questions and answers about the ESS payment for families under the Administrative Scheme.




Question: What is the Economic Security Strategy Payments Administrative Scheme? + Read more ...

Answer: The Administrative Scheme was established to assist foster and non-parent/kinship carers who gained care of a child shortly after the announcement of stimulus payments to families under the ESS, who were not eligible on the announcement date of 14 October 2008 to receive a payment under the ESS (paid in December 2008).

The Administrative Scheme allowed some people who temporarily lost care of a child due to special circumstances to receive a payment.


Question: Who was eligible under the ESS Administrative Scheme? + Read more ...

A person would have been entitled to an ESS payment for families under the Administrative Scheme if the person was entitled to FTB Part A for an FTB child aged under 16 who entered the person's ongoing care during the period 15 October - 31 December 2008, and one of the following applies:

  • an FTB Part A child, and
  • the child had entered (or re-entered) the recipient's ongoing care during this period and one of the following applies:
    • the person was entitled to FTB Part A for the child at some time during the period 1 July - 13 October 2008, and there were special circumstances relating to why the person was not entitled to FTB Part A for the child for 14 October 2008, or
    • the person had the ongoing care of the child under a formal foster care arrangement, or
    • the person was not a parent of the child (for example grandparent) and had the ongoing care of the child due to an inability or failure of the child's parents to provide care of the child

Note: a person had 'ongoing care' of a child if the person had, or expected to have, care of the child for 26 weeks or more.


Question: If the recipient already received ESS payments (paid in December 2008) for all of their children, can they get an ESS payment under this Administrative Scheme as well? + Read more ...

Answer: No, the Administrative Scheme was intended to provide payment to certain recipients who were not entitled to an ESS payment on 14 October 2008.