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Reviewing assessment outcomes for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) 007-20031136

This document outlines how staff can view current or previous assessment details. The CCS Social Services Plan (SSP) displays eligibility and entitlement details for each assessment.

On this Page:

Checking the current assessment outcome in Process Direct

Viewing previous assessment details in Customer First

Checking the current assessment outcome in Process Direct

Table 1




Access CCS SSP + Read more ...

Review the outcome before finalising a claim or reassessment:

  • Select Assess
  • The Assessment Results screen displays the Customer tab (see screenshot). Note: this is not the final outcome as the Assessment Results take a moment to load
  • Do not take any action until information displays in the Eligibility and Entitlements tables on the SSP tab. These display automatically (see screenshot)


Review Eligibility and Entitlement tables + Read more ...

Ensure the outcome is as expected for all children, including:

  • CCS and Additional Child Care Subsidy (if applicable) eligibility for each child
  • Activity Test Result, especially in relation to the updates made within the activity
  • Preschool additional hours (if applicable)
  • CCS percentage - Select the 'I' information hyperlink to display a breakout window with further information on how the CCS percentage has been calculated


Check provisional outcome + Read more ...

Scroll down to the Planned Payments table to view the provisional outcome of the claim/activity.

Any changes to CCS as a direct result of the assessed activity will display in the Provisional Activity column as either a positive or negative adjustment.

If no payment outcome is expected, for example, when the change will take effect from a future date, there will be nil amount (0.00) or No Data.

If arrears or a debt is generated, select the Net Amount. This opens a new Google Chrome browser page with the Provider and Customer Entitlement Overview.


Provider and Customer Entitlement Overview + Read more ...

This breaks down the customer’s weekly entitlement:

  • Paid to provider
    Amounts paid directly to the provider. Note: this includes withholdings which are not paid to the provider
    Select the icon in the column heading to view payment components. Hover the mouse over the Subsidy Type code to flash the full component name
  • Customer Entitlement
    Total monetary customer entitlement as at the date of the activity
  • Adjustment Amount
    Difference between Paid to Provider and Customer Entitlement. This can include adjustments from previously completed transactions
  • Arrears/Debt
    Amounts paid to the customer, or negative adjustments/shell debts raised throughout the year
  • Provisional Activity
    Amount that will generate when this activity is finalised. The result may affect previous financial years, resulting in re-reconciliation

Note: any arrears in the Provisional Activity column will offset any negative amounts in the Arrears/Debt column for the same week only.


To check reason for debt/arrears + Read more ...

  • Select the amount in the Adjustment Amount column for the relevant date
  • Select the Display Weekly Breakdown link
  • Scroll down to view Provider/Customer payments in the table below the Overview. This displays the Session reports for the relevant week with weekly breakdown details relevant to the changes that occurred
  • The Difference column displays a negative or positive adjustment hyperlink
  • The Adjustment Reason column shows the reason for the debt

For more explanation:

  • Select the Difference amount to view the Enrolment pop-up window
  • Details relating to the CCS assessment display in 2 columns:
    • Initial Assessment shows the customer's CCS amount as previously assessed
    • Changed Assessment shows the customer's CCS amount due to a change. Changes to the assessment as a result of the provisional activity will also display in red font to make them easier to see
  • The SSP List on the left can help identify which transaction resulted in the adjustment. It highlights the outcome of each transaction


Review customer and partner details + Read more ...

Select the Customer tab and Partner tab to check the effects of the CCS claim on other payments.

If an update within the CCS claim has affected eligibility to previous payments, a negative or positive adjustment displays (see screenshot example of an incorrect residency update causing partner Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) debt). Check details provided in the CCS claim. If the:

  • claim residence details differs from those previously recorded on the residency screens, correct to align with previous coding
  • new information is correct, contact the customer to confirm before accepting the new information, and advise the customer the impact this will have on their other payments
  • adjustment is incorrect, refer to Technical Support Model if assistance is required to determine why the adjustment has occurred. If a manual adjustment to the rate needs to be further applied, for example, to zero a negative adjustment, reduce a negative adjustment or adjust arrears:
    • navigate to the Rate Summary tab
    • under the Customer Daily Rate Component (RAC) details, locate the rate component line(s) which need further adjusting
    • key the amount required in the Man Adj $ field and select appropriate reason from the dropdown box
    • select Apply Adjustments
    • navigate to the Customer (or Partner, if relevant) tab to check adjustment has applied
    • any adjustments to other payments will need to be recorded within the Claim Assessment DOC, including a full explanation of the circumstances and why the adjustment has occurred


Is the CCS outcome correct? + Read more ...

Ensure the provisional changes reflect the intended updates and that any CCS arrears/debts can be fully explained.

  • Yes, finalise the activity
    • Select Finish then Finalise to complete the activity
    • Take note of the Transaction ID to include in the Note
    • Any negative adjustments should be recorded in the claim or reassessment outcome Note
  • No, do not finalise the activity
    • Check the updates to ensure they are correct. Update as appropriate
    • If the outcome is still not as expected or cannot be explained, and all dates are recorded correctly, do not attempt any other unapproved workarounds (for example, deleting all data). Follow the usual escalation process to enable any ICT issues to be identified. If necessary, place the activity On Hold pending investigation

Viewing previous assessment details in Customer First

Table 2




Access CCS SSP + Read more ...

In Customer First, select the CRN/BP hyperlink.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and under the Cases tab, select the CCS Benefit Case hyperlink.


SSP screen + Read more ...

Select the Social Services tab.

The Created on date is the date the relevant decision was made.

If all transactions do not display, select the Expand icon to view all decisions.

Select the decision for the relevant date.


Planned Payments screen + Read more ...

This screen displays eligibility and entitlement details for the assessment that occurred on the decision date.

View Entitlement Items by selecting the Expand All icon:

  • Activity Test fortnight hours
  • CCS withholding percentage
  • CCS school age indicator
  • CCS percentage
  • MCS percentage, if applicable
  • CCS annual cap
  • Period/dates the amount applies

There may be multiple periods of varying rates.

The Determined by column shows who/what performed the update. Reassessments may be forced by the system, or triggered by the customer or a Service Officer:

  • User ID (logon) - internal user
  • ISUSER - update in ISIS (Customer First)
  • DHS_Batch - auto activity or a forced system reassessment
  • ALEREMOTE - the customer used the Centrelink Express Plus mobile app
  • WCEM2ABAP - the customer used their Centrelink online account


Decision Data - navigating between decision dates + Read more ...

These links in the Decision Data table can be used to navigate between decision dates:

  • Previous Decision
  • Follow-Up Decision