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Cancellation of Child Care Subsidy (CCS) 007-17103130

Calculating the 26 week rule

Table 1


Milestone type - Definition


New claim milestone + Read more ...

When a child is granted CCS, the initial 26 week milestone is calculated from the Deemed Date of Receipt (DDOR) of their claim. See Cancellation scenarios for examples.


Last session of care milestone + Read more ...

When a child starts attending child care their 26 week milestone will be calculated from the date of their last session of care, including allowable absences. See Cancellation scenarios for examples.

Cancellation scenarios

Table 2




Automatic cancellation - Child leaves care + Read more ...

Amara is claiming CCS for her relative Sova.

Sova leaves Amara's care and this is coded and finalised in Customer First.

CCS will then automatically cancel for child Sova.


Automatic cancellation - Immunisation Grace Period ended + Read more ...

Ivan is claiming CCCS for child Mikhail.

On 18 April 2019, the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) send a No status advising Mikhail is no longer up to date.

Mikhail must meet immunisation requirements by 20 June 2019 or CCS will cancel for Mikhail.

On 21 June 2019, as Mikhail is still not up to date, Ivan’s CCS for Mikhail will cancel.


Manual cancellation - Change in applicant + Read more ...

Kylie is claiming CCS for child Max.

Kylie contacts 15 October 2019 to cancel CCS as Kylie's partner Shannon has lodged a claim that day.

Kylie’s CCS is cancelled from the Sunday prior to the CCS Monday that Shannon’s new claim will be granted from.


Manual cancellation - Request to cancel + Read more ...

Oskar is claiming CCS for child Ramon.

Oskar contacts and advises Ramon has not used any child care for quite some time and will not do so in the future.

Oskar requests to cancel CCS. Ramon’s CCS is cancelled from the end of the CCS fortnight in which Oskar advises.


Manual cancellation - Child no longer using child care + Read more ...

Janet has been receiving CCS for child Clayton.

Janet contacts to advise that Clayton is no longer using child care and they will not be using child care in the future.

Clayton’s CCS is cancelled from the end of the CCS fortnight in which Janet advises.. A new claim will be required if Janet sends Clayton to child care again in the future.


Reassessment after an incorrect cancellation + Read more ...

Jon is CCS current for child Justin and has 100% care recorded. Jon advises the care of Justin has decreased to 70%.

The reduction in care is incorrectly coded at 7%, cancelling Jon’s CCS for Justin.

The care is corrected to 70% however CCS remains cancelled.

An Assisted Customer Claim must also be submitted using the date the CCS cancelled as the Date of Receipt to correct the CCS entitlement.


26 week rule - New claim (26 week milestone) + Read more ...

Caroline and Dave are getting ready to send their 2 year old child Archie to child care.

Dave will return to work part time in the coming months so lodges their claim for CCS for Archie. After their claim for Archie is granted, Dave decides to delay his return to work and no longer needs to send Archie to child care. Dave decides not to cancel CCS just in case they send Archie to child care later.

26 weeks pass and Archie has not attended care once in that period.

Archie is no longer eligible for CCS and Dave’s CCS cancels from the CCS Monday after the end of the 26 weeks.

See timeline below:

  • 18/04/2023 - Claim lodged (claim DDOR 03/04/2023)
  • 1/10/2023 - 26 week milestone, Archie has not had a session of care in 26 weeks
  • 2/10/2023 - CCS Monday after the 26 milestone

In this scenario, Archie has not attended care for at least 26 weeks. CCS cancels from 2 October 2023 as this is the CCS Monday following the 26th week since Archie became CCS eligible.

If Caroline and Dave decide to send Archie to child care in the future, they will need to lodge a new claim for CCS.


26 week rule - Initial cancellation upon implementation + Read more ...

Albert and Minerva have two children, John and Sam. John currently goes to primary school and Sam attends child care. Sam’s last attendance at child care was on the 06/01/2021.

Albert and Minerva decide to no longer send Sam to child care as Albert is working from home. From the 11/07/2022 Sam will no longer be eligible for child care as Sam has not had a session of care in the last 26 weeks. Even though Sam has a gap of more than 26 weeks since last attending, CCS will cancel from 11 July 2022 when the new rules commence.

See timeline below:

  • 6/01/2021 - Last session of care attended by Sam
  • 10/07/2022 - 26 week milestone
  • 11/07/2022 - CCS Monday after the 26 week milestone


26 week rule - New session of care (after cancellation occurs) + Read more ...

Albert and Minerva receive their cancellation letter advising their CCS eligibility for Sam has ceased from the 11/07/2022 as Sam did not use child care for 26 weeks or more.

Albert and Minerva accept the cancellation and don’t need to reclaim CCS as Albert will be working from home and can watch Sam. However, Albert remembers sending Sam to child care in April. Albert logs onto their Centrelink online account but can see there was no session of care reported in April.

Albert contacts the child care centre and is advised they made a mistake and forgot to report the session of care Sam attended in April. The child care centre advised Albert, they will submit this straight away.

As the CCS cancellation occurred from 11/07/2022, and Sam was eligible prior to this date, Albert is still entitled to CCS for the session of care in April. Once the session of care is submitted by the child care service, any arrears owed will be paid directly to Albert.


26 week rule - Withdrawn session of care + Read more ...

Jeff and Kristin have started sending their child Evie to child care. Evie began child care on the 22/6/2022. Jeff and Kristin stop sending Evie to child care on 21/8/2022 as one of their parents will help care for Evie while they are working. From the 20/2/2023, Evie’s eligibility for CCS is ceased as Evie has not attended a session of care in at least 26 weeks.

Jeff and Kristin are contacted by Evie’s child care advising they made a mistake on their attendance records and need to withdraw sessions of care for Evie. The child care advised they recorded sessions of care for Evie on the 8/8/2022 and 19/8/2022 when Evie actually did not attend. Evie’s actual last attendance was 24/7/2022. This means that Evie reached the 26 week milestone earlier as Evie did not attend a session of care in the week ending 21/8/2022.

As the 26 week cancellation is a point in time cancellation and is not retrospectively applied, Evie’s CCS cancellation date will not change and will remain the 20/2/2023. Any debt for the incorrect sessions will be raised against the child care service.


26 week rule - Change in higher CCS rate + Read more ...

Sonam and Dechen have 2 children, Oliver aged 5 and Ava aged 2, who attend child care. Oliver goes to Outside School Hours Care. Ava goes to Centre Based Day Care.

Sonam is eligible for higher CCS as they have more than 2 children aged 5 or under. Oliver as the ‘standard rate child’ is entitled to 65% CCS, Ava as the ‘higher rate child’ is eligible for 95% CCS.

Oliver stopped attending care 26 weeks ago and Oliver's CCS eligibility is now cancelled. As Oliver is no longer CCS eligible, Sonam and Dechen only have 1 CCS eligible child aged 5 and under, they are no longer entitled to a higher rate of CCS.

Ava is entitled to 65% CCS from the CCS Monday following the 26 week rule cancellation for Oliver.