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Payment recovery for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream 012-10010100

This document outlines the process for recovering overpaid funds.

On this page:

Recover an overpayment - Service Officer

Recover an overpayment - Recovery Officer

Voluntary reimbursement - Recovery Officer

Recover an overpayment - Service Officer

Table 1




Identify overpayment – Service Officer + Read more ...

Is the recovery for a payment quarter since 2018 and PIP After Hours Incentive, Procedural GP payment, or WIP – Practice Stream?

  • Yes, email Incentives Recoveries to check if the practice is subject to audit or compliance activity by Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC). Include:
    • practice name
    • practice ID
    • GP name/s for Procedural GP Payments
    • GP name and provider number for ACAI
    • reason for the overpayment
    • period of the overpayment
    • amount of the overpayment
    • eHealth Incentive amount paid (if applicable)
  • No, go to Step 3


Identify overpayment - Recoveries Officer + Read more ...

Is the overpayment quarter/s since 2018 and for PIP After Hours Incentive, Procedural GP Payment or WIP – Practice Stream?

  • Yes, email Program Management and confirm:
    • which incentive the recovery is for
    • how Services Australia was notified
    • the impacted payment quarters and amount of recovery
    • the date the practice became ineligible for the incentive or payment tier/level
    • if the practice was eligible for a lower payment tier/level
    • for Procedural GP payments, the name of the GPs
  • No, return to the Service Officer for action

Policy will confirm the below:

  • If the practice is subject to a general audit
  • If the practice is subject to an eHealth Incentive compliance review
  • The amount to recover for PIP and/or WIP - Practice Stream. Go to Step 3

If the overpayment relates to the GP Aged Care Access Incentive (GP ACAI):

  • Program Management (Payments team) will confirm the amount to recover, or
  • The practice will submit a correspondence detailing the overpayment

Once the GP ACAI recovery amount is advised, go to Step 3.


Overpayment information and summary sheet (IP032) + Read more ...

Download the Practice Incentives Overpayment information and summary sheet (IP032) from the Resources page.


Practice details + Read more ...

Key the below details:

  • PIP and/or WIP - Practice Stream practice ID at Questions 1 and 2
  • Practice name at Question 3
  • Name of ownership entity (individual proprietor or company name) at Question 3 (practice recovery only)
  • Date of lodgement at Question 5
  • Provider number at Question 6 (if applicable)
  • Provider name at Question 7 (if applicable)


Debtor contact details + Read more ...

Key the below details for the debtor:

  • Full name at Question 8
  • Postal address at Question 9
  • Daytime and Mobile phone number (if applicable) at Question 10


Recovery details + Read more ...

Specify the reason(s) for the recovery at Question 11.

Select the right tick box and key the below details:

  • Practice closure:
    • Practice name - closed practice
    • Date the practice ceased operating
  • Changes to practice eligibility:
    • Details of eligibility criteria
    • Date the practice’s eligibility details changed
  • Changes to individual incentive eligibility:
    • Incentive tier level (if applicable)
    • Details of incentive eligibility changes
    • Date the individual incentive eligibility details changed

If the above recovery reasons are not applicable, specify the reason(s) for the recovery at Question 14.

Key the date when PIP/WIP - Practice Stream Online was updated at Question 12.


Overpayment details + Read more ...

Select/key the below details at Question 13:

  • Program
  • Payment Quarter
  • Payment Year
  • Overpayment amount
  • RRMA and/or MMM classification. To find the classification:
    • Select Practice Summary from the Main menu
    • The RRMA or MMM classification is listed
  • RRMA and/or MMM rural loading percentage:
    • This is on the most recent payment advice under Rural Support Stream for the PIP and Rural loading for the WIP - Practice Stream
  • Rural loading amount:
    • PIP formula: total amount of overpayment x RRMA rural loading percentage
    • WIP - Practice Stream formula: total amount of overpayment x MMM rural loading percentage

The Total column will automatically calculate with the total overpayment amount.


Additional comments and Service Officer details + Read more ...

Key any additional comments to assist the Recoveries Officer at Question 14.

Key the below details at Question 15:

  • Full name
  • Operator number

Save the documents in:
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/Practice Overpayment Details SA Staff

Use the naming convention:
Practice ID XXXXX_PROGRAM_SO Operator Number_Date,

For example, Practice ID 12345_PIP_P70537_23052017


Upload IP032 to PaNDA + Read more ...

Launch PaNDA desktop icon:

  • Select PaNDA Document Upload tile under the DoHAC Services Menu
  • Upload Type Field – select Create New Work Item using the drop down menu
  • Document Upload – select Browse (pop up will display to select document)
  • Date of Lodgement defaults to today’s date
  • Program – select Incentives using the drop down menu
  • Work Type – select Recovery/Voluntary Reimbursement for the relevant program using the drop down menu
  • Case ID and Processing Notes may be added but are not mandatory
  • Select Upload to submit the new work into the PaNDA allocation tool

Recover an overpayment - Recovery Officer

Table 2




Check the Overpayment information and summary sheet (IP032) + Read more ...

Confirm the below details:

  • practice details
  • correct debtor
  • overpayment quarters
  • reason/s for the overpayment
  • total amount to recover

Discuss any errors with the relevant Service Officer and return for correction.


Debt Advice Notice (DAN) + Read more ...

Open the Debt Advice Notice (DAN) from:
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/Recovery Letters and Forms


Debtor’s details + Read more ...

Key the below details:

  • Debtor’s Name for a:
    • practice recovery, individual proprietor or company name
    • provider recovery, practitioner’s full name
  • Practice No, practice ID
  • Provider No (if applicable)
  • Debtor’s Mail Contact Address (Postal Address)
    • practice recovery, key the authorised contact person’s name if a company name has been keyed as the Debtor’s Name
  • Telephone (BH) (daytime phone number)
  • Mobile (if applicable)
  • Email (if applicable)


Debt details + Read more ...

Key the below details:

  • Total amount of debt
  • Amount for this Financial Year (including general ledger (GL) codes)
  • Rural loading for this Financial Year (including GL codes)
  • Amount for previous Financial Year (including GL codes)
  • Justification of/Reasons for Debt
  • Background, additional comments to assist the Recoveries Officer

The GL Codes are at
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/General Ledger Codes


Finalise the IP032 and the DAN + Read more ...

Key the below details:

  • Prepared by (operator’s name)
  • Date

Save the documents in:
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/Practice Overpayment Details SA Staff

Use the naming convention:
Practice ID XXXXX_PROGRAM_SO Operator Number_Date,

For example, Practice ID 12345_PIP_P70537_23052017


Overpayment letter + Read more ...

Send the relevant overpayment letter(s) below to the debtor(s).

See complete a standard letter template for help.

Save the letter:

  • Select File > Save As
  • Go to a chosen or temporary folder
  • Rename the File name as the practice ID
  • Select PDF (*.pdf) from the Save as type drop down > Save


Merge the documents + Read more ...

Merge the below documents in the below order:

  • Overpayment information and summary sheet (IP032)
  • Debt Advice Notice (DAN)
  • Overpayment letter


Add a comment + Read more ...

Add a comment to the practice profile.

  • Select Comments from the Main menu
  • The Comments screen displays

Under Add new comment:

  • Select/key the below details:
    • Area: Eligibility
    • Reason: Other
    • Comments: Payment recovery for ‘Payment Quarter’ and ‘Incentive type’ for the amount of ‘Overpayment amount’. Sent to Medicare debt recovery DD/MM/YYYY P#####
  • Select Add comment

Add a comment to PIP Online and WIP - Practice Stream Online if the recovery relates to the PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream.


Quality control + Read more ...

Engage a second Recovery Officer to quality check the merged documents.

Amend the documents if there is an error.


Email Medicare debt recovery + Read more ...

Email the documents to Medicare Debt Recovery from the payment incentive recoveries email box.


Finalise recovery + Read more ...

Move the recovery documents to:
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/Practice Overpayment Details SA Staff/Actioned

Record the recovery details in the Recovery Statistics spreadsheet:

Upload all recovery documents to the practice profile and finalise the work item:

For a practice recovery:

Voluntary reimbursement - Recovery Officer

Table 3




Audit and compliance check + Read more ...

Is the reimbursement for a payment quarter since 2018?

Note: voluntary reimbursements for incentives other than After Hours Incentive, Procedural GP Payment or WIP – Practice Stream do not need to be escalated for a compliance check.


Debt Advice Notice (DAN) + Read more ...

Open the Debt Advice Notice (DAN) from:
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/Recovery Letters and Forms


Debtor’s details + Read more ...

Key the below details:

  • Debtor’s Name, for a:
    • practice recovery, individual proprietor or company name
    • provider recovery, practitioner’s full name
  • Practice No, practice ID
  • Provider No (If applicable)
  • Debtor’s Mail Contact Address (Postal Address)
    • Practice recovery, key the authorised contact person’s name if a company has been keyed in the Debtor’s name field
  • Telephone (BH) (daytime phone number)
  • Mobile (If applicable)
  • Email (If applicable)


Debt details + Read more ...

Key the below details in the appropriate fields:

  • Total amount of debt (total amount of Overpayment)
  • Amount for this Financial Year (including general ledger (GL) codes)
  • Rural loading for this Financial Year (including GL codes) (if applicable)
  • Amount for previous Financial Year (including GL codes)
  • Justification of/Reasons for Debt
  • Background (additional information if required)

The GL Codes are at:
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/General Ledger Codes


Finalise the DAN + Read more ...

Key the below details:

  • Prepared by (operator’s name)
  • Date

Save the documents in:
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/Voluntary Reimbursement

Use the naming convention:
PIP/WIP - Practice Stream practice ID XXXXX_PROGRAM_P######_Date.

For example, Practice ID 12345_PIP_P70537_23052017


Review voluntary reimbursement notification + Read more ...

Review the voluntary reimbursement notification.

Determine if the total overpayment amount is received by cheque.

Is the cheque for the total overpayment amount?


Overpayment letter + Read more ...

Send the appropriate overpayment letter to the debtor.

See complete a standard letter template for help.

Save the letter:

  • Select File > Save As
  • Go to a chosen or temporary folder
  • Rename the File name as the practice ID
  • Select PDF (*.pdf) from the Save as type drop down > Save


Acknowledgement letter + Read more ...

Request a free text letter to confirm the overpayment and to acknowledge the reimbursement to the debtor.

See complete a standard letter template for help.

Save the documents:

  • Select File > Save As
  • Go to a chosen or temporary folder
  • Rename the file name as the practice ID
  • Select PDF (*.pdf) from the Save as type drop down > Save


Receipt cheque + Read more ...

Complete the Medicare receipt book.

The Medicare receipt book will create 3 receipts:

  • Original receipt, attach this to the Voluntary Reimbursement Acknowledgement letter and send to the debtor
  • Blue receipt, send this to Medicare Debt Recovery in Step 13
  • Pink receipt, leave this in the Medicare receipt book

Get approval and a signature on the receipt by a Team Leader.


Scan and merge documentation + Read more ...

Scan and merge the documents in the below order:

  • DAN
  • Overpayment letter (if the cheque amount is less than the total overpayment amount only)
  • All correspondences from the practice/provider
  • Cheque
  • Signed receipt (Blue receipt)
  • Voluntary Reimbursement Acknowledgment letter

Do not merge internal emails.


Add a comment + Read more ...

Add a comment to the practice profile.

Select Comments from the Main menu to view the Comments screen. Under Add new comment:

  • Select/key the below details:
    • Area: Eligibility
    • Reason: Other
    • Comments: Voluntary reimbursement for ‘Payment Quarter’ and ‘Incentive type’ for the amount of ‘Overpayment amount’. Sent to Medicare debt recovery DD/MM/YYYY P#####
  • Select Add comment

Add a comment to PIP Online and WIP - Practice Stream Online if the recovery relates to the PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream.


Quality control + Read more ...

Engage a second Recovery Officer to quality check the merged documents.

Amend the documents if there is an error.


Email and Jobstream to Medicare debt recovery + Read more ...

Email the below merged documents to Medicare Debt Recovery from the Payment incentive recoveries mailbox:

  • DAN
  • Overpayment letter (if the cheque amount is less than the total overpayment amount only)
  • All correspondences from the practice/provider
  • Cheque
  • Receipt (Blue receipt)
  • Voluntary Reimbursement Acknowledgment letter

Job stream all documents to Medicare Debt Recovery in the above order.

Include all overpayment details including whether the voluntary reimbursement was less or more than the total overpayment amount.


Upload documents and finalise the recovery + Read more ...

Move the recovery documents to:
G:INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/Voluntary Recoveries/Overpayment Details SA Staff/Actioned

Record the recovery details in the Recovery Statistics spreadsheet:
G: INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Recoveries/Statistics

Upload all recovery documents to the practice profile.