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Registration for payments subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST) for eServices 012-19061425

This page contains information for Service Officers to process application forms for Goods and Services Tax (GST) registrations on Mainframe.

On this Page:

Assess the form for processing and check the validity of a provider's Australian Business Number (ABN) and GST status

Processing the Notification of ABN and reference IDs for tax treatment purposes and Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) agreement form

Processing the Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) agreement form

Processing the Changes or additions to existing notifications of ABN and Medicare Australia Reference IDs for tax treatment purposes form

Assess the form for processing and check the validity of a provider's Australian Business Number (ABN) and GST status

Table 1: This table describes how Service Officers assess that the form has been completed and is ready for processing.




Check form for the signature of the authorised person + Read more ...

Is the application signed?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No
    • Reject the application
    • Advise the provider of the outcome via email or phone
    • Note action taken in PaNDA
    • Finalise with status complete - request rejected
    • Procedure ends here

Note: if assessing the Notification of ABN and reference IDs for tax treatment purposes and Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) agreement form (Medicare), the signature can either be of the ‘authorised person’ or the ‘authorised contact person’.


Access the Australian Business Register- ABN Lookup website + Read more ...

Search for the Australian Business Number (ABN) provided on the form on the ABN Lookup website.

The Resources page contains a link to the ABN Lookup website.

On the ABN Lookup page:

  • Search by ABN listed on the form
  • Press Enter

Search results screen will display.

Is the ABN valid?

  • Yes,
    • Check the status and date of the ABN
    • Check the GST Registration and date
      Note: for the Medicare form ensure the Goods and Services Tax (GST) status at Q8 of the form matches the data on the ABR website. If this does not match, reject the application, advise the provider of the outcome via email or phone. Note action taken in PaNDA, and finalise with status complete - request rejected. Procedure ends here
    • Confirm if ABN has a tax exemption -check for Charity Tax Concession Status. If GST Concession is displayed, the ABN is tax exempt. If there is no GST exemption the Charity Tax Concession field will not appear on the screen
    • Go to Step 3
  • No
    • Reject the application
    • Advise the provider of the outcome via email or phone
    • Note action taken in PaNDA
    • Finalise with status complete - request rejected
    • Procedure ends here


Check if Services Australia Reference ID/DVA supplier number supplied + Read more ...

Has a Services Australia Reference ID/DVA supplier number been supplied on the form?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No,
    • Reject the application
    • Advise the provider of the outcome via email or phone
    • Note action taken in PaNDA
    • Finalise with status complete- request rejected
    • Procedure ends here


Check if Authorised contact details have been supplied + Read more ...

Have the Authorised contact details been supplied on the form?

Processing the Notification of ABN and reference IDs for tax treatment purposes and Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) agreement form

Table 2: This table describes how to process the Notification of Australian Business Number (ABN) and reference IDs for tax treatment purposes and Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) agreement form.




Navigate to the ABAA screen + Read more ...

Ensure forms are processed in source office code GGST – key OPOQ, GGST

  • Key control line ABAA
  • Press Enter
  • Key option 1
  • Key provider’s ABN
  • Key Branch Number if it is supplied on the form, or leave it blank if not supplied
  • Press Enter

The ABEA screen will be displayed.


Update the business information from the form to the ABEA screen + Read more ...

Is the ABEA screen blank?


Update the GST information on the ABEA screen + Read more ...

Is the ABN registered for GST?

  • Yes, key Y in the Registered for GST field, along with the GST registration date, obtained from the ABR website
  • No, key N in the Registered for GST field, with no date recorded

Note: when keying N the processing date gets automatically updated in the system as the ‘start date’.


Update the Agreement information on the ABEA screen + Read more ...

Is the ABN registered for GST?

  • Yes, key the Agrees to Issue RCTI and Signed Form Received fields as Y and Y
  • No, key the Agrees to Issue RCTI and Signed Form Received fields as N and N

Press Enter.

The ABEB screen will display.

Note: the system may glitch and require a date in the valid to field, if requested, then enter 09/09/9999 and press Enter to continue.


Link the Services Australia Reference ID to ABN on the ABEB screen + Read more ...

Key information in the following fields:

Use ABN For All Payments - Y

  • ABN & Ref ID Relationship start date - date recorded in Part 12 of the form
    • If there is no date recorded on the form, use the date the application was signed and if this is not supplied use the date of lodgement
    • If the date recorded in part 12 is in the future, do not process, but pend the form in PaNDA. The form is held in PaNDA pended, with the reason- 'future release date' - enter the date from the ABN & Ref ID relationship start date. Procedure ends here
  • ABN & Ref ID Relationship end date: end date notated in Q12 of the form
    Note: if no end date notated, leave as 09/09/9999
  • Medicare Reference IDs
    • Provider No: provider number on form in (Q9)
    • Practice IDs: usually supplied in (Q11) under Other Services Australia Reference IDs, they are generally four digit numbers. (if the numbers supplied in the form are less than four, try adding zeroes as prefix)
    • Pharmacy Approval numbers (Q10) are keyed under the Approval No field
    • Other Reference IDs (Q11) are keyed under Other No.

Other Reference IDs may include:

  • Number used for Rural Retention Payments (first 6 digits of Provider Number)
  • Ancillary Provider Number- used for immunisation providers other than doctors (7 characters)
  • Billing Agent Number (8 characters)
  • Major Customer ID- for software supplier for Medclaims (8 characters)
  • Minor Customer ID- for software supplier for Medclaims (8 characters)
  • Contract Number- used for Nursing Home Medication Review payment (6 characters)
  • Location Number- for Radiation Oncology Clinics (3 digits)

Press Enter.

The ABEC screen will be displayed.


  • if the error message 1-RLNS EXISTS occurs, it maybe because the Reference ID has been previously entered in the system. However, Shift + PF6 to acknowledge the warning and proceed with the processing
  • multiple provider numbers can be keyed on the same screen under the Provider No column, PF8 for more lines


Complete ABN registration Free Form Text on the ABEC screen + Read more ...

Is the ABN registered for GST?

  • Yes, press Enter when this page is displayed as no text is required for this type of application
  • No, enter free form text ‘Not registered for GST P12345 dd/mm/yy’, then press Enter to continue

The ABED screen will be displayed.


  • If changing GST status on a previously updated record (i.e. No to Yes, Yes to No), enter free form text ‘GST changed from (Y or N) to (Y or N) dd/mm/yy (the date the registration changed) – P12345 dd/mm/yy’
  • If the provider is Tax Exempt/a charity etc. comments must be written stating 'Tax Exempt Y as per ABR website dd/mm/yy (date of exemption) - p12345 dd/mm/yy'


Complete ABN Registration Confirmation on the ABED screen + Read more ...

Does the information on the screen contain any errors?

  • Yes, use PF13 (Shift + F1) to navigate back screens and amend
  • No, Press PF3 to update and complete the application process

The ABAA screen menu will display.


Complete work in PaNDA + Read more ...

Add a note advising:

  • A – dd/mm/yy (This refers to ABN registration date in the ABR website)
  • G – dd/mm/yy (This refers to the GST registration date in the ABR website)
  • If ABR website indicates that the ABN is ‘not currently registered for GST’
  • If GST status has changed from Y to N or vice versa
  • If the provider is Tax Exempt/a charity etc. comments must be written stating 'Tax Exempt Y as per ABR website dd/mm/yy (date of exemption)
  • If you unable to link any Reference IDs record the failed ID
  • Information to advise why the form was not able to be completed such as reference ID missing

Was the form processed successfully?

  • Yes, finalise with status complete- request approved
  • No, finalise with status complete- request rejected

Processing the Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) agreement form

Table 3: This table describes how Service Officers process the Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) agreement form.




Navigate to the ABAA screen + Read more ...

Ensure forms are processed in source office code GGST – key OPOQ, GGST

  • key control line ABAA
  • press Enter
  • key option 1
  • key provider’s ABN
  • key Branch Number if it is supplied on the form, or leave it blank if not supplied
  • press Enter

The ABEA screen will be displayed.


Update the business information from the form to the ABEA screen + Read more ...

Is the ABEA screen blank?


Update the GST information on the ABEA screen + Read more ...

Is the ABN registered for GST?

  • Yes, key Y in the Registered for GST field, along with the GST registration date, obtained from the ABR website
  • No, key N in the Registered for GST field, with no date recorded
    Note: when keying N the processing date gets automatically updated in the system as the ‘start date’


Update the Agreement information on the ABEA screen + Read more ...

Key the Agrees To Issue RCTI and Signed Form Recd fields as N and N (these fields are related to the Medicare Agreement).

Note: if already recorded as Y and Y, do not adjust.

Press Enter.

The ABEB screen will display.

Note: the system may glitch and require a date in the valid to field, if requested, then enter 09/09/9999 and press Enter to continue.


Link the DVA supplier identification number on the ABEB screen + Read more ...

Key information in the following fields:

  • Use ABN For All Payments - N
  • ABN & Ref ID Relationship start date - date recorded on the form. If there is no date recorded on the form, use the date of lodgement of the form
  • ABN & Ref ID Relationship end date - End date if notated on the form. If no end date notated, leave as 09/09/9999
  • Provider Number

Press Enter.

The BGCA screen will display.


  • Multiple provider numbers can be keyed on the same screen in the Provider No column
  • If the error message 1-RLNS EXISTS occurs, it maybe because the Reference ID has been previously entered in the system. However, Shift + PF6 to acknowledge the warning and proceed with the processing


Complete the Applicable HIC Programs on the BGCA screen + Read more ...

On the BGCA screen, key the following information into the following fields:

  • Agrees to issue RCTI for WA - N
  • Agrees to issue RCTI for DVA - should always be Y
  • DVAAS and DVAMS fields - Y

Note: if more than 1 provider key Y in the DVAAS and DVAMS fields for each provider.

Press Enter.

If I-DVA RCTI CHG is displayed at the bottom of the screen, press Enter again.

The ABEC screen will display.


Complete ABN registration Free Form Text on the ABEC screen + Read more ...

Is ABN registered for GST?

  • Yes, press Enter when this page is displayed as no text is required for this type of application
  • No, enter free form text ‘Not registered for GST P12345 dd/mm/yy’

Press Enter to continue.

The ABED screen will be displayed.


  • If changing GST status on a previously updated record (i.e. No to Yes, Yes to No), enter free form text ‘GST changed from N to Y (or vice versa) dd/mm/yy (the date the registration changed) – P12345 dd/mm/yy’
  • If the provider is Tax Exempt/a charity etc. comments must be written stating 'Tax Exempt Y as per ABR website dd/mm/yy (date of exemption) - p12345 dd/mm/yy'


Complete ABN Registration Confirmation on the ABED screen + Read more ...

Does the information on the screen contain any errors?

  • Yes, use PF13 (Shift + F1) to navigate back screens and amend
  • No, press PF3 to update and complete the application process

the ABAA screen menu will display.


Complete work in PaNDA + Read more ...

Add a note advising:

  • A – dd/mm/yy (This refers to ABN registration date in the ABR website)
  • G – dd/mm/yy (This refers to the GST registration date in the ABR website)
  • If ABR website indicates that the ABN is ‘not currently registered for GST’
  • If GST status has changed from Y to N or vice versa
  • If the provider is Tax Exempt/a charity etc. comments must be written stating 'Tax Exempt Y as per ABR website dd/mm/yy (date of exemption)
  • If you unable to link any Reference IDs record the failed ID
  • Information to advise why the form was not able to be completed such as reference ID missing

Was the form processed successfully?

  • Yes, finalise with status complete- request approved
  • No, finalise with status complete- request rejected

Processing the Changes or additions to existing notifications of ABN and Medicare Australia Reference IDs for tax treatment purposes form

Table 4: This table describes how Services Officers respond to copies of the Changes or additions to existing notifications of Australian Business Number (ABN) and Medicare Australia Reference IDs for tax treatment purposes form.




This form is no longer being accepted. Reject the application + Read more ...

The provider must complete the Notification of ABN and Medicare Australia reference IDs for tax treatment purposes and Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) agreement form (HW055).

  • Reject the application, advise the provider to submit the correct form via email or telephone
  • Update processing notes in PaNDA and update the status to Complete - Request Rejected