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Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A and Part B supplements 007-11010030

This page contains links to the Services Australia website and FTB reconciliation timeline, and calculation examples.


The Resources page in Reconciliation of FTB contains the reconciliation timeline.

Services Australia website

FTB Part A payment rates

FTB Part B payment rates

Supplement calculations

Examples of Part A and Part B supplement calculations. Rates used in the examples are the rates for the relevant financial years.

These amounts may not be current. They are examples only. For current payments, see Rates and thresholds.




Shared care and change of care + Read more ...

Bill has shared care of 2 children, Jessica aged 14 and Kate aged 4. Bill has 40% care of Jessica and 50% care of Kate.

Jessica will be in Bill's care for 181 days during 2020-21.

Kate will be in Bill's care for 122 days during 2020-21.

Bill receives an income support payment.

Part A supplement

Bill's entitlement for each child is multiplied by the shared care percentage for the child. This amount is then converted to a daily rate and multiplied by the number of days each child was in Bill's care during the financial year.

For Jessica

$781.10 x 40% / 365 x 181 = $154.94

For Kate

$781.10 x 50% / 365 x 122 = $130.54

Total Part A supplement

$154.94 + $130.54 = $285.48

Part B supplement

Bill's entitlement is the highest rate resulting from multiplying the FTB shared care percentage for each child by the FTB Part B gross supplement amount.

Bill had 40% care of Jessica

($379.60 x 40%) / 365 x 181 days = $75.30

1 March - 30 June 2021

Bill also had 50% care of Kate

($379.60 x 50%) / 365 x 122 days = $63.42

Bill's Part B supplement entitlement will be $75.30.

Note: Bill's supplement payments will depend on income reconciliation. The entitlement will be automatically used for offsetting any excess FTB and/or CCB paid or to recover another financial year reconciliation debt.


Income exceeds the FTB Part A supplement limit for part of the year + Read more ...

John and Jodie have 1 child; Matilda, aged 5 years old. For the 2020-21 financial year, their combined adjusted taxable income is $85,000. John has income of $55,000 and Jodie $30,000.

Jodie is the Family Tax Benefit instalment claimant.

John and Jodie separate on 15 December 2020 and Jodie has sole care of child Matilda from this date.

In reconciliation, Jodie will be entitled to receive the FTB Part A supplement for part of the financial year.

Part A supplement calculation

In reconciliation, the adjusted taxable income is $85,000 for the partnered period 1 July to 14 December 2020. This is above the income limit for Part A supplement. Jodie is not entitled to the FTB Part A supplement for this period.

The adjusted taxable income is $30,000 from the date of separation. Jodie is entitled to the FTB Part A supplement from 15 December 2020 to 30 June 2021 (198 days).

($781.10 / 365) x 198 = $423.72

Jodie's FTB Part A supplement for Matilda for the 2020-21 financial year will be $423.72.