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Eligibility and Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) practice registration for Diagnostic Imaging (DI) and Radiation Oncology (RO) 012-41040000

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

Comment templates

Table 1:

Action taken


Recommendation by Service Officer to register a new DI/RO practice and allocate an LSPN.

(PDS and PaNDA)

All sections checked and keyed, sent for delegate approval.

Recommendation by Service Officer to register a new DI/RO practice and allocate an LSPN as part of a relocation.

(PDS and PaNDA)

Practice relocated from (previous LSPN number).

All sections checked and keyed, sent for delegate approval.

LSPN cancelled at the request of the practice (closed).

Cancellation request received from (signatory name). LSPN closed effective (DD/MM/YY).

LSPN cancelled at the request of the practice (closed) as part of a relocation.

Cancellation request received from (signatory name) as part of relocation to (new LSPN). LSPN closed effective (DD/MM/YY).

Decision by Service Officer to not register a new DI/RO practice and allocate an LSPN.

(PaNDA only)

Application for new DI/RO practice registration refused because (reason(s) the application could not be processed).

Accreditation recorded/updated on LSPN record.

(PaNDA only)

Accreditation report received from (accreditor) on (date of lodgement) processed.

Equipment added/updated on an existing LSPN record.

(PaNDA only)

(Equipment code(s)) equipment (added/end dated/upgraded)

Practice registration renewed.

(PaNDA only)

Registration renewed.

Business details changes (any change which requires a new effective start date).

(PaNDA and PDS)

(Business details) changed from (old) to (new) with an effective start date of (dd/mm/yy).

MM1 MRI request escalated (Service Officer and LPS).

(PaNDA only)

Request for MM1 Medicare eligible MRI received. Escalated to (LPS/PE) for consideration by Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging Team.

MM2-7 MRI request processed.

(PaNDA only)

MR1 machine (serial number) added after confirming practice in MM(2-7) location.

Backdating request escalated.

(PaNDA only)

Request to backdate (equipment code/MRI provider number) received. Escalated for consideration by Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging Team.

Adding/updating authorised representative details.

(PaNDA only)

(Name) added as (first/second) contact; (name) removed.

Adding/updating associate/staff details (form).

(PaNDA only)

(Name) (added/removed) as (administrator/staff).

Adding/updating associate/staff details (phone call).

(PDS only)

(Name) called to (add/remove) (themself/name) as (administrator/staff); (RA number) added.

(Name) called to change (contact detail) from (old) to (new).

MRI provider(s) added.

(PaNDA only)

Provider (s) added as MRI provider after confirming eligibility and location requirements are met.

MRI provider(s) not added.

(PaNDA only)

(Provider number(s)) not added as MRI provider due to (not meeting (eligibility/location) requirements/already linked).

Note: include the provider number of each person not added to the record

Multiple requests noted.

(PaNDA/PDS as required for comment type)

Application processed, including:

- change 1

- change 2

- etc

Application includes incorrect/incomplete requests.

(PaNDA only)

The following was not processed as it was incorrectly completed:

- change 1

- change 2

- etc

Refusal letter drafted and sent to applicant.

Information not processed as it is already present on the LSPN record.

(PaNDA only)

(Information) not processed, as it is already recorded.

Delegate decision to register a new DI/RO practice.

(PaNDA and PDS)

APS5 delegate approval granted under 23DZQ of the Health Insurance Act 1973 after confirming all requirements have been met.

Delegate decision to not register a new DI/RO practice.

(PaNDA and PDS)

APS5 delegate approval not granted under 23DZQ of the Health Insurance Act 1973 as the following requirements have not been met:

(reason for refusal)

Practice Registration suspended.

(PaNDA only)

Registration suspended by APS5 delegate under 23DZX of the Health Insurance Act 1973 after confirming no response received within response period.

Practice Registration cancelled.

(PaNDA only)

Registration cancelled by EL1 delegate under 23DZY of the Health Insurance Act 1973 after confirming no response received within compliance period.

System issue escalated.

(PaNDA and PDS)

(Issue) escalated with screenshots for investigation by Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging Team.

Investigating LSPN errors for claims

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\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngInvestigating errors for Diagnostic Imaging (DI) and Radiation Oncology (RO) claims

Calculating the effective life age of equipment

Note: the date from which the age of equipment is worked out is:

  • the date that the equipment was first installed in Australia; or
  • if the equipment was imported as used equipment, the date of manufacture of the oldest component

Table 2


New effective life age

Maximum extended life age

The maximum extended life age for DI equipment applies where equipment has been upgraded on or before its effective life age, that is, 10 years for ultrasound, 15 years for X-ray.


10 years

15 years


10 years

15 years


10 years

15 years

Nuclear medicine (excluding PET)

10 years

15 years

Fluoroscopy, X-ray, OPG

15 years

20 years


10 years

20 years

Equipment types – diagnostic imaging

Table 3

Equipment type

Equipment names and codes


Doppler (with echo) (UD1), Doppler (without echo) (UD2), Non-doppler (with echo) (UN1), Non-doppler (without echo) (UN2)

Computed tomography

CT Gantry (GAN)


X-ray (XR1)




Mammography (MM1)


Angiography (AN1)


Fluoroscopy (FL1)

Nuclear medicine equipment (other than PET)

Gamma camera (GC1)

Positron emission tomography (PET)


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

MRI – fully eligible (MR1), MRI – partially eligible (MR3), MRI – ineligible (MR4)

Equipment types – radiation oncology

Table 4

Equipment type

Equipment names and codes


Brachytherapy – Autoafter (RB1), Brachytherapy – Manual (RB2)

Treatment Planning

CT Interface Computer (RC1), Integrated Network System (RIN)

Linear Accelerator / Megavoltage

Dual Linear Accelerator (RD1), Linear Accelerator (RL1)


Orthovoltage Unit (RO1), Superficial Unit (RS3)


Simulator (RS1), CT Simulator (RS2)


Cobalt Unit (RU1)


Application to register or amend a diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice form (HW061)

Note: this form and any supporting documentation can be uploaded and submitted through HPOS. See the Services Australia website. If the form has been received via form upload, then correspondence must be delivered via HPOS. Forms received via HPOS can be identified, as the naming convention will contain the letters HPOS. For example, YYYYMMDD.HPOS12345678_ WorkID.WorkType.

For more details, see the Process page in Health Professional Online Services Support Mail Centre - Managing emails from health professionals.

Contact details

Health professionals contact information

Medicare Provider Registration