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Goods and Services Tax (GST) adjustment processing for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) 012-19061434

This page contains information for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) Officers to check registration for Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Mainframe and prepare documentation to process GST back payments.

On this Page:

Check the provider's Australian Business Number (ABN) and GST status

Process GST back payments

Preparing a File fix to pay GST back payments

Check the provider's Australian Business Number (ABN) and GST status

Table 1: this table describes how VAP Officers check a provider’s ABN for validity and GST registration status.




Check provider's form for ABN validity on Mainframe + Read more ...

On Mainframe, key control line ABAA:

  • For provider number:
    • Key 4 in the option field
    • Press Enter
    • Key the first 7 characters of the provider number in HIC Reference ID. Note: if the provider number is shorter than 8 characters, add zeros to the beginning of the provider number
    • Key / against the program DVAAS or DVAMS of the most recent date processed (DOP field)
    • You will be returned to ABAA with the ABN supplied
  • For ABN:
    • key 2 in the option field
    • key provider’s ABN (unless already populated by the system from previous steps)
    • press Enter

The ABEA screen will display.


Check the provider's GST status + Read more ...

The following fields are used to determine the provider’s ABN and GST status:

  • ABN Registration date
  • ABN End date
  • Registered for GST
  • GST Status valid from
  • GST status valid to


Check the Program registration + Read more ...

From the ABEA screen, press Enter

Check the provider number for the adjustment is listed in the Reference field.

Check that DVAAS and DVAMS are listed in the Program column. If the More field shows an M additional programs can be viewed by keying / and pressing PF9.


Check Date of Processing (DOP) of RCTI form + Read more ...

To determine the date of processing of the GST status and calculate the 60 day limit for backdating GST adjustments:

  • From the ABAA screen:
    • key 4 in the option field
    • key the first 7 characters of the provider number in HIC Reference ID
    • check the date in the DOP column against the required program, DVAAS or DVAMS

Process GST back payments

Table 2: this table describes how VAP Overpayments Officers and VAP Helpdesk staff prepare documentation to process a GST back payment.




Confirm provider details + Read more ...

The provider's written request is identified from an adjustment fax/letter allocated in the digital workflow or emailed from the GST Programme, Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA), VAP Help Desk, HPOS or from a Local Peer Support (LPS).

Is the provider number linked to an ABN and is it Yes to GST?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, contact the provider and explain that they will need to:
    • complete a DVA RCTI agreement form and submit to the ABN/GST Team
    • the ABN supplied must be Yes to GST, and
    • the items must be GST applicable and paid on the veteran's history


Send the Vendor Information Request form to the provider + Read more ...

A provider must complete a Vendor Information Request form before a request for back payment of GST is actioned by Veterans' Affairs Processing.

Information on the form enables an account to be created in SAP GUI for the outstanding funds to be deposited into the provider’s bank account.

VAP Overpayment/Recoveries Officers will:

  • Send an email to the Help Desk requesting a Vendor form be sent to the provider. Information to be included in the email:
    • ABN
    • provider number
    • provider name
    • provider address
    • contact phone number
    • fax number
    • email address
  • Update the providers details on the GST Data Base Spreadsheet in HP Content Manager

VAP Helpdesk staff will:

  • Email the Vendor form to the provider from the Helpdesk email box
  • Check the form for accuracy when returned:
    • Banking details must match provider’s details on PDS
    • Business name must match the name of the ABN on the ABR website
    • The ABN must be Yes to GST
  • Forward the Vendor form to FINANCIAL.SHARED.SERVICES for action
  • Update the GST Data Base Spreadsheet in HP Content Manager once a vendor number has been assigned
  • Advise the Recoveries Officer of the new vendor number

VAP Overpayments officers, go to Step 5

VAP Helpdesk officers, go to Step 3


The Vender Information Request form has been returned + Read more ...

For VAP Helpdesk staff only


  • Open the Display Vendor Account screen
  • In the transaction search box key XK03
  • Press Enter

The Display Vendor:Initial screen will display.


Search for the vendor on the Display Vendor: Initial screen + Read more ...

For VAP Helpdesk staff only.

Action the following information in the following fields:

  • Company Code - key HIC
  • Purch. Organization - delete any details
  • Select Vendor - the box will turn yellow
    • left click outside the Vendor box to enable search for created vendor
  • Select Tab 2: Standard Infolink Search to search by Vendor name and/or postcode, or
    • Select Tab 4: Infolink – GST related vendor search to search by ABN
  • Change Company Code to HIC and select [start search]

Note: vendor names will appear in alphabetical order

  • Search for the vendor
  • If a name match is found, select the line and [copy] to return to the Display vendor: initial screen
  • Select [select all], then [Enter] and check names, addresses, ABN and bank account details all match
    • If all the details match, add the vendor number to the GST spreadsheet located on HPRM and email the Recoveries Officer
    • If all the details does not match, forward the Vendor form to FINANCIAL.SHARED.SERVICES for action or correction


Create VCEI documents + Read more ...

For VAP Overpayment/Recoveries Officers only.

Check the GST spreadsheet on HP Content Manager regularly. When the vendor number has been added to the spreadsheet by the VAP Helpdesk, the process continues.

Create the working document in the ADD GST folder:

  • Open the document template and [save as] with the naming convention 'Provider number - Provider Surname – ‘category’' (for example, 1234567A – SMITH - EP/PH/OT etc) in the VAP Ops drive, ADD GST recoveries folder
  • Complete the details from the ABED screen - ABN and relevant dates
  • The 60 days is counted as per the DOP field in ABAA on the Mainframe screen BJAC (option 4 of ABAA menu)

On Mainframe, locate the provider's GST claims:

  • Key the control line 'VCEI,provider#,ST/ALL,FR/DDMMYY'
    Note: to populate DDMMYY use the date requested by the provider or worked out in the above steps for 60 days
  • Press Enter

A list of all provider claims and their status from the date range will display.

  • Copy and paste all lines displayed onto the new word document in Courier New, size 10 font
  • Next to the claim details the status will display:
    • GST NOTPD, or
    • GST PAID
  • Delete all claims with the status GST PAID from the word document. These claims do not require updating
  • Highlight all claims with a DOL before the 60 days in red and move them under the document heading ‘out of scope’
  • Save the document


Prepare VPSI document - manual statement + Read more ...

Create the VPSI/statement prints document in Courier New, size 10 font

For each claim that requires updating key the control line:

  • Press Enter
  • Copy the first statement in full and paste into the word document under the heading ‘Statement, past here’
  • Subsequent statements only need the body of the statement copied and pasted into the word document
  • Add up all totals (GST, non GST, pre-GST) and add to the bottom of the statement
  • Amend the document as Charge and Payable should both be the pre-GST fee


Calculate GST components to be back paid to the provider + Read more ...

Using the copied statements, calculate:

  • Which items require GST to be applied
  • How much GST is applied
  • Total for each claim
  • Total amount

On the top of the first page of the document note the:

  • Provider’s ABN
  • Date entered on to the ABAA screen
  • ABN registered date
  • GST registered date
  • The date of the request
  • Total GST to be back paid and how many claims involved
  • Total for each claim

Save the document in the folder ‘Vendor form not received’.

If the original request is:

  • In the digital workflow, upload a copy of these documents to the digital file and file in:
    • Program: Veterans Affairs Processing
    • Work Type: VAP_FFIX – File Fix
    • Provider number: 123456X – SMITH – ADD GST
    • Add notes ‘on GST Database spreadsheet, awaiting Vendor number’, [save] and [complete]
  • Not in the digital workflow, create a new file and upload into:
    • Program: Veterans Affairs Processing
    • Work Type: VAP_FFIX – File Fix
    • Provider number: 123456X – SMITH – ADD GST
    • Add notes ‘on GST Database spreadsheet, awaiting Vendor number’, [save] and [complete]

Do not begin file fixes until a Vendor number has been assigned to the document.

Once notified of a Vendor number, update the HP Content Manager GST Spreadsheet (unless already done) and update the providers working document adding the vendor number to the body of the document and to the title (for example, 1234567A – SMITH – PH - 123456). File fixes can now begin.

Preparing a File fix to pay GST back payments

Table 3: this table describes how File fix Officers prepare a file fix before processing GST back payment to a provider.




Does GST need to be added to the provider's claim? + Read more ...

Does GST need to be added to the claim because the provider is now registered for GST on the ABAA screen?


Does GST need to be removed from the provider's claim? + Read more ...

Does GST need to be removed from the claim because the provider's GST status has changed on the ABAA screen?


When the file fix has been completed + Read more ...

When the file fixes are complete, update the working document and create the provider letter:

  • Create the amended statement using the copied statements
    • Update the header of the statement with the provider’s ABN
    • Amend all lines to reflect the pre- and post-GST amounts
    • Place an * next to all item lines with GST added
    • Total each claim and add the main total at the end with the new GST payable amount
    • At the bottom of the statement, add the line - Amount payable includes GST
    • If Direct GST is involved, make sure the line Duplicate recipient created tax invoice is also included and updated for each claim
    • Save with the naming convention of amend added, for example ‘1234567A – SMITH – PH - 123456 – amend’ into the appropriate folder
  • Complete the approved EP GST Letter to Provider template
    • Save the letter with the naming convention 'letter' added for example ‘1234567A – SMITH – PH - 123456 – letter’ into the appropriate folder
  • Convert both the letter and amended statement document to a PDF and merge together with the letter as the first page, and [save]


Overpayments/Recoveries Officers check all documents provided by the File Fix Officer + Read more ...

Check all final documents created:

  • All claims and calculations
  • Statements
  • The VAP GST covering letter

The Resources page contains a link to the VAP GST covering letter.

Twice a year the funds are released (March and September) for bulk Add GST adjustment payments:

  • Check the GST Data Base Spreadsheet
  • Sort by Vendor number
  • Convert to PDF
  • Email to Helpdesk requesting March or September’s manual payment


The VAP Helpdesk prepares for GST portion payment + Read more ...

For VAP Helpdesk staff only.

  • Add details to upload file spreadsheet
  • Obtain delegate approval for the request
  • Forward email with attachments to Treasury requesting release of funds

Treasury will confirm the payment has been sent to the provider by an email to the VAP Helpdesk. When Helpdesk officers receive this confirmation they:

  • Contact the Overpayment/Recoveries Officers by email
  • Provide authorisation for the new statements and VAP GST covering letter to be posted to the provider. The Resources page contains a link to the VAP GST covering letter.

Procedure ends here


Contact the provider and record the documents + Read more ...

For VAP Overpayment/Recoveries Officers only.

  • Print out amended statement/s (VPSI) and VAP GST covering letter/s
  • Mail statement/s and letter to the provider/s
  • File all documents in the relevant folder in the VAP Ops drive, for example EP ADD GST complete Month Year
  • Upload all documents into the digital workflow, including the funds release email and PDF using the format:
    • Program: Veterans Affairs Processing
    • Work Type: VAP_REC – Recovery
    • Naming convention Provider Number: Month YYYY Add GST payment
    • Add notes ‘funds released dd/mm/yy, statements and letters posted dd/mm/yy’, [save] and [complete]
  • Email the Helpdesk with confirmation the documents have been posted and include stats:
    • Month YYYY payment run
    • How many providers
    • How many claims file fixed
    • How many hours to complete (all ROs, SOs to record time taken)
    • Total GST paid