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Claims for Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) for Medicare 012-41040050

This document outlines details regarding payment of LSPN claims for diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology services.


To be eligible for Medicare benefits for diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology services, individual providers must include the following on a patient's account:

  • receipts or bulk bill claims (including electronic claims)
  • the LSPN of the practice site or base for mobile equipment where the service was provided

Patient notification

The Health Insurance Act 1973 states a proprietor of an unregistered diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology premises, including mobile bases, must notify the patient, either in writing, or by a written notification which is predominantly displayed that no Medicare benefit is payable. The References page contains the relevant section and a link to the Act.

If, at the time of the service, the patient or claimant is not notified that a Medicare benefit is not payable, they can apply to the delegate for approval to receive a Medicare benefit.

Check claim for LSPN

Before Medicare benefits are paid, check:

  • claims for the inclusion of an LSPN
  • the item claimed has the appropriate equipment recorded at the LSPN to perform the service

The Resources page contains links to contact details, the VG4 form and the LSPN declaration form.