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Processing Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (grandparent) applications 007-17103156

This document outlines information about how to process an application and assess evidence for ACCS (grandparent).

For ACCS Processing Team (ACCPT) Service Officers only.

On this page:

Reviewing the claim status and information

Reviewing existing evidence to determine evidence requirements

Actions required in Process Direct to process ACCS (grandparent) applications

Reviewing the claim status and information

Table 1




Lodgement of claim or documentation + Read more ...

Applications for ACCS (grandparent) can be made via:

  • Online claim for CCS/ACCS (grandparent)
  • Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) for CCS/ACCS (grandparent)
  • Online standalone application for ACCS (grandparent)
  • FA084 Claim for Child Care Subsidy form

ACCS claims/applications

ACCS combined claims are processed by the ACCS Processing Team (ACCSPT). Staff are not to process ACCS claims unless they are members of an ACCSPT. This includes combined CCS/ACCS claims where the ACCS component is embedded within the CCS claim.

The work item will be mapped to appropriately trained staff. If a Service Officer is allocated an ACCS work item they are not trained to action, they need to unassign it and return it back to the national allocation pool.

See Work Optimiser for staff for further information on assigning a claim.


Locate claim + Read more ...

Locate work item in Process Direct.

Combined CCS/ACCS (grandparent) claim + Read more ...

  • Select the work item to go to the Transaction Summary (TS) screen
  • Review the information provided by the customer
  • Select Open left slider; Close right slider and Enter full screen to view the Claim Summary in a new window. If it is blank, press [F5] to refresh the page. Note: if the claim remains blank, it may indicate a Social Application (SOA) has been created. See Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims
  • When a claim is submitted online or via the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC), a CCS new claim work item is generated on the customer's record. This contains all the claim information provided by the customer online or entered into the ACC
  • This will display as a Claim work item through WLM
  • Go to Step 4

If the combined CCS/ ACCS (grandparent) claim is regenerated, it will reset the claim to the information provided by the customer when they submitted the claim online. Review any Notes or DOCs for any documentation on withdrawal of ACCS (grandparent) component. Note: standalone ACCS (grandparent) applications cannot be regenerated.

Standalone ACCS (grandparent) application + Read more ...

  • When a CCS current customer submits an ACCS (grandparent) standalone application via online services, this will present as a work item and display as a Change of Circumstances transaction
  • To view the information provided in the standalone ACCS (grandparent) application:
    • enter the transaction ID in the Process Direct inbox, or select the transaction ID from the Transactions icon in the Customer Summary
    • expand the related documents pane by selecting Documents
    • open the text/html receipt image. Scroll across if there are several images on file
  • There are no standalone verbal applications for ACCS (grandparent). CCP/CUR customers must lodge ACCS (grandparent) applications via their online account
  • Go to Step 5

FA084 paper claim application + Read more ...

When an Application for Additional Child Care Subsidy (grandparent) (FA084) is scanned to the customer's record, a Social Online Application (SOA) will be created. Staff will need to manually code the information directly into a SOA using details from the paper claim.

See Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims if a SOA has not been indexed.

A scanned FA084 form will display as a Claim Work Item through WLM.

Go to Step 3.


FA084 lodged + Read more ...

Check all questions on the FA084. The form should include ACCS (grandparent) details for each relevant child.

Is the FA084 complete?

  • Yes, and the customer:
    • has not indicated a change in child or partner relationships on the FA084, see Table 2, Step 1
    • has indicated a change in child or partner relationships on the FA084, go to Step 4
  • No, try to contact the customer by phone to obtain missing information. Before calling, use Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC) to advise the customer they will be receiving a phone call. If contact is unsuccessful and:
    • missing information can be obtained verbally, in Customer First, issue a Q164 letter
    • documentation is required, in Customer First, issue the customer a Q888 letter as outlined in Operational Blueprint letters and electronic messaging
    • Record details in a Progress Note. Note: first complete pre-processing checks to make sure any other outstanding information or documentation is requested. Go to Step 4


Review/update Relationships + Read more ...

Partner and child relationships must be reviewed/updated before starting to process a CCS claim.

Relationship updates must be done before selecting Process, otherwise significant errors will present during claim processing.

See Table 3 in Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims to review claim relationships.

Go to Step 5


Review Notes/DOCs + Read more ...

Select the Notes Icon or go to the Document List (DL) screen. Thoroughly review the customer's record and review relevant documents such as:

  • Claim Progress DOC
  • Display on Access (DOA) DOCs
  • Previous claim Notes or DOCs
  • Requests for information issued
  • Any notes that may help in assessing the claim
  • Outcomes of previous claims lodged

For further information relating to Progress Note/DOCs and details of information to be recorded, see Families and Child Care (FCC) processing principles.

Has the customer indicated they would like to withdraw:

  • their ACCS (grandparent) claim or application, or
  • the ACCS (grandparent) component from their CCS/ACCS claim (resulting in a CCS claim)?

Note: where the customer has withdrawn a combined ACCS claim (CCS/ACCS/Family Tax Benefit (FTB)/Paid Parental Leave (PPL)) on line in its entirety, the withdrawal DOC on the customer's record will be titled 'FAO Online Claim Withdrawn'.


Withdrawal of ACCS claim/application + Read more ...

Customers may withdraw an effective claim/application for CCS at any time before their payment is granted.

A customer can withdraw their claim in writing, verbally, or online.

When a customer chooses to withdraw a claim, the claim is taken never to have been made, unless they are withdrawing the ACCS component where ACCS/CCS claim has been lodged.

Before withdrawing, check for any notification of change of circumstances which may affect the customer's existing CCS or ACCS. If a customer has advised of a change of circumstances affecting payment and is now withdrawing that component:

  • contact the customer to discuss, and
  • update where necessary

To withdraw a standalone claim/application or SOA:

  • Select the Status icon
  • Select Edit
  • Change Status to Withdrawn
  • Document the outcome via Notes with the following:
    • ACCS (grandparent) WITHDRAWN: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999
    • Reason application Withdrawn: [inserted details provided from customer]
    • A Withdrawn claim is not appealable. The customer will need to lodge a new ACCS (grandparent) application if they wish to be assessed again for this payment

If a combined CCS/ACCS claim has been lodged, and the customer only requests to withdraw the ACCS component:

  • Delete the provisional duplicate entry on the CHGA table within the combined claim
  • Action the combined claim as per normal process
  • Record in the CCS claim outcome DOC, the duplicate CHGA component was cancelled with no change to original ACCS (grandparent) assessment outcome

If a combined CCS/ACCS claim has withdrawn, and the customer requests to withdraw both the CCS and ACCS components:

  • Select the Status icon
  • Select Edit
  • Change Status to Withdrawn
  • Document the outcome via Notes with the following:
    • CCS/ACCS (grandparent) WITHDRAWN: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999
    • Claim ID:
    • Date of claim: [insert date claim submitted]
    • Reason application Withdrawn: [inserted details provided from customer]

A Withdrawn claim is not appealable. The customer will need to lodge a new CCS/ACCS (grandparent) claim if they wish to be assessed again for this payment

If the CCS claim is a combined CCS/Family Tax Benefit (FTB)/Paid Parental Leave (PPL) claim, see Table 2 in Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims

Procedure ends here.

Reviewing existing evidence to determine evidence requirements

Table 2




Viewing evidence + Read more ...

Check for any scanned documents lodged to support the ACCS claim/application:

  • select the relevant document icons at the bottom of the expanded Claim Summary, or
  • select Quick link at bottom left to view scanned images linked to the application, or
  • select the Documents icon

Review past documents and any documents linked to the claim. Determine if they are enough to assess the application for ACCS (grandparent).

While the process used for FTB to determine relationship and care percentage is also used for ACCS (grandparent), when assessing an application:

  • do not use whether a grandparent claims or does not claim FTB as a condition for ACCS (grandparent) eligibility
  • apply these 2 tests as per legislation the grandparent:
    • provides all or at least 65% of ongoing daily care for the child, and
    • has substantial autonomy for the day to day decisions about the child's care, welfare and development


Grandparent relationship and evidence requirements + Read more ...

A grandparent or a great-grandparent is defined as someone who is:

  • the biological grandparent/great grandparent of the child, or
  • a grandparent/great-grand parent as a result of:
    • adoption
    • step-parent relationships (including former partners)
    • artificial conception procedures
    • de-facto relationship, or
    • surrogacy arrangements

Note: kinship carer relationships do not meet the definition of grandparent for the purposes of ACCS (grandparent).

For ACCS (grandparent), the grandparent relationship is not based solely on the Child Relationships (CHRE) page. Customers are identified for ACCS (grandparent) if they advise in their CCS claim they are the grandparent of the child. Customers receiving CCS for a child they did not indicate in their CCS claim they (or their partner) were a grandparent of, will need to complete a new CCS claim indicating they are a grandparent and wish to apply for ACCS (grandparent).

If a grandparent relationship has already been established using evidence previously provided no further evidence is required. Grandparent relationship cannot be assessed solely on discussions with the customer or prior verbal confirmation.

Evidence for great-grandparent relationships must support all relevant relationship links existing between the child and the great-grandparent. Therefore, the customer may be required to supply multiple documents to allow the great-grandparent connection to be clearly established.


  • the relationship has not previously been determined or established correctly using evidence previously provided
  • evidence is required to make the determination that a grandparent relationship exists

For more information about evidence requirements, see ACCS (grandparent) eligibility and applications.


Percentage of care and substantial autonomy of day to day decisions of care + Read more ...

If evidence has previously been provided to support both the percentage of care and autonomy of decision making, and it is accessible on the customer's record, no further evidence is required, unless:

  • the evidence is no longer current (for example' Court Order has expired),or
  • it does not align with current circumstances (for example' document indicates customer has 100% care, but current arrangements are recorded as 70% care)

A grandparent must have substantial autonomy for the day-to-day decisions about the child's care, welfare and development. This means they generally have the power to make decisions without consulting with the child's parents, when the child is in the grandparent's care.

Customers are required to provide evidence to verify substantial autonomy, if it is not detailed in other evidence on hand such as court orders or parenting plans. For more information about evidence requirements see ACCS (grandparent) eligibility and applications.


  • FTB current status where no evidence is held on file is not enough to establish care and substantial autonomy of day to day decisions of care for the relevant child. More evidence is required
  • If relying on evidence previously provided, it must be accessible and reviewed to assess an ACCS (grandparent) application. If it is not accessible, the customer is required to provide evidence for the applicable criteria
  • If a single document (such as a Court Order) states the customer is the grandparent, has 65% or more of care of the child , and has substantial responsibility for day to day decisions for the child, this is sufficient evidence to assess an ACCS (grandparent) application, no further evidence is required

Residing at same residence as biological parent

Formal care is where the change of care is legally authorised and involves a change in legal responsibility (whether day-to-day and/or long term). It needs to be supported by documentation from a state/territory child welfare authority or a court from another jurisdiction e.g. family law court from the federal jurisdiction. These documents from the state authority or the court order will determine who has the legal right to care for the child.

Informal care is a private arrangement between the parent and another party, where there is no change to any form of legal responsibility.

If the grandparent resides at the same residence as the biological parent, and the care is regarded as informal, in most situations, except where a parent can be shown to have lost their capacity to care for the child or exercise legal responsibility for the child, the child cannot be deemed in care of the grandparent.

Commonwealth statutory declarations

Third party evidence is preferred over a commonwealth statutory declaration to ensure the reliability of the percentage care and substantial autonomy, given the significant financial benefit provided by ACCS (grandparent).

If a commonwealth statutory declaration has been submitted, Service Officers are to compare the information in the commonwealth statutory declaration with other evidence held on the customer's record (for FTB and Child Support ):

  • If the information aligns, evidence will be for ACCS (grandparent)
  • If information does not align, check/discuss with the other carer to confirm the percentage as per current process
  • If information is not confirmed, commence a disputed care process. For more information see Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for FTB

See the Resources page for more examples of principal carer and autonomy of decision making for ACCS (grandparent).

Has the customer provided enough evidence, or is enough evidence accessible on the customer's record, to assess the ACCS (grandparent) applications?


Requesting further evidence to assess ACCS (grandparent) + Read more ...

If the customer has not lodged suitable evidence, or the Service Officer is unable to find suitable evidence on the customer's record to support the ACCS (grandparent) application, further evidence is to be requested.

Requests for information that require documentation must be by written notice. If matter is urgent call the customer, but a written request must also be sent.

Before calling use Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC) to let the customer know they will be receiving a phone call.

The request document service in Process Direct must not be used for CCS/ACCS.

To request further documentation or information for CCS/ACCS:

Procedure ends here.

Actions required in Process Direct to process ACCS (grandparent) applications

Table 3




ACCS application type + Read more ...

If processing a:


Combined CCS/ACCS (grandparent) claims + Read more ...

After completing the ACCS (grandparent) pre-claim checks and with all provided evidence on hand, see Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims for details on assessing the CCS claim component. Return to this step to assess the ACCS component.

Select Process to start processing the new claim.

The CCS Task Selector should pre-select the CHGA - ACCS Grandparent assessment task in addition to other CCS screens that require updating/checking. Otherwise, go to the ACCS Grand Parent (CHGA) screen.

Go to Step 4.


Standalone ACCS (grandparent) application + Read more ...

Standalone ACCS (grandparent) applications display to staff as a Change of Circumstances activity in Process Direct.


  • To view navigation icons, select Toggle icon display
  • If not already within the Change of Circumstance activity:
    • select Transactions icon and
    • select the Additional CCS Circumstance - ACCS Grandparent transaction
  • When in the Change of circumstance transaction, the Transaction Summary (TS) screen will display:
    • Select Process. The Errors (SWE) screen displays
    • Go to the ACCS Grand Parent (CHGA) screen > ACCS (Grandparent) Assessment table


Change in shared care percentage + Read more ...

If there is a shared care arrangement, the calculation of the percentage arrangement will be the same as assessments for Family Tax Benefit (FTB). For information on how to calculate the percentage of care, see Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for FTB.

The Resources page contains examples when a grandparent may or may not be deemed the principal carer of a grandchild.

Does the child in care percentage need to be updated?


Meeting definition of 'Grandparent' + Read more ...

Following the assessment of evidence provided, or accessible on file, if the Service Officer determines the customer (or their partner) does not meet the definition of 'grandparent', the customer is not eligible for ACCS (grandparent).

If the customer does not meet the definition of 'Grandparent', the recording of this outcome on the ACCS Grandparent (CHGA) table will result in the application being rejected.


Updating the ACCS Grandparent table + Read more ...

Open the ACCS Grandparent (CHGA) table to record assessment of evidence for the ACCS (grandparent) application. Select Edit/Add to display the Change Grandchild assessment screen:

  • Start Date: this will automatically populate based on the later of:
    • a maximum of 28 days prior to the date of lodgement to the start of a CCS fortnight
    • CCS start date
    • date the child entered care, or
    • the start date of the customer's (or partner's) income support payment
  • End Date: this will auto-populate with 31.12.9999
  • Claim ACCS Grandparent Indicator:
    • Yes should already be selected if the customer selected Yes
    • No, however if the customer has selected No but is already ACCS (grandparent) current for the child, change back to Yes to ensure ACCS (grandparent) is not cancelled. If they are not ACCS (grandparent) current for the child, they should be assessed for a Grandparent Activity Test exemption. For more information see Activity Test for CCS
  • Holding Substantial Autonomy Indicator: Select Yes or No as appropriate. If Yes is selected, and the customer does not receive an income support payment, they will be automatically assessed for an Activity Test exemption if they are a grandparent principal carer
  • Evidence provided: Select Yes (if evidence provided or existing information being used), or No if appropriate. If using evidence previously provided, Note: if No is selected, the claim will be made Not Effective
  • Grandparent Relationship: Select Yes or No as appropriate

Select Save.

Complete the above process for each grandchild nominated in the application. The responses may differ between children.


Receiving an income support payment + Read more ...

The system will automatically determine whether the customer is receiving an ACCS (grandparent) eligible income support payment. So no investigation or coding is required for ACCS (grandparent).


Finish and finalise claim + Read more ...

For combined CCS/ACCS (grandparent) applications, go to Step 9

For standalone ACCS (grandparent) applications, go to Step 10


Finalise combined CCA/ACCS (grandparent) claim + Read more ...

After reviewing evidence and recording the outcome of the ACCS (grandparent) application and addressing any other data exceptions (where applicable):

  • The CCS Task Selector will return to the Errors (SWE) screen, if not go to the SWE screen
  • Check Service Reason is CCP, then
  • Select Assess
  • If there are no errors, the Assessment Results screen will display. Note: if the Evidence field was coded as Not Provided, the claim will be made Not Effective and will not display on the Assessment Results screen
  • See Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims to check the Assessment Results of the CCS claim component
  • Select Finish
  • Notes will display

Make sure notes are recorded for the CCS component. The following details should automatically record. Do not finalise yet as the ACCS component notes still need to be recorded/checked:

  • If CCS has been granted for all or any child/ren, the claim notes are to include:
    • CCS granted: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999
    • Claim ID:
    • Date of claim: [insert date claim submitted]
    • Date of grant: [insert start date of CCS as determined by the system on Assessment Results]
    • Child/ren granted: If assessing a claim where the customer is already CCS current for all children listed in the subsequent claim, use the above grant details and note the claim is a duplicate/multiple. List details of any circumstances updated within the claim
  • If CCS has been rejected for all or any child/ren, the claim notes are to include:
    • CCS rejected: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999
    • Claim ID:
    • Date of claim: [insert date claim submitted]
    • Child/ren rejected:
    • Reason: [insert reason, e.g. Child over age]

If rejected, make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection DOC.

If ACCS (grandparent) is:


Finalise ACCS application/claim + Read more ...

After addressing data validations, including assessing evidence and recording updates to the CHGA Assessment Table:

  • Take note of the customer's CRN to access the record after the claim has been finalised
  • Go to the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Check Service Reason is CCP, then
  • Select Assess
  • Complete the Update Header Data - Receipt Date and Channel and select Save
  • The Assessment Results screen will display. Check the outcome is as expected. If the Evidence field is Not Provided, the claim will be made Not Effective and will not display on the Assessment results screen
  • Select Finish
  • Notes will display. If ACCS (grandparent) is:
  • If Notes has not displayed or if a manual Note needs to be recorded, go to Step 11


Record Notes for ACCS outcome + Read more ...

Go to the Document List (DL) screen or select the Notes icon and select Add note:

  • Category - Change of Circumstances
  • Summary - ACCS (grandparent) Granted/Rejected/NEF
  • Content - Copy and paste the text depending on the outcome of the application

If ACCS (grandparent) is:


Notes - ACCS (grandparent) granted + Read more ...

Select the appropriate note below.

Auto populated grant Note + Read more ...

For claims/applications where the text has auto-populated the following information will record. Edit as appropriate:

ACCS (grandparent) GRANTED: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999 for child [insert name of child]

  • ACCS Start date: [insert date ACCS is due to commence]

Copy, paste and edit the following text at the end of the auto-populated notes:

  • Evidence provided supports effective claim: YES
  • Evidence supports grandparent relationship: YES
  • Evidence supports 65% of more care of child: YES
  • Evidence supports substantial autonomy for day to day decisions: YES

Select Finalise/Save.

Go to Step 15.

Manually recorded grant Note + Read more ...

Copy, paste and edit the following information in Notes:

  • ACCS (grandparent) GRANTED: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999 for child [insert name of child]
  • ACCS (grandparent) Start date: [insert date ACCS commenced]
  • Evidence provided supports effective claim: YES
  • Evidence supports grandparent relationship: YES
  • Evidence supports 65% of more care of child: YES
  • Evidence supports substantial autonomy for day to day decisions: YES

Select Finalise/Save.

Go to Step 17.

ACCS (grandparent) granted at benefit level (ACCS/CUR), but rejected at child level + Read more ...

If ACCS (grandparent) has been rejected for other child/ren in the claim, copy, paste and edit the following:

  • ACCS (grandparent) REJECTED: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999
  • Child: [enter name and CRN]
  • Reason rejected: [enter full details of rejection. For example, customer does not meet the definition of Grandparent]

Make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection DOC.

Select Finalise/Save.

Go to Step 15.


Notes - ACCS (grandparent) rejected + Read more ...

Select the appropriate note below:

Auto populated rejection Note + Read more ...

For claims/applications where the text has auto-populated the following information will record:

  • ACCS (grandparent) REJECTED: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999 for child [insert name of child]
  • Reason rejected:

Copy, paste and edit the following text at the end of the auto-populated notes:

  • Evidence provided supports effective claim: YES
  • Evidence supports grandparent relationship: YES/NO
  • Evidence supports 65% of more care of child: YES/NO
  • Evidence supports substantial autonomy for day to day: YES/NO
  • Reason rejected:
  • Customer contacted: YES/NO [if no, detail attempts of contact]
  • Make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection DOC

Go to Step 15.

Manually recorded rejection Note + Read more ...

Copy, edit and paste the following information in Notes:

  • ACCS (grandparent) REJECTED: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999 for child [insert name of child]
  • Transaction ID:
  • Date of application: [insert date application submitted]
  • Evidence provided supports effective claim: YES
  • Evidence supports grandparent relationship: YES/NO
  • Evidence supports 65% of more care of child: YES/NO
  • Evidence supports substantial autonomy for day to day: YES/NO
  • Reason rejected:
  • Customer contacted: YES/NO [if no, detail attempts of contact]
  • Select Finalise/Save
  • Make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection DOC

Go to Step 15.


Notes - ACCS (grandparent) not effective + Read more ...

Copy, paste and edit the following information in Notes:

  • ACCS (grandparent) NOT EFFECTIVE: s85AA to 85GB FA Act 1999 for child [insert name of child]
  • All required evidence provided to support ACCS (grandparent) application: NO. [Insert details of missing information/nil response to requests]
  • A Not Effective claim is not appealable. The customer will need to lodge a new ACCS application if they wish to be assessed again for this payment
  • Customer contacted: YES/NO [if no, detail attempts of contact]

Select Finalise/Save.

Go to Step 17.


ACCS (grandparent) rejected as no autonomy of care + Read more ...

If ACCS (grandparent) was rejected because the customer/partner does not have autonomy of care, this may impact their FTB and/or income support payment (ISP).

Was ACCS (grandparent) rejected due to no autonomy of care and customer/partner receive FTB and/or ISP for the child?


Customer/partner receiving FTB and/or ISP for the child + Read more ...

If the customer/partner does not have autonomy of care of the child and they are receiving FTB and/or an ISP for that child:

  • Code the child out of care using Date of Event as 2 July 2018 for a transitional customer, or from date of claim if not a transitional customer. All coding should be completed in Customer First

If the customer has also been in receipt of FTB and/or an ISP/Grandparent Child Care Benefit (GCCB) for a past period:

Note: the above procedure does not apply if autonomy of care has been established, though the customer has less than 65% care of the grandchild.

Create a Fast Note, select Auto Text. Use Families > Updates > Change CHILD - Change in Care Status. Add the following text:

  • Customer claimed ACCS (grandparent) and within the assessment it was confirmed, based on the evidence provided, the customer (or their partner) does not have autonomy of care (day to day decisions about the child's care, welfare and development)

Check for additional ACCS (grandparent) applications, go to Step 17.


Check Outstanding Transactions for ACCS (grandparent) applications + Read more ...

Are there any additional ACCS (grandparent) applications in Outstanding Transactions?


Additional ACCS (grandparent) applications + Read more ...

If the customer has lodged additional applications for ACCS (grandparent), check if the customer has previously been assessed for the same period and children.

Is the application a duplicate with no change to eligibility?


Cancelling duplicate ACCS applications + Read more ...

To cancel a duplicate for a:

  • Combined claim:
    • Delete the provisional duplicate entry on the CHGA table within the combined claim
    • Action the combined claim as per normal process
    • Record in the CCS claim outcome DOC, the duplicate ACCS (grandparent) assessment component was cancelled with no change to the original assessment outcome
  • Standalone application:
    • Select Transactions
    • Select the duplicate claim ID and go to the Status icon
    • Select Change Status, update to Cancelled and Save
    • DOC the record the cancelled transaction ID/(s) are duplicate ACCS (grandparent) applications with no change to original assessment outcome