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Deemed refusals for Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) 007-17103146

This document outlines information about Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) deemed referrals.

ACCS payments where deemed refusals can apply

Deemed refusal decisions can be applied to Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (temporary financial hardship) applications lodged by the customer.

When a deemed refusal is applied

The system will apply a deemed refusal if an eligibility determination has not been made within 28 days of lodgement of the ACCS application/request for determination.

Applicants are not notified when a deemed refusal is applied, but will be notified of the outcome of their application/determination once it has been processed.

Processing deemed refusal applications

When an application/determination is deemed refused, it is automatically assigned for assessment/review to appropriately skilled Service Officers as a high priority in Workload Manager.

Until a decision is made to reject or grant the ACCS application, CCS payments will continue (where eligible).

When processing the application/determination, the start date will be determined using the original date of lodgement. The Resources page has examples of deemed refusals and start dates following processing.

An application cannot be made ‘not effective’ once it has been deemed refused.

The Resources page has examples of when a deemed refusal is applied, and the start dates determined once the application is processed.

Additional Child Care Subsidy (temporary financial hardship)